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Truck sharing !


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As we all know, the ever escalating cost of fuel is making our hobby no mean undertaking and to be honest, I have been a little overwhelmed by the level of interest in this Mini-Bolero weekend, as I imagined that the price of petrol would deter many from attending........


..........that said, their are several operators attending this event with trucks from far and wide (including two GMC trucks driving from North Wales to Suffolk for the event and the real possibility of one HMVF'er even driving his GMC all the way from Scotland..........the mind boggles!


I have also had a number of enquiries from people who want to come to the event but either do not have a military vehicle or not an applicable vehicle or a vehicle under restoration that wont be finished in time. As the entire event does have an educational theme running through it along with my personal passion to publicise the wartime heroics of the USAAF in England at every opportunity, I do not want to deny enthusiastic people from attending simply because they do not have a WWII Allied Military Vehicle to bring.


Therefore taking these points on board and thinking of the costs involved of running a truck around all weekend, I have come up with the idea of truck sharing - Which will help YOU the owner/operator and THEM.


I am simply looking to make a list of owners who would be willing to offer non-vehicle participants a seat on the Saturday Convoy (approx. 70 miles in total) prior to the event, so that it is one less thing for me to organise come the day. Maybe we could kick-off with HMVF'ers who follow these 'Operation Bolero' threads on here and who can tell me their name, their vehicle and how many seats they have available. I will simply tell the non-vehicle participants who are willing to take passengers (maybe even have a list distributed within the welcome pack) and then for simplicity, the arrangements you make between yourselves are entirely your own affair. That said, I would suggest that for a full-day 70 mile trip in arguably the most authentic WWII vehicle convoy since Bolero 2007, you should be looking at £10 per person minimum fuel contributions.


Sadly in this politically correct and suing society that we find ourselves living in, it is vital that you make your passengers fully aware that they are not paying you to travel (as this is almost certainly in contravention of your individual insurance policy) but making an entirely voluntarily contribution towards (some) of your fuel expenses. I would also suggest that you take no money from them until after you return back to base at the end of the day's traveling and they have safely alighted from the back of your truck without breaking a leg on your wobbly ladder! I know it sounds petty and you are actually doing THEM a service, but if things turn grizzly for whatever reason, you don't want anyone turning around to you and saying "I paid you to ride aboard your truck," so only request their voluntary donation after everyone is off the vehicle and still in one piece!


I really hope that last paragraph hasn't put anyone off, but as a responsible event co-ordinator asking you guys to offer your available seats to strangers, it is only fair that I point these things out to you. Lets face it, the whole event is basically attended entirely at your own risk because as an entirely volunteer organiser who makes absolutely nothing out of the event and with no financial backing or support, I refuse to go down the strict H & S route, as the event would simply never take place if I did. That said, I personally think it is all about good old fashioned 'common sense' and implementing it wherever possible.


I trust this meets with your approval.

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It would be nice to think that nobody will be left without a ride, but I hope no one will be offended if vehicle drivers politely decline to fill their trucks up beyond a certain capacity - some insurers impose a limit on the number of persons covered by the policy (typically 7 or 8 including driver - may be based on PSV limitations?).

Edited by N.O.S.
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Just waiting on confirmation from haulage company and then hopefully we will be attending and we will have space in tha back of our GMC for 4-5 (you will have to put up with me and the cubelets though!!!!!!!! :D)

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  • 2 months later...
Same goes for me. Clive, would you mind if I set up a stall selling wheelbarrow inner tubes inflated to 2.5 psi for the benefit of those riding all that way in the back of a GMC?


Sorry Tony - Over two months later and i've just noticed your comment - Very good!


Reminds me of the sketch in Dads Army where Private Godfrey comes into the Church Hall with his rubber ring that the doctor has recommended and he is complaining that nobody wraps things up any more. As Corporal Jones says "They could have put a bit of paper around it Mr. Godfrey - its a disgrace that you should have to walk down the street carrying that!"

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Mike Warner (past Suffolk Area Secretary) sent me this one-liner yesterday which really amused me and I thought I would share with you!




I may well bring along the only item that I have that is currently road worthy, my BSA push bike. Sadly I cannot give anybody a lift, but would surely appreciate a tow up the hills!"

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