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The Colmar incident (WWII)


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A very interesting incident happened during the latter months of WWII when a cryptographic device went missing.


As the Allied arm.es were preparing foi the final

assault into Germany during the waning months of

World War II. an event occurred which had the makings

of a major disaster. An advancing U.S. Army division lost

a SIGABA. 'he cryptographic machine used for the

high..t level> of U.S. communications. This type of

machine was a vital part of a world-wide Combined

(UK/US) communications system. and should it fall into

enemy hands. the r..ults could be devastating. All of the

Allied war plans for the: spring assault into Germany,

for ..ample. had been enciphered by SIGABA. as well as

arrangements for Pr~idenr Roosevelt's pending trip to

Yalta. And it was the only highly seeure U.S. cipher

system available romany U.S. units in Europe at that




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