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my name is Andy, I own a WWII MV restoration shop over in the US but am also a collector.


I currently have in my collection the following vehicles :

M18 Hellcat, M5A1 Stuart, M-8 Armored Car, 2 M20 Armored Cars, WC-53,WC-51, T-24 Weasel, 45 Jeep, OT-810 Halftrack, M-818 5 Ton Truck (for hauling).





Glad to be on board, the folks we did the engine for (Ken, Adam) (that are doing the sherman in the other thread) put me on to this site. I use the G503 over in the states - same sort of thing - good resource for finding info/parts etc...


Radials can be a tough nut, if you have any questions let me know, I'm sure we can help you out. :-)


You can email me directly at andy@ww2mv.com if need be


Andy, nice to see you on 'here'.

People of HMVF, Andy is a very good guy to deal with, has been very helpful to us with the Sherman and has unearthed some parts for us - so much so that another set of challenges is winging it's way towards him....



Hi guys, thank's Jim/Ken/Adam for the kind words - my wife would beg to differ :D



Jim, we have kept all the canvas in the boxes so they wouldn't get dirty while we finish up paint etc.. Rear body is going on as I speak, once it's all together I will take a bunch of photo's and put them up on the site and send them to you as well. As I told you earlier though, the customer has tons of "clown-car" add-ons so don't blame us for all of the wackiness you will see!


For all of my photo albums to date, you can go here : http://pictures.ww2mv.com/

This is a mish-mash of both my personal vehicles and customer vehicles/projects.


My old site that I haven't updated in a long time but still has a bunch of photo's is :




Welcome aboard Andy.


And more than welcome to come over and give Ken and Adam a hand with the Sherman as we need it up and running in the next 20 months in time for A&E 2012 :coffee:

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