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Bad Lads Army..!


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Il ive just up the road from 'camp sandford' as they have called it it is actually filmed in Holton Heath in the site of the old Royal Navy cordite factory called RNCF Holton Heath

Us locals think it's a bit of an insult, that they can't use the correct title or camp Holton Heath as Sandford is not Holton Heath.......


On my soap box Jerry

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For some reason I had a feeling that it was in Dorset :-o


Wonder who supplied the vehicles.......?


Would like to see the Provo when he lets rip - need to put him into some pubs in Poole :-D

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It's one of these "reality" type shows. Basically they take a dozen or so scum-bags - the so-called "Bad Lads" - and put them into a 1950's Army environment for about 4 weeks. Idea being to see how many quit vs how many last.

They've done 2 so far - one as O.R's and one as Officers. This lot are, I believe supposed to be Para's. :?


As my old man is often heard to say it's a very, VERY, sanitized version of the 1950's Army life - esp. where the Provost Sargeant-Major and his aides are concerned....


Worth watching though at times just to hear these so-called "hard nuts" whingeing about the treatment. :-) :-)

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Unfortunately the NCO'S only have the verbal threat and cannot back it up,. and these w--kers know it

What would be far mare use is to allow the NCO'S to give a 'clean shirt' or two suppose not PC or good telly.............





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Unfortunately the NCO'S only have the verbal threat and cannot back it up,. and these w--kers know it

What would be far mare use is to allow the NCO'S to give a 'clean shirt' or two suppose not PC or good telly.............







Oh - I don't know - I think there might be a lot of decent law-abiding people who would love to see scum like this on the receiving end of a hob-nailed boot. Might make them feel justice can still be seen to be done despite the best efforts of the B.H.L's currently ruining things... :x:x:x

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the fourth Series.

In the beginning there was Lads Army, in which the lads weren't bad.

And Lads Army begat Bad Lads Army, in which the lads were bad.

And behold, Bad Lads Army did beget Bad Lads Army - Officer Class, in which the lads were bad and they were going to make National Service Officers of them (and former cavalryman Lord Brocket did a Big Brother's Little Brother-type follow-up after the main feature).

Bad Lads Army Extreme has worn incredibly thin.




Mind I (and I suspect all of you) would like to see Bad Lads Army - The Gruntcrunchers in which the Lads are trained to drive Centurions all over Bovvy or Tidworth. But here's the catch:


Every day they have to change the tracks or the engine or whatever. That'd teach the little feckers the meaning of work.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately the NCO'S only have the verbal threat and cannot back it up,. and these w--kers know it

What would be far mare use is to allow the NCO'S to give a 'clean shirt' or two suppose not PC or good telly.............







I did enjoy last night when "Cpl" Nauyokas told a scumball that it was a good job he could only threaten him verbally cos he was "this" (holds thumb and forefinger a millimetre apart a millimetre from scumball's eyeball) far from [EXPLETIVE PRESENT PARTICIPLE DELETED] him.


Scumball didn't even flinch. So they booted him out. His loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So 2 episodes in one night, I guess the ratings must be poor and they have rescheduled it?


Hopefully we may have seen the last of this format where a bunch of scumbags get a para jump at someone else's expense. I noticed that one of them at least had the decency to ask for his face to be blanked out on screen - not much point in taking part in a TV program though heh?


May they rest in legitimate obscurity - none of your BB celebs here thank God :argh:

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