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Legal requirements

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Hello again,after my introduction post AKA the virgins I need some help.

So after this post not only will it be clear that we are VIRGINS to the world of MV's but we are also complete NUMPTIES. So if or when you meet us please feel free to call us either as long as a cuppa tea goes with it :-D


So what we need to know is

1, we have no tax disc I know the vehicle is exempt but should we have a disc (I think so) and if so how do we get one.

2 I understand that the vehicle is also MOT exempt,should we have some sort of paper work to give to Mr Plod when we get pulled up,(sorry should mention at this stage that I ALWAYS get pulled) even at airports and docks :red:.

We received no documents at the sale other than the tear off from the V5 (which has not returned from the DVLA after about 5 weeks )


So shall I go into TOTAL PANIC mode OR can some of you great and kind people offer any advise



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A vehicle should display a tax disc as failure to display - even nil rated, is a £60 ticket but a lot of MV owners dont bother. Personally I do as it helps smooth things over in event of a stop. There is no paper work to prove mot exempt unless you wish to carry a copy of the regs exempting your vehicle or a copy of the V112g. I can mail you copies if you pm me your details.

If the vehicle is already registered with dvla then you can apply for new paperwork. 5 weeks does seem a long time, are you sure the previous keeper sent it off ok?

Hope this helps.


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No don't panic

in a nutshell...


Test: Test Exemption is probably on the V112G form (downloadable from the net) although theres a bit of a review on at the moment regarding exemption elligability (check out Antar Mikes thread on the subject he's our man in Havannah)


Tax: yes you must show a current one as you would with the car but you simply don't get charged for it at the post office...12 months free :-D

Same rigmeroll at the post office... log book, current insurance and MOT (or in the case of the GMC probably the V112g form... I think, in place of an MOT certificate)

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Well fella's what can I say,after only a few seconds,music to my ears,no need to panic..............yet.

Thanks very much,the tea and biccies will be on me.:-D

Just looking for the next thing to panic about. If anyone needs a Dental chair repairing I'm your man :cheesy:.



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Five weeks does seem a bit long but your registration paper should turn up soon . If it doesn't arrive within the next week I think you need to call up DVLA and enquire . I found they were pretty helpful when the papers for my car went astray somewhere & sorted it out in no time at all .

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