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The afternoon is now officially written off!


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Having just done Roast silverside of Beef, Swede and Carrot mash, Cauli, Broccolli, Sprouts and Leeks, Roast tatties and Roast Parsnips, Yorkshire puds, Gravy and Cheese sauce for the family, I declare that it is time for an Adnam's Broadside, followed by another one, and a Whisky Mac because I have a cold.


It all turned out very well and now I am gonna relax....


And comtemplate whether I am gonna do the road run to the local pub on Boxing day.....Now what shall I take?

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Just heard the news this evening. Petrol is going up to £1.25p a Liter!!!:argh: Doesnt this Government rob us enough?

Great news for the people who own gas guzzlers!

My Rl does 10Mpg, I will certainlyhave to be selective as to what shows I will be attending this comming year! :(


more revenue to give away to other EU countries then?............:argh:


A Disilusioned Mike. :cry:

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not good news mate,......


You can say that again!


Right! Fu** it! Im just opening a Bottle of sparkling wine that I WAS going to see the new year in with.

I cant see much ahead worth clebrating tonight!


So, Ok Boys & Girls, thats it from me for this year.

May I wish each & every one of you all the very best for the comming new year.

Let's hope there is something nice for us all in 2010!


Cheers everybody!!!!!!!!! :wave:

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It would be rude not too - I will join you!


Cheers Jack! Happy New Years Day Mate!

Sorry you couldnt get here, must have been all that snow! :shocked:

Well.....It's 10.00am here in Ashford (Kent) & it's now lovely & sunny.

But, there is snow everywhere! A bit late for a white Christmas here!


Hope you had a nice time anyway Jack :-D


Happy new years day to EVERYONE on the forum.

Let's hope 2010 brings us at least a little of what we wish for?........:wave:

Best Wishes, Mike. :yay:

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