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RAF Series 1 Land-Rovers

Ivor Ramsden

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I've just got the dismantled remains of one of the first RAF 80" Series 1 Land-Rovers for restoration. It's a mid 1950 one, RAF number 23AA70 (they started at 23AA06). It was supplied in RAF blue but it looks like it was used for crash rescue as it's got several coats of red paint over the blue. I'm short of reference material, does anyone have any period photos of RAF Series 1s?


Right now I'm at the standing and looking stage but I'll be doing a restoration blog once I get started.


This is what it looked like when new, and what it will look like when I've done.


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Try thumbing through 'Quarter Ton' the story of the quarter ton, 4x4, utility in British military service, 1941-1958 by Pat Ware. I have it, but not at hand at the moment.


Nice project, BTW. Was this the "kit" that was offered on MilWeb last summer?



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Thanks for the tip, Hanno. I've had a look and there's nothing in the Pat Ware book on RAF Land-Rovers but there are some good photos of Army S1s.


I got the "kit" through the Land Rover Series 1 Club Forum site, I don't know if it was on Milweb previously but the previous owner has had it for several years. It came with a V5 and the original buff log book, which is nice. It was demobbed in 1958 which is early compared to most Army 80s.


Clive's photo from the Air Publication shows it on split rims. This is interesting because the Army 80s didn't have split rims originally although some were retro-fitted. The description of the vehicle in the AP also mentions split rims. My period factory photo is a bit unclear in the wheel area but I think it's on split rims too.

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  • 13 years later...

Possibly  but unlikely.

But as LR's have a high survival rate in comparsion with other vehicles  it may be still around. Identifying it would be main  problem unless anyone has researched and published its history.


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It's possible you may be able to pick up a scent trail but it's late in the day - have you tried a enquiry at the RAF Museum (I think it's the Hendon address)  as unlike Army (Royal Logistics Museum) - they keep RAF vehicle disposal records , you should get stations posted & final demob.   IIRC  - I received some info. from them on two Rovers that were in fact later Tri-service but always  with RAF - one was at Laarbruch & Marham & the other only at Falklands.

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