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Tanks, tack & Tanglefoot

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For the first time since I can remember I had a weekend off.


So I thought I would have a break from all of the war stuff and history. Turning your hobby into your business has many many plus points. But is also has some not so good points - it means that you never have a break.


We have never done so many shows as we have this year. It takes time to get ready for them and time to get over them. And you tend to just talk shop if you are at a show just as a member of public. Even if I am at a show as a member of public and I see one of our tents there then I will go over and say hi and make sure everyone is happy with their purchase.


Time for a weekend off.


So Saturday then, Jess and I took the GMC down to Bovington Tank Museum! And Sunday I went to Napoleonic reenactors show!!!!



- I need a hobby!!!!!



The first set of pictures are of the King Tiger. The amount of times I have looked at it and wondered how the damage was caused on the side of the Tiger. Bovinginton is improving all the time and now there are many 'guides' on stand by to talk you through any of the tanks. So now we know what caused this damage. It was by a Firefly hitting it twice. Underneath you can see where the shell hit and glanced off. The Firefly crew most of been scratching your their heads when that happened!!









Then Sunday it was off to my old agricultural college where all those years ago I meant the Mrs Beckett to be:iloveyou:Bit of a trip down memory lane. Then found our old year photo on the wall - I am in there somewhere ;)


It was at the college that the Napoleonic reenactors had their show and it is a relevant place for them too. The water meadows around the college were actually built by Napoleonic POW's.








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Hold on a minute..........according to your age on your post header, you are 65, date of photo is 1987/88, that makes you around 43 at time of photo.........so.....you must be on the front row !


Thanks Richard - love you too.

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