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Hi there,


I'm new to the military vehicle scene and was thinking about getting my first vehicle.


Does anyone have any recommndations as to the best vehicle to get as a strater. I was going to go for something a little bit different to the Landrover route (not that there's anything wrong with them!). I was looking at possibly a Sugga.


Does anyone have any thoughts on one of these or should I be thinking of something else.



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I suppose it depends on how much money you have got, storage, what you would like to drive, what you can afford to repair....


The 'elders' will be able to add some more but don't be to scared by it all, my motto is ' bite off more than you can chew, as you can always spit it out'


Best wishes.



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I suppose it depends on how much money you have got, storage, what you would like to drive, what you can afford to repair....


The 'elders' will be able to add some more but don't be to scared by it all, my motto is ' bite off more than you can chew, as you can always spit it out'


Best wishes.



jacks right,i was the same didn't want a landrover so ended up with a saracen,but then still bought a landrover to smoke aroud in! :roll:

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Hi Leithreas,

Yes you probably want something like a Landy, but if you have enough money I would advise you to get a Daimler Ferret, I done that 4-5 years ago, (only because my son was tugging my arm off) and I have never regretted it since, best fun i've ever had on four wheels. It turns a lot of heads and gets a lot of attention at shows too.

Good Luck.


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Ask yourself,

1:- How much can you afford.

2: How much space have you got.

3:-What do you want to use if for.


My ideal vehicle would be a FV432 (radio relay format), but I havn't got anywhere to store it (preferably under cover), and I'd could only afford to have it taken to 1 show a year if I was lucky.


A sugga might be a nice vehicle to start with-somebody here will be able to advise you on spares avaliability etc.

Obviously, whatever you get, show us the photo's. :D

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What ever you buy first try and get something that is already on the road, or not far off. If you start with a wreck which is going to take you a long time to finish you may get bored, fed up and lose interest. We started with an on the road Champ, progressed to a wrecked Ferret and have restored several vehicles since. Get something you can use and enjoy to start with, even if it isn't perfect, then if you're keen move on to more serious projects.



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What ever you buy first try and get something that is already on the road, or not far off. If you start with a wreck which is going to take you a long time to finish you may get bored, fed up and lose interest. We started with an on the road Champ, progressed to a wrecked Ferret and have restored several vehicles since. Get something you can use and enjoy to start with, even if it isn't perfect, then if you're keen move on to more serious projects.




Excellent advice!!!!!

Whilst looking for a Stalwart we viewed a few at the lower end of the price scale that were in need of much work on the bais of beign a project. We were given the same advice by another Stalwart owner though and, looking back at the ones we had seen compared to the one we are buying, the good sense of this advice becomes glaringly obvious.

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we started off with a landrover & then bought another & then bought another & eventually we sold them & bought the Bedford mw. then came the replica kdf then the bike & then the jimmy along with 5 or six trailers along the way.

money & space are a huge factor in what vehicles we have had especially as it was being used on a daily basis as a second vehicle to the family car. i still have a soft spot for the lany though.

the parts are plentiful the kit & uniforms are cheap & in huge supply & even the last of the series 3 s are over 20 years old now.

keep your options open & your wallet tightly closed untill you are 100% sure it is what you want or something 'speaks to you'. and always take someone in the know with you.

happy hunting



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