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Everything posted by MatchFuzee

  1. The de Havilland Aircraft Museum is currently fund raising for a new hangar. If the hangar is still looking for a new home perhaps you or the farmer could contact the museum. http://www.dehavillandmuseum.co.uk/ Another museum that may like it, is the Newark Air Museum:- http://www.newarkairmuseum.org/
  2. Always disappointing when a museum doesn't reply. The Royal Signals Museum also covers encryption, interception and spy radio, so maybe worth contacting along with Bletchley. http://www.royalsignalsmuseum.co.uk/ww1-ww2-communications/
  3. Not an ultrasonic wrench but have you seen an induction heater? A useful thread here:- http://pub25.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2099944454&frmid=5&msgid=1020410&cmd=show A review of the Sykes-Pickavant Induction Heater Plus:- http://www.toolbusiness.co.uk/reviews/The-New-Induction-Heater-Plus-From-Sykes-Pickavant-Leave-No-Bolt-Unstuck
  4. If you are using you trailer on the road it appears from paragraph (2) that you need them:- http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1986/1078/regulation/63/made You could have mudguards that are easy to fit and remove, when you are at a show no mudguards but fitted for road use.
  5. As a non French speaker, I cheated and let Google translate for me.
  6. The increase in subscription only appears to be for UK not overseas members. Tim Hawkes safety@mvt.org.uk is the person to ask for the definitive answers to your questions.
  7. Information and videos are now online:- http://www.mvt.org.uk/copy-of-code-of-conduct
  8. Supplier of new replacement charge pumps with external relief arrangements:- http://www.petebriddon.co.uk/products.html
  9. The log in/registration page has gone from the MVT site so the videos aren't available yet. Hopefully it will be back before too long.
  10. MVT's proposed personal public liability insurance explained. Your questions answered by Tim Hawkes:- http://www.mvt.org.uk/ Hopefully this will give us all answers. I can't comment on the videos yet, as I have only just registered and I'm now waiting to be approved.
  11. The ones on Clark's site weren't right type/price then?
  12. I believe that the information will be sent out with the voting form in this month's Windscreen. This time, we are not being asked to vote without all the facts.
  13. I was also at the AGM and after Tim's presentation changed from being against PLI to voting for it. I even overheard one of the other members at the AGM saying "he was sure that if his fellow area members who had voted no by proxy had been given Tim's presentation before voting that they would have yes". At our next area meeting I will even be promoting that we all vote yes in the postal ballot when we receive it.
  14. Is this the type of hasp and staple that you need? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/192089052926?chn=ps&adgroupid=40176066202&rlsatarget=pla-280078174777&abcId=923916&adtype=pla&merchantid=113076399&poi=&googleloc=9045421&device=c&campaignid=738210941&crdt=0 If yes, just there are more here:- https://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=&oq=wire+hasp&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GZAZ_enGB367GB367&q=wire+hasp+and+staple&gs_l=hp..0.0j0i22i10i30j0i22i30l2j0i22i10i30.,ss:44&tbm=shop&start=20&*&spd=16784377588368017185&spf=1
  15. Caption for right picture "The Lanchesters are carried using Lee Enfield slings" https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=MuGsf0psjvcC&pg=PA252&lpg=PA252&dq=designated+sling+for+the+Lanchester&source=bl&ots=K6-wCbNF7D&sig=GOK7kDsPFiuUoHlW5amMVj0Lqn0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjrt9OzhPzSAhWhKsAKHVs4AbgQ6AEIOzAE#v=onepage&q=designated%20sling%20for%20the%20Lanchester&f=true
  16. There is a Lanchester in the Royal Armouries collection but the image doesn't show it with a sling. Might still be worth contacting them. https://collections.royalarmouries.org/object/rac-object-277571.html
  17. The mixer should be able to tell how much paint you need.
  18. If you are happy with your "prototype" cab and assuming that the door frame is non loadbearing, can't you cut a curve out of it to match the cab's roof?
  19. Is your tin of paint matt because BS381C 224 DBG is available in gloss, semi gloss, satin and matt?
  20. Guy-ropes:- http://www.clarkmasts.com/mast-accessories/guying-equipment/7/guy-ropes/'>http://www.clarkmasts.com/mast-accessories/guying-equipment/7/guy-ropes/'>http://www.clarkmasts.com/mast-accessories/guying-equipment/7/guy-ropes/ Other accessories:- http://www.clarkmasts.com/mast-accessories/guying-equipment/7/
  21. Have you contacted Bletchley Park or The RAF Museum:- http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/london/
  22. You are correct about Bletchley Park having a machine:- http://www.denniskenny.com/bletchley-park-the-syko-machine/
  23. An old thread but see post #2. Parts list is book #19. http://mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14483
  24. Its me, Does your current policy with Carol Nash and any quotes for new cover include public liability insurance? If you are a member of the MVT, remember that shortly, you may have PLI as part of your membership, depending how the vote goes at the AGM and who wants to pay for PLI twice?
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