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Everything posted by LarryH57

  1. It is a typical 'flimsy' used before the British Army captured Jerry cans in North Africa and started using them and making our own.
  2. Hi all, I decided to get the other fuel tank I have owned for years and inspect it after it's been hidden in the loft. As you will see the rear support bracket is cracked and the hole enlarged probably when it fell out when the front bolts were removed and the rear one was not. It has broken the hole and wrenched the fixing bracket away from the tank. Strangely the other side of the bracket looks secure. So if the tank was cleaned out so that there was not a whiff of petrol could it be welded?
  3. I have a collection of fuel filler caps for my Lwt and I have heard of the importance in getting a proper seal in them. The first one has a paper seal or rather what is left of it, as in the photo. The other two have very thin black rubber seals and the others none. Why are there two options and which is correct? Equally the tank needs a seal round the filler hole and the one I removed did not have one!
  4. Btw - can anyone say if the fuel tanks in Lwts were under sealed in the factory as the one I removed has the sides and underside covered but strangely not the front and rear which would have been more logical?
  5. Guys if you ever remove a fuel tank from a Lwt then tie off bit of wood and place one bit inside the filler hole and tie it to another over the seat supports. If you take all the bolts out it will not move. This is easier than supporting it from below.
  6. I'm certainly not offended by any remarks??? Also looking at the problem in a different way, if I opened the door and removed the U shaped bracket I could at least get the Lwt reversed into the garage. Refitting the U bracket that would be over the engine I could with a helper actually see if the tilt is going to hit the mechanism when I drive out as measurement of the height of the vehicle variously suggests I have between 1 to zero cm clearance!
  7. Guys thanks so much for your replies, to my question. Regards making the up and over garage door purely manual, unfortunately the door is locked by the electric mechanism so if it was removed the door could be opened by anyone. There is no key or handle on the outside. So I will try bolting a bracket across the u to retain its shape and removing 2cm of the bottom.
  8. Do you think having a gauze filter is essential for my new replacement tank? I have a filter bowl on the carb and another in the fuel line leading to it?
  9. More of an observation than anything else but in every Lwt fuel tank I have inspected it seems that the gauze filter on the end of the down pipe has been purposely ripped open at the end. Presumably in it's intended form it must have got clogged and starved the engine of fuel. See photo. So is it worth fitting new ones to my replacement tank?
  10. Spotted in Poole, Dorset; a 24v Lwt.
  11. I have use of a garage for my Lwt but the electric door mechanism is 1 cm too low for the official height of a Lwt and in any case I have 7.50 tyres. As you will see from the photo the v shaped bracket is the bit that reduces the height available, when I reverse in. Has anyone else had this problem? Would a chain instead of the v bracket still work?
  12. I think under the law of property there is no time limit so if your Van Gogh painting was stolen in 1960 and subsequently found in the year 2020, it is still yours. My suggestion is, assuming the vehicle is actually stolen is to make the MOD a reasonable offer to own it and recover it from its location, which I guess they would agree. It would possibly cost them more to do the recovery. In 2007 the MOD sold EE Canberra jets for c £1 as long as the owner paid for the removal.
  13. I could email photos of mine. PM your email address to me. Kind regards LarryH57
  14. What kind of mv is it? A Centurion tank might be a problem to claim as your own!
  15. I guess my Lwt that runs on fuel perhaps 6 months old would be a better user of old fuel than my car which has also sorts of management systems and warning lights! But apart from sediment is there any other dangers like water in the fuel, not that I saw any?
  16. Strangely I remembered I had a WW2 styrup pump that I bought at a jumble sale for £3. After I removed the leg by drilling out the rivets, it worked a treat on pumping out the 30 lts of petrol! Now that the leg with circular foot has been removed I can restore it. I gave it a clean in case the petrol affected the seals. Now of course, what shall I do with the old fuel which is 2 or 3 years old?
  17. I complained to the Iwm that it was impossible to find a photo by the iwms own reference! So if for example I wanted a photo that I knew existed in say batch NA15901 to 15999, I could not search through 100 photos to find it. I got a rather laim response
  18. The original flat caps on the Lwt hub were required as two Lwts could fit side by side in an AW Argosy aircraft and generally speaking everything on the Lwt was produced to keep the width to 5 feet.. However in later years when the Lwt was just as likely to be issued to a non Airborne unit the standard hub end was fitted at the factory as they are inter changeable. Also older hubs are getting rarer.
  19. In changing the fuel tank in my Lwt I hit a problem in that the drain plug nut just wont budge as it has been on there for 40 years. I need a hand held no fuel pump to remove about 20 litres of old petrol to a Jerry can. I want no risk of sparks from anything electric. So what do you recommend that is fairly cheap that can be cleaned after use and put away for next time. I did have one a few years ago but the fuel reacted with it so it never worked a second time!
  20. By chance I have a friendly LR mechanic, who is just waiting like me for lockdown to end and then he can come and stay and make me do the work under instruction! I need to find the part numbers and order the bits to get the job done. Any other tools needed?
  21. The photo I attached was not from an official film made for the public to see at the cinema, but an unofficial home movie made privately in WW2, so nothing was set up or staged for filming - it was taken as it was in front of the camera 'warts and all'.
  22. It is still in the hub and I think it needs chisling out.
  23. It is still in place? Apart from changing a rear half shaft I have not yet tackled any wheel related or bearing jobs! However the spare hub is a good place to practise without any risk as it was considered to be scrap by the doner!
  24. Don, let us know if you get any luck finding the rubber grommets. I am glad I overhauled my speedo as I think it stopped working because of crap in the mechanism as no broken parts were found, so I could have spent good money if I had sent it off.
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