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Everything posted by LarryH57

  1. Simple question if a vehicle is to be kept off the road for 3 months, will the battery last longer if it is removed from the vehicle?
  2. The TFL in London said my Lwt will never be exempt from the Congestion Charge, as Historic makes no difference. It only gives an exemption to the ULEZ - but I'm not sure if that applied or not as my Lwt is PLG, not a bus or minibus or van etc. However if the new (same) Mayor of London extends the Congestion Zone area, then driving to a friends house to pick him up for WPR shows may involve a longer journey, and more pollution! I won't be attending shows that involve driving through Bath, Birmingham and any other big city that wishes to squeeze more money from me either.
  3. I have just realised that if I dont drive in Central London to avoid the congestion charge then there is no need for the Police to stop me as my Lwt is insured, has an MOT till November and will show as taxed to April 2022.
  4. I have just checked and it is still the same, but I will check on 1st May so that I can check what I have in my online Chat print out matches what he said - £0 paid for VED until April 2022.
  5. Historic Status for a 1980 Land Rover Lwt GS - The story so far! I sent my request off via the Post Office at the beginning of April and have not heard any thing since. I then discover that the DVLA have been on strike and will be again on 4th May, all this is due to Covid and need for separation etc that was not carried out fast enough for their staff union. Anyway I phoned DVLA but was told not to phone and instead use the online Chat. So I signed up for a Chat with the promise of a handler, but was then told by the 'AI computer bot', this system was too busy, so go away and try later. But I persevered and after 45 mins of trying, I was told by an actual human being, that they had my Post Office request but the V5 will take 8 weeks until the end of May to be despatched by DVLA. I said I did not care, as long as they marked their system so that any automatic number plate checks by camera or police car would know I'm now Historic. Sadly, they said the change to Historic status cannot be done without a new V5 being issued and these are delayed (as above). However they did promise to put any ULEZ / Council in the picture if I get fined, so a full refund would be made if I had to pay first and fight later. I was also told to advise the TFL, in case I strayed in to their other Congestion Zone. I also said that as at 1st May I need to pay my VED (Car Tax) on the vehicle and that I need a reminder in order to do this, as it still needs to be taxed at Nil cost each year. Amazingly they said they have already done this for me and that I need do nothing more till end of April 2022, so that's some comfort, as quasi proof. I was advised to keep a printed copy of my on-line chat and discussion with a human at the DVLA, plus my Post Office receipt, and have it with me whenever I drive the Lwt in May until my new V5 arrives.
  6. I's like to pass this photo on to the RAF Museum too, but I forget the contact for Bryan, who posts on here?
  7. I'm still on the look out for RAF Jeeps used as runabouts on UK airfields in the UK (rather than the 2 TAF etc)
  8. I sent this photo to the Tank Museum Curator, David Willey as I know they maintain an archive of all Armour Vehicles, even RAF ones, and in turn he sent it to David Fletcher for comment as follows; Thanks also for the Crossley photo which I have saved. It was one of two with domed turrets, the third being on an even bigger Crossley chassis with a conventional turret. All three served with the Royal Air Force but they seem to have developed faults in the driven bogie. Most unusual for Crossley who invariably turned out a good product, I suspect they weren’t so good in sand. Anyway they were done away with after a while. If you find any others – always happy to take a peek. David
  9. Well Ruxy thanks for your posts - I guess my 'black' is your charcoal grey but in my collection of bits I have one seat that is grey and any more of these I want to avoid. As for the info off the website that will send me back to the Lwt with a camera and tape measure to actually determine what my HG Lwt has. However I guess most LR parts suppliers don't give a dam and will supply their version of standard! The Exmoor trim link and photo that MatchFuzee posted looks the part, thanks
  10. Sadly, it appears that these are standard seats for LRs and this is where I have gone wrong it the past. The Lwt seat back is relatively thin it seems and has fixing flap that is quite visible when seen 'just out of the box'. Also the seat base is a wedge shape when viewed from the side. But thanks anyway
  11. Does anyone know what the part number is for a set of front seats for a Land Rover Lwt. I need them to be black not the light grey as used on some civi LRs. The seat backs are the same and the three seat bases appear to be the same too for a 12v GS.
  12. Reading 'Mike Starmer's' work on camo colours it seems this a/c is in khaki, rather than sand. The inside the opened radiator doors, it seems the colour is white.
  13. A friend's late father in law (ex-RAF) left a pile of photos in a suit case and these were found during the clear out, when his wife died, years after him I think it is a Crossley IGA3, though this is the only photo I could find of one! It served in Aden, pre-war
  14. Are there any members who have a vehicle made before 1st Jan 1973, using B&W plates who cannot get historic status?
  15. Horary! I finally managed to get my Lwt registered as Historic ( hopefully) at the Post Office, not that the guy behind the counter had much idea what to do at first. Strangely he said he did not need Form V10 but did take my V5 and the V112. As for the Vehicle Tax am I correct in thinking I still need to tax it at zero cost each year? Can I not pay £0 by Direct Debit?
  16. Permission for the use of a Black and White registration plate comes from two things; the vehicle being built before 1st January 1980 AND the vehicle being registered as Historic status. Thats all! However, that could be annoying for someone who can't get historic status on a technicality and still pays car tax but wants to use their age related B&W registration.
  17. I read this in the Express and I wonder if the fact that a vehicle has to be Historic status to use B&W plates is being confused with the need to 'get permission' to use them, as the permission comes from requesting Historic status in the first place. I guess there are a few cars around that use B&W plates that are not Historic status, like the 1960s Landrover 110 that I saw with a J registration!!!!! Also it seems the use of EU flag on registrations, is still permitted for a while on cars that were built / sold prior to 1st Jan 2021. I will look for clarification.
  18. Folks, from the new April 2021 tax year Black and White number plates are only permitted on vehicles built before 1st Jan 1980, and if used, permission must be obtained from the DVLA first. (CORRECTION - by applying for Historic status) The fine is apparently £1,000 (or up to) for non compliance. Ouch! Also in a crackdown on road users trying to defeat number plate recognition cameras, irregular spaced letters / numbers will be illegal and so will B&W plates if it is deemed they are of a colour shape or design that may defeat the speed cameras etc. I hope that won't put an end to those silver and black registrations where the letters / numbers are raised slightly. I would not want members fined an EXTRA £1,000 on top of the normal penalty for speeding in their Scammell Pioneer! (PARAGRAPH DELETED) PS - also buy a GB sticker if you ever want to go to Normandy or Arnhem in 2024 (assuming covid has gone by then), as the GB sign within the blue EU flag on vehicle registration plates is not valid now, on any new UK registered vehicle.
  19. I would have run the vehicle's engine if I was not prevented from getting access. Can I claim on the Government as compensation or get anything back for the upset of sending a relatively new battery for scrap. BTW if I charge the battery in parallel and the dead battery comes to life will it ever be back to normal? Also are those battery booster boxes (like the AA use) any good on a dead battery?
  20. I'm hoping to get a vehicle started after Lockdown ends, and the battery is very likely to be flat, as the vehicle has not been driven for many months since about Nov 2020. If it is charged up will it ever be any use after that. Its a Bosch. What I don't want is for me to drive off somewhere and then have it fail to start for the journey home. I guess many of you are in a similar situation with your MVs.
  21. Well I just had a proper look at https://www.brumbreathes.co.uk/info/5/exemptions-additional-support/21/apply-exemption/8 And it is quite clear on Historic Vehicles, but it never says if exemptions may apply at the Councils discretion. So if one day they want to have a parade of Birmingham built vehicles from around the UK then 'history will have to end after 1980-81, but on the other hand it did as BL were on strike most of the time!
  22. It would be a bit stupid to charge the Army to drive through and ULEZ. God forbid that the bomb disposal squad would be prevented by their CO from attending, as no one at HQ has a Company Visa card to pay fees on line! But back on topic, how much of these new ideas being all the rage in town halls, will impact on members, if their vehicle is not 'Historic' status?
  23. For members living in Cities other than London, does the existing Historic status of MVs still allow you to drive your MV within the designated LEZ area? Do you now have problems parking in the road outside your home? In addition to introducing LEZs , I see that many cities are now looking to block off roads too, so even if your MV is Historic and exempt, I wonder if this is likely to kill off any parades such as for VE-Day in 2025 or indeed stop members from parking up a selection of MVs in the City Centre to support Poppy Day?
  24. I guess the age restriction is important to many members with vehicles over 3500 kg un-laden weight and I sympathise with them if they have to buy new ones. But let's say you are questioned as to the age of your tyres; how will you prove they are under 10 years old? Do you keep all your military vehicle related receipts? You might like to start. Incidentally assuming your vehicle was under 3500 kg but you end up carrying or towing something that takes everything over 3500 kg I guess you could still be fined. Also for those of us with Historic Vehicle Status and way below the 3500 kg weight, the condition of our tyres must still be legal and if I remember from 2019 MV shows, a number I saw still had cracked side walls, so its best to start saving for replacements.
  25. Great thanks, I have just got the tailgate open. It looks like the catch in the lock has broken.
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