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Everything posted by LarryH57

  1. Graham, I cannot think of any other markings other than the M registration numbers in standard locations plus Y in a black circle and 62 on Green square. Do check if the Div sign is offside or nearside.
  2. Well there you are, with what I hope is the correct AoS marking. One last check is to see if the 87, 60, 61 and 62 markings and all the others were not superseded or changed for security reasons in the immediate post war period. Hopefully, there is another post war BAOR expert who may know. Have you tried searching for pictures of any vehicles in 5th Div at this time (or 15th and 17th Bdes) as if they correspond with the WW2 numbers for NWE, then it will be likely that 'Green 62' will be correct. That's why this site is great.
  3. I reckon the listing for the 17th Bde you obtained has the regiments in the correct seniority, so the RWK were top in the 17th Bde as they were originally the 97th Foot from much earlier times.
  4. Yes, the 15th Bde would be senior to 17th! Keep up the good work as you are now down to the final two Brigades, and the position of 2RWK in one or other of them - so a red or green square for the AoS! BTW - have you tried to get a full service history on your vehicle, as some re-built Jeeps last quite a while in the British Army
  5. Dear Graham, Yes, the British Army would 'position' a Regiment as a Battalion in a Brigade by the Regiment's seniority typically based on its formation date in the Army. By way of example in 1945, the 13th Bde (the senior Bde) of the 5th Div had 2nd Bn Cameron's as senior Bn, followed by 2nd Bn Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, then 5th Bn Essex Regt as junior regiment. From this you can plot the AoS which would have been 57 in white on a red square for the 5th Bn Essex Regt. Incidentally I have found that the 2nd Bn RWK were in 184th Infantry Brigade of 61st Infantry Div up to circa August 1945. This Brigade was the junior Brigade in the 61st Division but 2RWK was the senior Bn ahead of 2nd Bn east Surrey Regt and 1st Bn Foresters. So that would have meant an AoS of a white 67 on a brown square. However, 61st Division was broken up in Sept 1945 so did the 184th Brigade stay as it was or get broken up too, meaning a completely different AoS - especially if either 2RWK or the Brigade changed seniority in 1946 with the 5th Division.
  6. I remember seeing this repro Mercedes Benz truck at Tony Oliver's museum and thinking how authentic it looked for a film that could have used any period truck and yet many war films made since 1980, made little effort it getting the right vehicles for WW2 Germany!
  7. Dear Graham, Going back to basics I am certain that in 1946 the British Army still employed WW2 style markings, so apart from a vehicle number beginning with M, the Jeep would have carried the Divisional Marking, so a Y for the 5th Infantry Division but in 1946 the Div sign was changed to a white Y on a black circle, according to Howard Cole's book on British & Commonwealth Formation Badges. This replaced the Y on a Khaki Square marking. Next is the arm of service marking (assuming the WW2 / NW Europe rules continued). An Inf Div in NW Europe would have had Red Square for the Senior Brigade, Green for the next Bde and Brown for the Junior Bde. With three Battalions per Brigade the senior Bde used 81 for HQ, then 55, 56 and 57 for each Battalion in seniority, on a Red Square, the next Bde used 87 for HQ, then 60, 61 and 62 on a Green Square and the Junior Bde used 94 for HQ then 67,68 and 69 on a Brown Square. It was only in 1948 that there was a reduction in regular Regiments and Brigades, so I assume in 1946 the make up was the same as WW2 more or less. I could not locate the Bde that 2RWK were in during 1946, as this will determine the AoS marking and colour of the Square, either red, Green or Brown. Further study is to see in DBG colour was in use in 1946 especially for Jeep rebuilds. Also in post war period the British Army changed the vehicle registrations, so you Jeep may have ended up with a registration like Ashley's Jeep; 46 YJ 36 in place of the M number. Someone on here will know about DBG and new registration introduction dates.
  8. Just a thought is DB green in 1946 a bit too early for that colour? Where was RWK in say 1948, so as to match DBG?
  9. As I own a Lwt I am always aware that over time holes appear especially in the tub, which I wouldn't normally have the skills to fix them. However I saw this advert online, which might be of use https://sheinv.com/products/easy-melt-welding-rods. Keep up the good work all!
  10. Oops, I have asked the wrong question! Where are all the vehicles they own now, as they are not in the museum in Chelsea
  11. Anyone who has visited the National Army Museum in Chelsea in recent years will know that it has been stripped of exhibits it used to hold 20 years ago, sadly making it a waste of a visit. However the NAM has a 'Study Collection' and I wonder where it is located and if its open to the public? https://collection.nam.ac.uk/detail.php?q=searchType%3Dadvanced%26advancedText%3D%26associatedName%3D%26unit%3D%26event%3D%26campaign%3DWorld%20War%20Two%26fromDate%3D%26toDate%3D%26productionNotes%3D%26keywordNotes%3D%26placeNotes%3D%26ot[]%3D12%26ot[]%3D26%26ot[]%3D2%26ot[]%3D40%26ot[]%3D29%26ot[]%3D4%26ot[]%3D25%26ot[]%3D33%26otArc%3D1%26otArt%3D1%26otBmu%3D1%26otEqt%3D1%26otWea%3D1%26otVA%3D1%26resultsDisplay%3Dlist%26page%3D2&pos=4&total=2259&page=2&acc=1998-09-79-1
  12. After all this, Climate Change will still continue to be controlled by the sun (in the sky) as it has since the beginning. The Museum of London has records for last half million years, showing warming reaches a peak every 100,000 years approximately, and we are getting to be 1,000 year away from the top, followed by a plunge in to ice age. All this was going on well before the invention of man (and woman). However they did not have taxes in those days and we all know that paying more tax will save the climate and reduce the rate of warming. Plus Acts of Parliament are also something new and those that command that the a certain element on the periodic table (CO2) goes away will surely succeed, like King Canute and the tide.
  13. Just a thought - if we are still under lockdown later this year when my lightweight needs its last MOT before its exempt on 1st Jan 2021 then I suppose I just proceed straight to exemption, if god forbid the situation is not back to normal by Christmas!!!!
  14. Bryan, That list from 1944 would be very welcome, as would a list from 1939 so as to compare types in use by the RAF at the start and end of WW2
  15. Guys, For RAF Vehicles in use in WW2 I have seen reference to AMO A143 /44 as being the go to list of RAF types as it was a list of bridge plates for each type. Has anyone go this list that they may share with members?
  16. Could it be that the person asking or making a polite statement, was commenting on why the MV in question, was flying more flags than Coronation Day, or had loads of personal kit hanging off the sides and wing mirrors, which the enquirer didn't remember seeing when serving in the Army in NW Europe?
  17. As the person who originally suggested limiting Land Rovers numbers for MV events (including mine) I must apologise for stirring up a bit of a storm! So I won't pick on any such MV types, but instead suggest that an MV show might be thought of as an open air exhibition; if so would the public turn out if they knew most of the exhibits were going to be nearly all the same? Also as a Lwt owner I do appreciate that there is snobbery in MV shows, and I'm ready to accept that anyone who turns up with WW2 tank or Cold War armour is always going to be a top attraction.
  18. On Page 13 - Citroen, made a 6 ton GS body. For what vehicle I wonder and why Citroen?
  19. Interesting that the Austin K2 Ambulance is listed but with reference to Page 13 - where it is not listed ! Also no mention of an Austin Tilly (as expected). Im sure I spotted Citroen in my first viewing but cannot find it now in the list!
  20. If early bird registrations for a show were £0 and late comers £50 would that help WPR or other big show? Also would a quota of types also help? So me included, might too many Land Rovers be a burden (except in a LR anniversary year) or if they have no great historical past such as those LRDG type 'pinkies'? Does the registration team care if the types of vehicle booked in are of any particular interest to the public? Do they share their concern with the management that not enough armour or rare vehicles or booked to attend?
  21. Yes ditto! Amazing stuff out of the Archives!
  22. Early bird is £50 and 'regular' price £75!!! - please explain. Is that an increase to the standard £35 vehicle entry
  23. Any ideas where Kevin's proposed MV museum might end up? Near Beltring might be nice!
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