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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Welcome Matt, well built, good looking and fun, just what a young man should be lusting after....................a Matador :thumbsup:
  2. Hi Pete, good to see you here, well that's good news, I looked at it Frodsham's years ago, how's Trixie?
  3. Yep, nice! Nor me, just as well I've only got a small front drive.
  4. see here for the full story http://www.window.state.tx.us/border/ch09/cobalto.html
  5. I saw a long discussion on a wrecker forum a while ago about this, especially when recovering trucks with high exhaust stacks, covering them was an insurance requirement I seem to remember.
  6. That reminds me of Flatford Mill....a Scammell haywain.......:thumbsup:
  7. I love the new attachment uploader, one real improvement, it also makes inserting pix into text much easier.
  8. Just wondering if anyone has regularly started one of these using a heavy truck type battery, and did any damage result as per the warning?
  9. That gizmo looks just the ticket doesn't it, would save you plugging direct to the motherboard. Glad you're getting some other more informed input, wouldn't want you to be relying on me, given my signature..:shake:
  10. If you've had condensation in/on that hard drive and connected power to it whilst still wet, shorting and causing signal confusion, I would hold out little hope of it working and damage could be done to you second PC.
  11. Configuring the BIOS Close your computer case and restart your computer. Your computer may automatically detect your new drive. If your computer does not automatically detect your new drive, follow the steps below. Restart your computer. While the computer restarts, run the system setup program (sometimes called BIOS or CMOS setup). This is usually done by pressing a special key, such as DELETE, ESC, or F1 during the startup process. Within the system setup program, instruct the system to auto detect your new drive. Save the settings and exit the setup program. When your computer restarts, it should recognize your new drive. If your system still doesn't recognize your new drive, see the troubleshooting section on the back of this sheet. Note: Serial ATA is a new interface type. Some older systems may see the drive and classify it as a SCSI device if you are using a Serial ATA host adapter. This is normal even though this is not a SCSI disc drive. Many systems’ BIOS will not identify a Serial ATA drive connected to a PCISATA host adapter. This is because a PCI SATA Host Adapter has its own BIOS which is used to identify hard drives connected to it which is separate from the BIOS of the computer. To determine whether or not theSATA Host Adapter is detecting the Serial ATA hard drive, please consult the documentation provided by the Serial ATA Host Adapter’s manufacturer. This does not affect drive performance or capacity.
  12. Clive, that computer fixing knowledge comes from the college of copy and paste, I am not sure what you are trying to do now, are you trying to use two drives. I was at this same stage of trying to recover my system after a similar 'catastrophic event' on my previous PC, when I managed to do something really nasty to it and it died completely. I bought a new PC. Hence Casper for me now.
  13. Serial ATA interface disk drives are designed for easy installation. It is not necessary to set any jumpers, terminators, or other settings on this drive for proper operation. The jumper block adjacent to the SATA interface connector on SATA 150MB/s drives is for factory use only. The jumper block adjacent to the SATA interface connector on SATA 300MB/s drives can be used to force the drive into SATA 150MB/s mode for use with older SATA controllers that only work with SATA 150MB/s drives. With a Serial ATA interface, each disk drive has its own cable that connects directly to a Serial ATA host adapter or a Serial ATA port on your motherboard. Unlike Parallel ATA, there is no master-slave relationship between drives that use a Serial ATA interface. Clive, does this help at all?
  14. We really don't mind, in fact we rather like them...:tup::
  15. That must be great fun when you're looking at some cocky know all bad guy's phone!
  16. Shower worked OK, Hmmm.........starting to get very attracted to those front tyres on that Unipower now.
  17. The entire disc is copied an exact clone, all partitions. After I had booted the cloned disc after a big problem, I used it for a few days to make sure it was OK, then cloned it back onto the original HDD, this formatted and over wrote everything on that drive, booted from that, all OK!
  18. I always do a complete virus scan before cloning, the clone can be checked by booting with it at any time. My older version of Casper does not support cloning to a separate PC, not sure about current version though. If you use a USB drive your PC must have the ability to boot from it, not all do.
  19. Chalfont, Googled it and that's the one OK, cars like that were plentiful in 1969, rust free but a bit shabby.
  20. Can't help with the freezing Clive, but there are ways of avoiding this situation, this in my way. ON my desktop PC (XP) which has most of my stuff on, I use Casper to clone my hard drive, this creates a complete copy of the hard drive including the operating system, onto a second hard drive so that if something goes wrong you can just switch off your PC and restart it on the backup drive and it is exactly the same as it was at the time of the last backup, you can be up and running in minutes even after a hard drive fails completely. http://www.fssdev.com/products/casper/benefits.aspx I just installed a second HDrive that I took from an old PC into a spare slot in my desktop PC and cloned onto that, I then disable it so nothing can affect it, this has saved me from two bad PC crashes, no need to even bother finding out what went wrong. A remote USB drive is best so you can put it somewhere safe away from your PC, get one bigger than the one in your PC.
  21. Not disputing anything you say recymech, but I think sometimes the enthusiast wants a bit of belt and braces as the buck stops with him and he picks up the bill, unlike the person who fitted my hitch. It makes him feel safer, nothing wrong with that.
  22. When I got my Arrows 1 3/4 ton trailer, the four smallish bolts fixing the coupling to the drawbar were only half way through the nuts underneath, they were tight but only just a couple of threads and painted over! It wouldn't have taken much abuse to have come off, chains would have helped here I think. Crossed chains/strops will keep the trailer following nicely behind the towing vehicle if it becomes detached, and the trailer will gently nudge the towing vehicle, when stopping. Much better in my opinion than relying on a cable to pull the brakes on evenly with a completely free trailer, trust me I do know this to be true!
  23. Hmmm.........starting to get very attracted to those front tyres.
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