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Everything posted by kpu121265

  1. Tyres are being sorted.... Adam doesn't take sabre any more, following an incident a couple of years ago, when he was in the back of the GMC asleep with the dog secured to his foot. A cat, fox or something else caught the dog's attention and nearly pulled his foot off as attack mode was launched..... Foxes running across the forecourt seems like three teenage boys scurrying off every time they saw a 'girl'.....
  2. Tim, i was worried with all the talk of dancing lessons that Richard really was trying to line the troubleshooters up for dancing lessons. Having now established that these lessons consist of 4+ hours watching others dancing (and very good they were too) while we commit the moves to memory (using beer as ink - whisky in Degys's case), and then retiring to the cook tent for spam and a ten minute refresher of all the moves (which only one of us need to take) - i have to say i'm up for it. I did think it was very funny that Richard was most concerned about how the partners know when they are going to let go of each other . Now this all goes a bit pear shaped when as you know, 20 minutes later i was face down with my boots on! It was good to see you again, and thanks very much for tormenting me by letting me have a sit in the 'tank' - my seats are still in Italy!
  3. What a 'good do', nice and relaxed. It was nice (like Elvington) that the organisers greeted us on arrival, showed us to the pitch and checked in over the weekend to make sure that we were OK. The halftrack survived having the cover from the coil box fall off and drop down to the side of the starter solenoid - resulting it a few very hot wires. The solder getting hot enough to drop out of the main battery lead and the cover to get hot enough to melt the top of the fuel pump cover! We fixed it though and got there which was the main thing. The Dodge was fixed for the return trip by us taking bits off it until it started working again - using Degsy's spanners. Confusion resulted by each spanner being put away after use - which meant there was a suggestion that they had gone missing......... She is due for a major refit once the 353 is on the road. Degsy, it was a pleasure to have you with us, the lads really enjoyed it - as did we. The images in the tent just precede German No2 giving in to the evil of Allied spam at nearly stupid o'clock... Unfortunately i then fell asleep face forward, with my boots still on, with my feet sticking out of the tent. All i can say is that this was a great weekend, and i think a really clever idea combining it with the racing event - so there was something for everybody going on. The parade lap around the racing circut must have been quite a sight - i almost wish i had been a spectator rather than a parcticipant.... The Trouble Shooters will be back next year unless we were too dirty and smelly this year...... I'm not sure we were suitably attired for the dance - but we were there. Much fun was had watching Jack's pals trying to fit the 160lb tent in to it's bag - which seemed to entail them sitting on each other, on the tent and folding the valise around themselves.... The polsten tyre is a nusinance, but it proved that there are still some good people about by Deryck finding someone with a secure compound for us to leave it in until we can sort it out. They were original 44 dated tyres so we due to meet their maker anyway. We never got round to setting up the field telephone exchange or some of the other 'attractions' so roll on next year! A really good do which i would recommend to anyone within striking distance. Ken
  4. I would be happy to get involved with this project if that was an option. The original plan was to restore the sherman to be ready for 2014 to take back to Normandy, why not add a landing craft as well - would save a bit in fares for that and the rest of the fleet going over.... I suppose the real stumbling blocks are finding somewhere to put it and work on it - my experience of boats is as a passenger and i have my scout canoe badge..... Whilst i do not have a large berth ('berth' not girth), i would happily contribute cash. Perhaps an idea to establish a company to buy it and sell shares? This is not my area, how would you establish a realistic estimate of the restoration and running costs for such a thing? Ken
  5. I had some boxes marked "sunshine MkII" (can't imagine what happened to the MkI version), "Do not use in a restricted place, ensure poor weather is prevailing", dated June 1944. Unfortunatley i opened both of them in Normandy last June, which resulted in the (in) famous bacon fat in lieu of sun cream event....... Rain or shine, we'll be there Fri - Mon. If we don't make it, we will be stuck somewhere between Boroughbridge and Croft desparately looking for the part we need and an extra box of sunshine if it is raining....... Ken
  6. Well, if that can be managed without an eyebrow being raised, two gallons of 'hot' water for us to put in the 'bath' would be very useful on Monday morning. That way, we can finally get Adam's bath in to service before we leave... See you Friday Steve. Regards Ken
  7. Nobody told me that we could pre book a kettle being 'on'. Subject to there being no 'troubles' to 'shoot' we will be there between 12:00 and 13:00; so, if we can pre book a hot kettle that will be 6 cups of tea for the drivers and five more for the co- drivers....... Ken
  8. Thanks Deryck. If it does become available let me know. Regards Ken
  9. Whilst i can not help value it, i would like it, if is complete and has any chance of working.... Ken
  10. The chap with the jeep is called Chris (i'm pretty sure), the DUKW owner was Mark Hutson. I'm afraid i don't have contact details for Chris, but he is a member of Yorkshire MVT if that helps at all. Ken
  11. I had a power failure (camera batteries, not one of the trucks) so unfortunately, only managed some of our troublshooters fleet (oh, and chap nicking one of the rear halfshafts from the slat - we were towing it back anyway as i was a driver down)....
  12. All i can say is that i am taking 7 vehicles and the polsten, and it has not cost me £70, cost me £0 entry. (Fuel is a matter of personal choice)...... As far as i am aware, there is no entrance fee for WW2 Military Vehicles. I think the organiser is on the forum so i am sure will chime in. Ken
  13. I have only had good experience at the Leeds office, over the last five years 2 x jeeps, a Dodge and a halftrack. Always been in and out in reasonable time (in my opinion). Having ALL the necessary paperwork with you when you go is a big help as well. Ken
  14. I see the book is still handy just in the gizmo gives up. Good luck for the trip. Ken
  15. They make a lovely noise when they fire up. Had some fuel and battery/charging problems with mine over the years, but she is OK at the moment. The vehicles are based near Boroughbridge, but all the runners will be outside Leeds Town Hall on veterans Sunday (27th June) and then at the Ponderosa event in Heckmwondike 8th/9th July. They are actually parking up at the 'reserve shed' in Morley 27th June - 7th July so if you want a run out, that might be the easiest spot. It gets hot in that closed cab on a warm day. Ken
  16. Where abouts in West Yorks are you? I have a 969A Wrecker amongst other things and you are welcome to have a go in it if you would like. No diesel fumes chez moi i'm afraid, all petrol engined. Regards Ken
  17. Yep, we'll be 'chez nous' - got some concrete to mix.....
  18. We're over Tony, sail Mon but have to come back Friday. Probably only taking a jeep this time...... Where are you staying? Ken
  19. I have a closed cab (chassis 460, Sept '41) 969. They are not sprinters by any stretch of the imagination. Mine pulls pretty well on an incline in 3rd though. Keeps your eyes open on e-bay, last year i bought several NOS brake chambers, including diaphragms for i seem to recall $20 a piece or so. I think i bought my spare diaphragms the year before from Jaap Rietveld. Welcome to the DT owners club, they are incredible bits of kit, and consume fuel faster than i can drink beer! (Although they can go on much longer in one session and consume a much greater quantity). If you get stuck for anything, i might have a spare i can lend you, or point you in the right direction. Ken
  20. I have wanted a Diamond T, ever since i first saw them 30 odd years ago. I did have a look at them before i bought the 969, but they wanted a lot of work, and at the time, the owner had no interest in selling. If you get them, i wish you all the best, if i can help at all, just drop me a note. Regards Ken
  21. The engine is getting close for my Sherman, the rest of the interior is currently proving more elusive. I have the seats in Italy, but still really need a prop shaft, prop shaft tunnel and turret basket. Don't be shy if you these under your bed...... A very helpful fellow HMVF member turned me up a gear lever so the required parts list is still reducing, all be it slowly. It won't make this event but will make Normandy in 2014...... Ken
  22. Is the project the vehicle, or the shed to house it, or both? Ken
  23. It is your vehicle, and in my opinion i would rather see it on the road solar powered (if the doom mongers are to be believed that is where we are all heading) than not see it all. I have been through the same mental process over the half tracks, Diamond T and will soon enough have the sherman guzzling fuel faster than i can pour it it. They will all remain engined as original until there is a time when something needs to be done. I have had numerous people telling me i should re-engine the big vehicles, but have chosen not to, in the same way you have chosen to. When we bought the sherman in the US, there was a lot of (quite rightly i suppose from that side of the world) squawking about another piece of US hitsory being exported never to be seen again. I was quite hurt by it at the time, but the piont is that it will be restored, will join the fleet of 80th Div/702nd tank vehicles, will be shown and one day will make it back to Normandy to roll up the same beach that those vehicles did in early July 1944 - my only sincere hope is that i can get it done in time for there still to be some veterans still alive to see it (or at least see the pictures). From a purely financial perspective (as i have no experience of driving a ward any distance, but the Diamond T is challenge enough over 30 - 40 miles), as with the sherman, i was the one prepared to put my hand in my pocket and 'rescue it', and am currently pumping cash in to it to get it back to it's former glory. As far as i am aware, for by far the vast majority of us (from Wellbikes to Tanks) this is a personal endeavour (MV ownership) - seeing these vehicles maintained and showed is the most important thing surely. As i undrstand it,this vehicle is being altered in a way that it can be returned to it's original configuration should that be required. From a neutral standpoint, not personally knowing the individuals concerned, i think it is a shame that a specific project was brought to the attention of the readers of that publication, when the editors point could have been made in a much more generic way. Mark, i wish you all the very best with your project, and look forward to you being able to rescue me in the sherman if i ever get it stuck - and i don't personally care what is under the bonnet it's your bonnet. Regards Ken
  24. And there was one on the firewall inside the glove box - just the script f from memory. Ken
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