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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Well he does say in plain english why its got to go........its got an" Engine Witch" , Clearly its haunted look out!!!!! don't believe me just look " This is a Spartan from the CVRT range of light tanks. It has A Jaguar J60 Engine witch ."
  2. I don't understand Tony if your that sick and you were to shoot yourself ....very odd by its self ........ then you would be sick and suffering from a gun shot wound. Better to take lots of liquids , rest do a bit of reading and a couple of dvd's until the ills that afflict you have decided your so sick even they get tired and find a new host !
  3. :offtopic: I post that first .....Must make for a full day's work just checking tire pressures on the trailer you have 32 tires and how many grease fittings ?
  4. Very Creative and at the same time quite sick and twisted :evil: Well done !!! While the Christmas / New Years party is going along nicely I just make sure all the additional Liquor is quietly gathered up and secured :whistle: along with anything else that might be used for inappropriate actions such as that !!!!! :shake: :schocked:
  5. Thats quite a find ! I have never heard of that conversion before or seen any photo's of such a vehicle existing!!!! Was it only a prototype or ????
  6. As this was my first over sea's HMV event I took lots of photo's in Portsmouth and then in France mostly bw for the historic effect and because bw shows details more clearly.We may have talked Kewelde but I dont recall the faces and names 18 yrs has a way of doing that .
  7. It was a great experience so many new British , Canadian and European types I 'd not seen before , along with a number that I had seen in "Wheel and Track's" and never thought I see in the metal , including the Air-portable CCKW of Charles Brittian-Jones. The crowds were very interested in the detailed displays and the Veterans wanting to share their stories.
  8. Yes I was with a group that was some what orginized by the IMVPA and traveled in the vehicle below the Land Rover Shorlandin the first group of photo's as a passenger as best as I recall . No I wasn't at the dinner sorry , I did stay in Bayeaux at the camp ground and at a vacation place just up the coast from Point du Hoc .pardon the spelling I think it was Colleville-sur-Mer
  9. make it a great time , enjoy the party , pleanty of cake and cola to go around I m sure
  10. I agree N.O.S. as to at least the intended function of the pole out front . since I recall the elaborate barbed wire entanglements they built in WW1 it would have been necessary to feed the wire into such a cutter in order to break it.... not very practical but then again neither was the tractor.
  11. That is quite a sight!!! just look how the Stolly just fits the width of the trailer !I m sure he gets a little extra push on the down hills and needs a bit more time to climb the up hills.Thank you for posting his photo.
  12. yes this was just a couple of days before the June 6th anniversity and I traveled with them to the Events held in France crossing by Ferry quite the sight to roll off with a couple hundred MV's without stop into the French country side.
  13. Shown in the Photograph is Major Blunder, who while successful in forming a new super strong metal combining Steel with Helium completely forgot about the possable effects from wind.
  14. Never heard of anyone like that over here , its a big place . all I can do is hope he passes through someday . There isnt a state or local MV club in the state or area yet , I have chatted with one other collector about forming a group out of five or so people he know's of but thats all thats happen so far . To put this one State in some kind of scale to travel E/W by interstate highway at 75 mph Omaha to Henry would take 7hr 17 min. 495 miles... to go N/S not sure of routes statis interstate multi lane or more likely secondary road from Valientine to Superior speed unknown but probably 55 mph would take 3 hr26 min. 198 miles . Being in the center of the country i can also say its 1888 miles from Boston Mass to Omaha Ne. to California a little less roughly 3100 miles total about 2 days if you could drive non-stop
  15. I have a number of photo's I took at this event , I ll post a few and see what happens Kettenkrad Tilly Land Rover
  16. Darn I keep forgetting to check the calendar and another one has come and gone . Sorry Paul hope the others in your life were not as forgetful as I .
  17. Yes its posted just fine !! A great looking Vehicle indeed, did they make any provisions for upper canvas doors for those during the war ? Thank you for taking the time to post the photo , perhaps you have more????
  18. Welcome to the Friendliest Military Vehicle Forum on the web ! Interesting vehicle , please to keep it outside the club house .......while the stairs are rugged and the doors wide the carpets have only recently been cleaned of the drippings of others who refused to leave their various vehicles in the parking lot .
  19. aaahh a quick whit good story too,You didn't put it to use as a recliner ?
  20. compared to the two nearest the vehicle the soldier on the far left then appears to be a giant
  21. Never heard of the series a clever idea...how long did the series run over there ?
  22. Now thats a creative way to have a monument and put it to a functional use ......if they hadn't I m sure it would have been scraped long ago. Must be the only armoured electrical substation anywhere a good one for "Ripley's believe it or not" !
  23. Reminds me of the scene in "Flight of the Phoenix" with James Stewart , I thought that kind of starter had only been used on aircraft .....the things you learn in the process of living its amazing. Speaking of the movie now I have to pick which version to pop in the DVD played and watch the original 1965 or the 2004 with Dennis Quaid remake with the CGI effects ???
  24. Yes your correct . It seems to be something thats on going in the U.S.A its scattered around the country if you are looking in an area where it is you will get an additional button saying street level which if clicked on will hi-lite the streets that have been photographed at street level with a blue line down those streets . I have yet to find it in any other areas I have looked , and I have been looking in loads of places around the world, there is a limit to the resolution in a number of places has to do with the imaging that was done so far, for instance you can zoom in to the max or 50 feet level at the Eiffel Tower but not below the 100' level at the Sydney Opera House. as for most of Britian and Ireland you cant get closer than the 100' level .
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