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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. International Half track passenger side view. Russian/Soviet Union T-34 ? just beyond.
  2. International Half track with middle eastern post war mods.
  3. wonderful Winter wonderland photo's with a touch of green ....But Looks C-O-L-D as can be !!!!
  4. or perhaps use some O.D. colored cord and strap it securely in place ? just in case you do forget to retrieve it some time
  5. Oh You Poor poor Soul , if ever someone needed some good Christmas cheer !!!!
  6. My family will keep your nephew in our thoughts and Hope he recovers quickly and gets back home where he belongs .
  7. International Half track with jib crane
  8. CCKW 353 compressor truck with verity of air powered tools
  9. I d say the good news was that that particular time it was at low speed . I d guess if one were moving along at high speed it might make for a very thrilling event!.Did they ever improve the suspension to prevent that happening or ??
  10. that make a reasonable amount of sense , Not knowing if something grounded in reality or from some children's book ,story , TV program I was making a guess. The more we share the more we know .
  11. Hello Mark Have you made any interesting discoveries since you have gotten the GMC home ? or has it been to bad weather to give it a through going over ??? Is the rear body interior paneled or finished in any special way ? is it quiet inside when parked or does it magnify sounds?
  12. I will hope that he recovers , I recall several dispatch riders who keep eveything moving smoothly riding up and down the line while the convory were underway .
  13. and now more towards the big vehicles an Antar
  14. Big or small I tried to get a photo of each , while not a professional photographer I hope these aren't too poor. This one seems familiar ?? can't put my finger on why . :dunno:
  15. many fine MV's I hope that a number of these are still being well taken care of
  16. true if you had simply gone digging with a pick ax who knows how many pieces you might have ended up in !
  17. could that also be drain clearer Dan or plumber Paul?
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