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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. is'nt the trailer where they removed the gold fillings from the removed teeth? and then made jewerly or was it the other way around and the work shop was in the truck. To be serious I m sure that those who had dental problems while in the service were very glad to find relief .
  2. Ah what we would refer to as leaf springs ! then the standand is coil springs.
  3. does any one have a photo of the difference of the parabolic springs compared to what is standard equipment ?
  4. You have made quite an improvement already , True there is a lot more to do but making a first step is the biggest , seems the the truck body is all thats left to hold the remains of the rear arches in some kind of shape as said if removed they would crumble to dust , barely anything to try and tack weld together no matter what gauge steel you try , like trying to hold bits of aluminum foil with scotch tape / cello tape I guess you'd say .
  5. ITs a good thing you got it now as old Saint Nick would bust your chimney trying to get that down it on Christmas eve !!
  6. ahh just look in the tool box wont you , I know you must have a number of tire spoons and ball joint forks as well as those forks in the road you keep finding as for knives you can use either the putty knives used for de-gunking the engines and transmissions and very greasy chassies or the butter knifes you took from the kitchen to use to scrape off the old gasket cement on the valve covers.
  7. Thank you for the gas buddy site listing , as I had seen it mentioned by others but had not looked it up .As for the whole sale cost its in agreement with the falling economy problem , While the price of gas was rising the alturnative fuel vehicles and their developement was in a positive move but now it looks like that will be at least on hold for a while ,since who needs a $109,000 dollar all electric Tesla roadster when fuel is getting cheaper every day.
  8. Thats news to me , as far as the Mid-west is concerned the pump price here has fallen from around $4.20 per gallon from this summers high to $1.54 per gallon . I m not aware of the price being below $1.00 ? anywhere. Along with the retreat in fuel cost has been the increase in people who have lost their job's so although gas is cheap again people's buying and driving have not increased .
  9. Would the turning diameter circle of the Zil Missile transporter be much different from something like the M26 Pacific?
  10. Welcome to the friendly forum CVRT Nick , please to keep the four wheeled and all the tracked vehicles on the main floor as several members in the past have taken their heavies to their rooms and have seriously weakend the upper floors. Once the Club house can be rebuilt with sturdy concrete and steel that restriction may be lifted. Oh and dont think of using the Stana stair lift it has a posted limit of 500 lbs. after all the dancing girls perfer to travel in small groups.
  11. can you post a photo? any further discription ?
  12. Welcome to the friendly forum . And must say you are stepping right into the deep end , many would start with something simplier but as with all hobbies its what interests you that most important . I m sure that one of the Stalwart owners will be along soon and can give you very sage advice .
  13. A great looking Weasel Danis and Tony. Here's a WW2 training film of the Weasel and its development . on the realmilitaryflix .site http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/755.cfm and this http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/441.cfm
  14. Yes your right N.O.S. that was the image I was thinking of
  15. abn deuce


    there is a training video on this system on you tube but I m unable to find it again !!! wikipedia's listing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fog_Investigation_and_Dispersal_Operation_(FIDO) Sorry I knew I saw the film but thought of youtube first , the film was on this site the real military flix site. http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/147.cfm
  16. Well done , seems you struck gold in your searching ! Perhaps instead of munitions and small parts crates you could do vehicle crates ? fewer to make and each would take up more room ! Think Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ending /Kingdom of the crystal skulls begaining scenes warehouse
  17. Don't keep Us hanging , go on spill the bean tell Us the Rest of the Story
  18. Welcome I m sure Great War Truck will be along to chat with you soon .
  19. Mind you if you do ride indoors please note there is a up and a down staircase failure to use the correct stair will result in you losing indoor riding privilages for at least a month ......unless a dozen custard creams and tasty jaffa cakes are given to certian officials .
  20. Perhaps it was made for a crosseye rifleman ?:nut:
  21. Do you think some of the issues were from it not running long enough and on the road to work the junk out of the passages like the idle problem ? did the compressor finally stop running full out , or is that likely due to a air leak in the system ? I know its a guessing at the moment . I do hope its now much closer to home and that you can work on it much easier .
  22. very nice , something for convoy escort services long over due with all the Vehicles traveling about the club house grounds and the near by villages !
  23. Welcome to the friendly forum , please feel free to post as many photo's of your vehicles as you may have . There will be a bit of chore work to be done about the Clubhouse and grounds one of the other will instruct you about the protocall's about foods and drinks .
  24. Sorry I thought I had put the text to it but can see now that I had not so here's the caption from the Life magazine site "French locals helping American soldiers run an ammunition dump after the successful invasion of Normandy. Location: Normandy, France Date taken: August 1944 Photographer: Frank Scherschel"
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