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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Your welcome , the flap idea is what I had wondered about doing or some kind of zipper with flaps , it seems to be the only weakness in the original concept unless and dare I say it , make the entire roof into a single piece ... that would also suggest adding ribs or supports between the windshield frame and the first bow running front to back ?
  2. A very nice improvement! You have capture details so much so it look's like it's a rare WW2 original , does it also deal with the problem of water sloshing forward on the rear roof?
  3. I m still learning new things that I hadnt come across in WW2 book's before , Thank You
  4. Great information an interesting story and a very well done diorama .
  5. Never saw a BV206 with anything but a second cab behind it , Very interesting to see they did make a dump unit .....perhaps there were others as well ? flat beds or other equipment packs? can the BV206 be used as a solo unit too?
  6. I think thats about the same as the open cab Diamond T trucks they had half door lowers only . a bit off this topic but I think in the American WW2 vehicle group only the staff cars,the Dodge ambulance's and perhaps the Dodge Command cars had heaters as standard equipment , perhaps other know if that's correct or if there were others . No idea on the Canadian or British Military <perhaps also only ambulances and staff and command cars> Real Men didn't need such extras as doors and heaters?
  7. Sound's like a great series , sort of on the order of that series that had to deal with restoration of tanks the title escapes me at the moment . Shame it's not on the cable channels here." Discovery channel" is but I ve not heard of the "Wreck Rescue" series.
  8. MMMMmmmmm tea ????? AAAaaahhhh yes the tea , very strange story that , seems it was a bit off taste, quite aammm yes salty an odd kind of taste for tea to have don't you think? Seems the merchants wanted to collect an extra bit of tax on that beverage ...... put the blame on the British government ,that made a number of the Locals really get ,shall we say Red Faced !!!! They decided to host a bit of a party ahhh a Tea party infact haven't been able to find a really good cuppa since. So it would seem to be that until the tea improves , We wont be paying for IT , But Will help you out from time to time should you require a hand in keeping the place Safe over there. All the Best from your Formally Colonist Cousins.
  9. That's very Kind of you Mark ! Although it's meaning has been changing over the years the central theme of bringing the Family together remains strong .......More people travel on this holiday here than any other if I recall .
  10. On the other hand you in the United Kingdom can get the full history of your vehicle use in your Military and We can not get any such details on American Military Vehicles . Nor can we run tracked vehicles on public roads unless in a parade.
  11. Once you settle on a shade you like you still have a choice if your going to go with a flat finish or other . The flat while WW2 correct will absorb oil or grease and scratch easily so it's hard to keep clean or looking good if off roaded a lot , the gloss while not WW2 is easy to wipe off and things like oil and grease wont discolor the finish and is more scratch resistant so many people use that.
  12. My feeling is that about anything made by man that is used if it goes Through enough stress cycles it will fail..... . It may take thousands or millions of cycles of course but its just a matter of time. So as things age if you don't push it too hard it will take longer to reach that point and if you inspect the areas where water can pool or dirt can get trapped and keep them clean and drained you will be helping it to survive a bit longer
  13. it depends if your referring to the clamp style on an offset small rectangular spout thats WW2 British or German which would be correct for the period . A screw type cover with rounded lugs centrally located is WW2 American but if its straight lugged screw type would be post WW2 war or if its large round mouth with cam or clamp style its WW2 American Water can. there is also the question of the air vent tube on inside back of the small spout as to its being WW2 German or without British But I could be wrong on that detail .
  14. Welcome Paul to the Fun house ...Pardon strike that ...welcome to the Club house where all kinds of interests are explored and new interests discovered ! We have modelers, bicyclist,WW1, WW2, post war and multi-national vehicle owners. It all goes together with O.D. Fever ;-) :-)
  15. I d chalk that up to a very dedicated Group of people along with some very nicely restored military Vehicles hard to not donate when faced with that combination
  16. That would be a very good solution , If they can reproduce a Tiger than it should be even easier to do the same to a WW1 Mark V !!
  17. possably the gears or other parts have become brittle with age ?
  18. I had thought the smile was due to the secret electric heater built in the the coveralls by evidence of the cord you failed to hide behind you :whistle:
  19. A very well organized lay out with a very good number of vehicles and seems a very interested crowd to view them , Nice combination . I hope that those that wanted to try out the test track got their chance :computerterror: :-) ;-)
  20. thank you for the clarification ,, Keep The JIMMY !!! so voted
  21. what vehicle has Jack christened " screaming memie" ?. He should definitely keep the Jimmy!!
  22. abn deuce


    Looking ready for action !! sweet. ;-)
  23. a Major OOOOoooooppps !!! one can only guess at the repair bill for that mistake
  24. A very happy Birthday to Rosemary sorry its late !!!
  25. Welcome to the group , What a nice gift you got him ! do you drive it as well or his and only his ?
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