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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. OK, but if this mist of oil is coming from the flywheel housing then it is a leaking flywheel, unless there is lot of water laying in the hull and it is being whipped up when engine is running. Best check flywheel oil level, should be up to filler plug hole........don't drop the plug inside! :shake:
  2. I have a feeling you might have a leak from the fluid flywheel, the oil is ISO10 and looks like water, if the seal has gone, it comes out as an atomised spray. Would it be possible that you have left the gearbox in gear whilst stationary with engine running? Seen this before, it overheats the oil and burns the seal out. Could just be a leaking filler plug of course.
  3. Front engine definitely not original, it has a mounting for an electric starter ! The front of the chassis, makes me think of Sentinel steam lorry :confused:
  4. CW, Did I spot a data plate on that engine? If it showed bore and stroke, it might be possibly to match it with a Leyland. But as it is a DAF, then surely parts are still good for them? Leyland diesel parts are still around, so if identical, that would be helpful.
  5. Looks like a model PV. They made them from 1939, suspended during the war, then restarted 45-53. The front looks very dated compared to postwar models so could be an early one.
  6. CW, All I recollect is that DAF did not build its own engines until 1957, when they licence built Leyland 0.350 engines, later they developed their own designs. The engine in the boat does look similar to a Leyland, but I am not that knowledgable on DAF.
  7. Well Done Fred ! Pretty quick work selling the Ferret, but you will enjoy the QL I am sure, especially as it is a personal reason for having one. If you need to know anything about them just give me a call.
  8. Hi Mark, Great photos, wish I had gone now instead of working . Now don't ask me about cars, not my line at at all barring the odd one, but I could tell you chapter and verse on the Austin fire engines or Bedford MW :-D That Morris Z GPO van ..........they were in service when I was a kid and the Royal Mail ones, nice to see he has all the bits and pieces in the back, wonderful stuff. I see CW was a CPO then....so much for his smokescreen :-D
  9. You can't leave it there, Jack, you have to tell more :-D
  10. I wonder if it has a tendency to throw a track due to the longer track. I am sure it must be hard work on the steering bands to cope with the added resistance a longer track has on hard surfaces. Sounds like the driver was well aware of a potential problem, for him to make that remark.
  11. Hi CW, Not at Chatham then? Is that the DAF engine that was derived from a Leyland engine?
  12. Don't worry Dave, I was doing exactly the same today :-(, at least I was outside
  13. Jack, I cannot find any weights in the book, there is a photo of Bertha and three trailers, loaded with 1,150 45 gallon oil drums on. All empty, but they were collected from wartime airfields in the North for re-use by the oil companies. Other photos show steam railway engines and rolling stock loaded. He had a Rogers tank transporter trailer, which he lengthened to 75 feet for large loads.
  14. Thanks Clive I hesitated to answer as the gadget looked more modern than from the 1800's. :tup::
  15. You've been watching too much telly, come back to the real world :-D :rofl:
  16. Does it date from Queen Victoria's time? If so, perhaps it is for tattoing the letter "D" for deserter under a soldiers armpit, so that he may not re-enlist with out detection?
  17. Hi Fred, Hope your plan works out. Sounds like the you have a good one in your sights, always some little job to do , but nothing major by sounds of it. Just to make you feel happy, I had 14 mpg out of mine on the return run from W&P, that was on a cross country route with several hills, so could be better than the Ferret in that respect.
  18. Clive, Is it for draining fluid from blisters on heel of feet?
  19. Nick, With that bike, is he going as a French onion seller ? :-D...........we used to call them "Onion Johnny" :rofl:
  20. Was it used by the Royal Army Vetinary Corps, possibly on horses ?
  21. Sure have, Mark ISBN 0 646 13304 7 paperback ISBN 0 646 13303 9 hardback A Son of "The Red Centre" by Kurt Johannsen Published in Australia 1992
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