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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. hence why you are not down on the boat today?
  2. I am with you on that one, apparantly last night the webmaster was going to shut down to upgrade, but it does not seem to have come back on line since then. Annoying thing is that all those people on there that you regulary converse with are lost if you have not recorded their contact details
  3. Clive, You can proudly say, you saved it and had pleasure in its restoration and display over many years, meeting lots of interesting people along the way, who have filled in gaps of its history. Well done on what you did !
  4. And that was quite true, many firms started that way and using army surplus lorries.
  5. Neil, Like I said when it happened last time.....Airpak.....not an unusual problem, there is a valve that siezes at the top of the unit. Would be surprised if it is not that. Also on top of the Airpak is a breather pipe, like a swan neck, next to it is a bleeder, if brakes ever stick on in future, just slacken that and brakes will release.
  6. Martin, If you can wait.........there are some Australians bring vehicles to Normandy next year. They are shipping to Istanbul then driving through Europe. Some intend to sell their vehicle before returning home, others will ship back. I know one guy who has a 1944 Studebaker US6 6x6 truck, ex-Australian army, and wishes to sell over here and another who is coming with a WW2 Lend-Lease Chevrolet truck, again ex-Aussie army..............but I guess you can't wait that long?
  7. My Bedford QL is in there as well :tup:: and my friend's Diamond T cargo. Also an Austin K6 Gantry belonging to Richard H, another forum member.
  8. Hi Richard, I do not think the front axles as a whole are the same between K5 and K9, but have a feeling the Tracta seal is, but cannot confirm without comparing part numbers or measuring.
  9. What are you doing at hen parties? Male stripper perhaps :shake:......disguised as a bus driver :rofl:
  10. and will we see your GMC along side it ? :coffee:
  11. Is it the semi-car (not really a motor cycle, more than 2 wheels), that A.V.Roe built for his own use?
  12. thats a pity because he is restoring another Bantam
  13. There was a lighter trailer exactly the same but with single wheels as the Dyson, but again a Taskers FV3552(A) Trailer 6 ton / 2LB Aircraft Transporter
  14. Mike, I have been looking at those aircraft trailers in the Chertsey books, but discounted them because they were Tasker and not Dyson, here is a heavy one, definitely got 8 twins fitted (16 wheels). Rear axle on turntable, so it could be steered from rear.
  15. Ner-a-car :confused:, there used to be one like that from down your way, that came to rallies. The hub centre steering on the original pic made me think.
  16. One more guess, FN from Belgium ?
  17. Hi Phil, I know a chap down this way who restored and rallies an ex-RAF Karrier Bantam dustcart, the type with the slide up sides. It is all interesting.
  18. Bernard, Two names spring to mind with in-line 4 cyls, that is the Henderson (USA) and Nimbus (Denmark), but on looking at photos of those neither are quite like it, unless it is a very early model or prototype.
  19. Adam, From my experience of them........they came in any colour.........except green! Red, White, Blue.......... Going back further, there were Bedford CF vans, and further still Austin or Morris JU250, now theres a classic :-D
  20. I think MV collectors will always go for the unusual, out of the ordinary and rarer vehicles, ...............says he hopefully .
  21. Rick, The prefix Z was issued to all trucks of under 1 ton load capacity. M was used for cars and light utilities. Probably a slip of the pen, it is not unusual to see the wrong prefix on original photos. Looking at the Census list, both of the numbers come up on the same contract number, which aligns with the body contract number as well.
  22. Oh dear ........looks like MV rallies could end up looking like a Tescos car park, full of Escorts, Minis, Cortinas, Hillman Hunters and Huskys, Minors, Chevettes, Cavaliers with the odd Sherpa van :rofl:
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