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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. The earlier versions just used conventional radiators for cooling.
  2. Just looked up Sykes website and realise the old Rolls B80 ones were probably the same make. Those are a bargain at that price, new ones are around £90,000 or more for the biggest one :shake:
  3. Not worries Andy, I could see they were larger than the old Rolls powered units and they were disposed of, long ago. What engine is fitted in these?
  4. Something to do with BMC ? Looks like it could be Mini based, a 4x4, Austin Ant springs to mind, but could be thinking of something else :confused:
  5. They are propulsion units for Heavy Ferry by look of it. These may be later versions. The original ones were powered by Rolls B80 engines and were just a gigantic outboard. A number were sold of some years ago and a dealer bought them and stripped for engine parts.
  6. Oh OK thanks, thought you had just found that damage.
  7. Thats a bit of propaganda advertising from Westlands :-D ...........A Lysander knocking out a 109 in a dogfight (next thing someone will say it actually happened )
  8. CW, That spring, is it misshapen? Could be a trick of the camera, but 1st coil on left hand end looks a bit out of line with the rest :confused: You said that the engine has had a lot of hard use since last rebuild, but if the valve here, had been wrongly set, the piston could have been slowly deteriorating and this last run finally put the cap on it........just a thought.
  9. Looks like the T16 is being winched up the bank by a Breakdown Gantry
  10. The photo numbered 10148 with church in background, is taken in Valkenswaard, the first Dutch village to be liberated.
  11. Oh thanks CW ......the company had dropsides and vans, as I said before, no heaters. One of the fitters used to bring a Primus stove and fire it up in the cab at lunch time when out on jobs during cold weather, he used to pump like hell and I had one hand on the door handle in case it blew up :shake::shake::shake:
  12. Commer tractor unit, Taskers Queen Mary, V2 rocket and it is in London probably, at a guess after VE Day ( no blackout masks visible) Is it in Trafalgar Square?
  13. I used to enter this one regularly in the Eighties, until it clashed with another event. Still visit it when I can, a good turn out of commercials always there.
  14. Going through the convoy, Ford WOT1 with beacon (?) and trailer (forget what this was called, been discussed recently) Chev with another beacon (?) trailer Ford WOT1 could be a crash tender Crossley crash tender Queen Mary AEC refueller You would expect to see a crane if a Q. Mary was there and possible mobile control trailers or lorries.
  15. and the second vehicle in convoy is a Canadian built Dodge D60 3 tonner
  16. Hi James, The lead vehicle in the convoy with whitewall tyres is a British made Ford WOT1 6x4 lorry, and I think it has an Airfield identification beacon mounted on it. Others are a AEC 6x6 refueller, with man on cab roof, a Crossley 4x4 lorry towing a generator trailor, another Crossley, with open cab, looks like a crash tender and the sand coloured truck is a Canadian built Lend Lease Chevrolet Not sure of the tyre pressures, as they would have lowered them for use in sand (especially for 6x6 :-D)
  17. Tony, Although the 3-piece rim on MCC 15 cwt trucks with 16" wheels was discontinued around about 1939, give or take a few years, in general the type was still used on military vehicles across a wide span of time. For instance the Austin K6 6x4 used them during the war, then postwar they can be found on many MV's, for example Leyland Martian and Bedford RL and so on.
  18. Howard, All I am going on, is the Contract number list, showing it and other contracts for that particulat type of trailer trailer as Brockhouse, confirmed by your plate with "J.B. & Co." which is J. Brockhouse and Company. During wartime there was co-operation between companies and it is possible that Dyson supplied the running gear for the trailer. Looking at a copy of the War Office Data Book for Vehicles, dated 1944 and it shows similar trailers, 3 ton 4 whld for radar, ack ack, etc. as having 10.50.16 tyres, so the RL wheels would be a bit big, Bedford OY or Austin K2 would be the correct size. But if you really want RL wheels, contact Withams, who were breaking Green Goddesses and had RL wheels with good tyres for sale, 11.00-20 size.
  19. Thanks Jack, I had seen photos of the inside before restoration and it has been transformed now, credit to all those involved. :tup::
  20. Agreed Tim, Cobbaton is one of those museums that the longer you look, the more you see, a fascinating collection. I did got to Warnham and that was good too, but sadly, long gone now.
  21. I think that this took place from Lepe on the coast of the New Forest, to IoW. We were at a MV event there and a certain red Stalwart powered by a K60 diesel went down the beach into the sea, from our vantage point above the beach, we could see it progressing fairly well until it got into a cross current. An Inshore Lifeboat went out to it as it was drifting more than making headway, eventually it seemd to make progress and we all watched till it drove up the beach on the island. The return journey was also watched and after a time it made it back to the beach only to bog down crossing the groins and had to be pulled over them, by a wrecker.
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