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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Hi Wally, That is interesting. We had one of the early Series 2a Station Wagons 27EK31 which was specially adapted as a Test Station for guided missiles. The vehicle was bought from a dealer then prepared and entered in a charity motoring event in Australia for REME 50th anniversary in 1992 and raised money for the Army Benevolent Fund in the process. regards, Richard
  2. Hi Jay, Most if not all of the DROPS that were on the rebuild programme had flattened cabs. My section did the first one and we were able to make one cab out of three because a replacement cab was not available in time, but from then on we had new cabs coming in from Leyland which made a quicker turnaround. One I recollect had to have the chassis straightened and aligned. They were all repainted in white with UN on them and transported back out to Bosnia. regards, Richard
  3. Hi Jay, At that time I was working in a REME workshop in the UK and all the rollover and crash damaged Leyland DROPS were backloaded to us, we rebuilt them and sent them back to Bosnia, so it is a possibility that your truck was among them. Richard
  4. Tony, George Dawson was a millionaire scrap dealer from London, who made his fortune buying and selling army surplus after the war. See this link with a page from a book mentioning him. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=p1nJlCRfh6wC&pg=RA126-PA71&lpg=RA126-PA71&dq=scrap+dealer+"george+dawson"&source=bl&ots=O0UQT3EqQl&sig=ACfU3U1kf1fVBqMvNY9rDLdiwkytP_WDAA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNi6_D9I_pAhX1rnEKHadABdcQ6AEwEXoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=scrap dealer "george dawson"&f=false
  5. Thanks Pierre, I thought the WW1 photos in particular would be appreciated on this forum. It was sent me as I am editor of a newsletter for the military vehicle club in Sydney, the AMVCS. Because of the lockdown those vehicle owners who normally participated in Anzac Day ceremonies put their vehicles in their driveways and carried out their remembrance with their neighbours. regards Richard
  6. Hi, Here is a link to Youtube of WW1 military vehicles, predominantly used by Australian soldiers, there are WW2 vehicles as well but the early photos are of special interest.. This was put together by Jenny Fawbert for Anzac Day as all the ceremonies were cancelled as it is tradition for military vehicles to take part in the marches to carry Veterans. This year, military vehicle owners across Australia put the vehicles in the driveway at home with flags and displays.
  7. Hi Richard, My mistake I was unsure if it was Warminster or Aldershot. It was in fact the REME Workshops at Aldershot, which at that time would have been 13 Command Workshop (much later the number was changed to 43). regards, Richard
  8. Going to have a stab in the dark here, is it a 32.2hp engine?
  9. At least the Great Dorset does not charge fees to the vehicle exhibitors, as far as I am aware that is.
  10. Hi Richard, I think you will find that plate with SOUL on it actually reads SOU 1, it would appear to be a rebuild plate showing the work was done at a REME Southern Command Workshop. I have a feeling that SOU 1 could have been Warminster as I recall seeing this code on a rebuilt engine data plate. So it would not be original but it does show part of the trailers service history. regards, Richard
  11. Most things I have searched for on their website have not been digitalised 😒
  12. Very disappointing but understandable with all the forward planning involved. That was always a favourite of mine.
  13. Hi David, As a moderator we don't have control of 'rank'. It is all linked to the number of posts you have made. I know when the forum went through an upgrade a few years back, the number of posts seemed to have varied, some went higher, some lower. The current figure of +35 is the important thing as that shows real appreciation from other forum members. regards, Richard
  14. Is this an early Fowler tractor? Trying to read the name on the radiator.
  15. I think the Citroen Kegresse was successful as I recall a team crossed the Sahara with them and another epic trip as well. My grandfather drove what may have been the first one in England when he was a chauffeur for a wheelchair bound landowner in Sussex in the early 1920's. It allowed the gentleman to be taken to all corners of his estate. regards, Richard
  16. Digital back issues are available on here: https://pocketmags.com/heritage-commercials-magazine/issues
  17. Hi Richard, This Crossley Kegresse may be the same one that Tony Oliver owned in the 80's and had in his museum at Eton Wick, Windsor. See my photo taken in late 80's at D-DAY Show on Southsea Common.
  18. On the WOT6 Machy truck that I restored, I cannot recollect any mountings within the body for a spare. As the built the workshop body longer than a cargo, there is no space behind the cab. There could have been a rack under the rear of the chassis like the QL troop carrier had. Some of these workshop bodies were later fitted to Bedford QL and they also had the body up behind the cab. Here is a photo of a WOT6 Machinery truck in postwar service. regards, Richard
  19. It appears to be a part for a Ferret, but my parts list does not have an index for NATO stock numbers so not able to identify it.
  20. I have a Joint Services Lubricant guide from the early 1960's and thought that might answer your questions, but there are no two figure numbers listed. Prefixes for RAF lubricants are 34A/, 34B/ and 34D/, but following number is 7 digits.. Sorry, drew a blank there.
  21. Looking at the vehicle card for the Muir Hill A5000 and noticed I worked on one of them, 01FW47, in 1979
  22. If you let us know what the AM oil references are and for what vehicle that may help answering your question.
  23. Yes, I have removed the rear armour on Fox's several times and reached in to pull a broken con rod out. One came in with a cam in three pieces. Engines for the Fox were in short supply and it was quicker to demand a CVR(T) engine and convert it.
  24. Iain, I don't think J60 engines were in a vehicle long enough to corrode! We were for ever pulling out engines from CVR(T) and CVR(W) Fox. Seen some monumental damage to them.
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