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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. But if it goes wrong! can cause a loss of Sterling! :n00b:
  2. If they are active, thats what they count as, The breech is closed manualy. Same with falling block Martini actions.
  3. As Snapper point out 'You to prove'. almost unique in english law. you ARE guilty prove inoccence. Hence as much oficial paperwork with you as possible. As for marking De Ac copys clearly . Makes god sense . Note the wording on the bottom of all De Ac Certificates: Forging a de-activation certificate could constitue an offence under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981.
  4. I do think that you're missing a point. Faffing around with paintbrusehes and toothpicks is to avoid damage. The context an artefact is found in is the information. The angle in the soil, the depth , the structure of the soil can all give viatl information. Say you go out detectoring and start pulling up 'A load of old fragments'. Congratulations, you have just destroyed any chance of mapping where the pices are, that means no hope of working out where the shell fell or any indication of what it might have been aimed at, or were it was fired from.
  5. The important wording in a lot of legislation is 'Good Reason' - If you are going to an organised event, know the adress and name of the place and who the organiser is. Entry forms etc are very useful. Normally if your stopped it will be for some other reason, such as a dead bulb, or pure curiosity.
  6. Yep, providing it a single shot, then it's a bolt action rifle. Bofors etc would count as semi auto and above .22 so out. Or Full auto so section 5. Do you know, a vet's blow gun becomes section 5 when the dart is in place as the drug counts as a noxious substance.
  7. Honestly the law only states the 'Trigger mechanism'. Goes back to those happy days when pistols were legal and could be carried in a holster. Best thing is a couple of black plastic bags, then no one knows what you are carrying, a rifle slip is rather distinctive .
  8. To buy a De Ac no problem. To buy a pice of wood shaped like a gun. 1 You have to bea member of an organised, re-enactment, historical or dramitic group. 2. the group has to have third party public liability insurance.3 On purchse you must prove 1 & 2 . You may buy a 'realistic' replica gun if it painted some bizzare coulours, but you will commit an offence if you repaint it. If you can make sense of this, the United nations need you NOW"!!!! After you have described the theory of everything of cours, but that should be light entertainment.
  9. This little airborne beauty is at Overloon
  10. Biggest danger with the 25 pounder is stopping idiots getting under the barrel when being towed. You brake they get a noseful of muzzle brake. Remeber that certain classes of air weapons don't need a licence, and the idiots changed the law so that rapid fire BB guns could be sold to kids. So the law is an ass. Keep a copy of the De-Ac certificate with you, cover the weapon, Specifically the trigger! in public. Leave it at home when visiting the bank! If asked by the Police or any other 'Official' asks you to show them in a public place REFUSE!!!!!!!!!! Tell them you will take them out of there cases and show them, In a NON PUBLIC PLACE!
  11. In defence of Joris, it was percipitaing with feeling on Saturday so we didn't get outside much, and there was so much inside. Where would the pictures of the Wurtberg go then.
  12. Snapper and I are proably the strongest advocates of take only pictures and leave as few footprints as possible. But the desecration of sites where human remains have ben found is FACT. I can put you in touch with several archeologists and historians who will give you details. As far as published woks go try reading Andy Robertshaw and Dave Kenyon's Digging the Trenches. The majority of us do not realise how small clues can lead to a big find. For instance you find English Shrapnel balls, there was a guy in Ieper who'd melt them down for you and cast a model soldier. However what is special about finding German Shrapnel balls? English Shrapnel (Not shell fragments, easy way to find if somone really knows there stuff) is lead. Geraman is Steel! So if you find stell after 90 years in an area, you have the conditions for good preservation of other items. As for items for sale, emphasising that there human remains attached. I have been offered such items for purchase in the UK.
  13. Worth investing in an external hard drive. Cheaper in the long run and easier to store than disc. Then you just wipe the computer and reload everything fresh.
  14. Useful scource of info: http://www.warmuseums.nl/
  15. I know one member of the forum has an MJ with no sidebars, just looked at the picture to make sure. He never seems to have problems.
  16. Correct Tim!! But from you nothing else expected, this is the full exhibit line.
  17. Ad Aware amd AVG8 both fre programmes, work very well, I've never had any trouble using them. Also Spyware blaster. Seems now half the memory is full of stuff to stop the other half causing problems.
  18. I took a number of the trucks at Overloon. If anyone wants them please PM me. To many to zap electronically but can arrange them on a disc.
  19. Of topic a bit, but Joris wondered what the end of the Great War would have been like.
  20. I have never seen so much enineering equipment in one place before. So to start the pictures off. The Otter is the one I wanted to bring home. But first! The cast:
  21. welcome, any volunteers for house keeping will be held in high esteem. apart from the dancing girls, I want to propose we kidnap a Dutch pastry cook.
  22. And we've ben bitching about our weather for the last wee. Kep safe guy's.
  23. Just got in after basically 24 hours awake. Paise should be showered on Joris and Eigma, for 1 There encycopedic knowledge of Arnhem 2 thier wonerful apprecaation of Dutch cusine (Urp! Ops sorry :-D) And lastly but not least fantastic companty. The Overloon musuem is out of this world. thanks for a great day.
  24. Looks bad Jack, still not worth risking life and linmb. be sorry not to se you. I've got thin drizzle and slush up here but the roads are gritted and I'm aiming at 40 to 45 mph. so off soon.
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