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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Hey Bayeux! See our website we won't be far away. Yes, drinking habits do seem to change after dark. http://goldbeach.org.uk/
  2. It will go down on the RFD books as 'handed in by person unknown'. The view is taken beter to get a gun off tghe street. It happens quite often when grandpa dies and the Bren gun, Bazzoka etc he brought home as war souvenirs are found in the attic.
  3. I can do QUITE well with standard issue thank you! :n00b: Actualy our Croydon gagrage has an air conditionded double decker at the moment. the latest idea is a hevy tube atached on the nearside top, called a'Tree Catcher'. It worked. http://www.newsshopper.co.uk/search/4215089.Bus_roof_peeled_of_in_Purley_Way_crash/
  4. Don't underestimate a ewe. ever tried coming bettween one and her lamb? :cool2:
  5. Rosie, I'm sure you'd look stunning in anything you choose to wear. :flowers: Don't forget to drop in at Ver sur Mer!
  6. God on the NVA!!! It makes me think it was even more worthwhile to donate! The honour is the Vetran's . If I printed my thoughts on those trying to grab their limelight. you'd no longer see me here!
  7. Going to need a HUMOUGOUS great kettle then! :shake: Bring your own biscuits!!
  8. Some relation of Heliops about then? :cool2:
  9. Welcome to the mad house. There will be a secondary club house in Normandy during June, so come along, see the post for full details, pack plenty of biccys!.
  10. Best bet is to ask the proof house for a recomendation, if you don't have a pet gun dealear. The offence with any banned item coming under the firearms act, is pocession. don't have to prove you own it, you have it eg your guilty. Holding something on a non UK ticket or permit is a minefeild area. Best get it into store at a local gun shop, no more than a couple of quid a week. In defence of British firearms officers, they can be sensible. When I was getting divorced I knew sh'd stir it, so I put my guns in store with a dealear. Sure enough she went crying tio her local bobbies, they phoned my FA officer who phoned me, and I could tell him exactaly what I'd done and why and how. He was more than happy. No further grief.
  11. Welcome Tom, we belive in education and the discussion of history on this forum. So your'e re-education on the J object will begin as soon as you visit the Dodge pit.
  12. Maybe wev'e embarrased certain people! :cool2:
  13. WELCOME!! Let me teach you an old english song to go with the Tilley!! 'Keep the Home Fires Buuurning'! The moderators stopped me using mine after that embarrasing incident with the club house privy. :n00b:
  14. When they are about, I've know it take ten minutes. The idiot nicked a car equipped with tracker from a petrol station turned about three corners and came head on into the area car.:-D
  15. Welcome, 101 's have there own agony corner, if we can ever get them there!
  16. Welcome, but it isn't Just Extra Expensive Parts? Buy a Dodge!.
  17. The enemy will be Quacking in there boots.
  18. That Paul must be a miricale worker!
  19. The current finacial situation is such that there is no point in depositing money in the bank. If however I buy at a time when prices are relitivley low a 'modern' antique or cllectors item, then it is likley to appreciate in value far more than the percentage of capital gain. Sounds good dun it?:-D
  20. It was a lot of fun. The Aa Series one was out as well.
  21. The look in his eyes says it all.
  22. A damm great Disclock steering lock. In addition to being very secure it is a large visual security presence. I did get told of a by somone who lived in forign lands that when he went off leaving a vehicle for a number of days he fitted an alam mine under the drivers seat, with a live 12 bore cartridge, but that's probably going a bit far , and very messy.
  23. Matt is acepted, but Satin has the major advantage, it is much easier to clean. I used to work on a MOD site that had the packing/finishing department. Sounds odd but their job was to test all the packaging and paints etc used by MOD. The head of the department was a real paint anorack, I once made the mistake of asking which paint to use on a Land Rover chassis, the answer was about two hours. He always recommended satin type finish. The MOD changed to this proably mid seventies as it was easier to decontaminate.
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