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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Finally the answer to the Dancing girls is answered! :yay:
  2. Next question CW, where does one get one and how do they work?
  3. Thanks Clive. that helps a lot.
  4. Also came across this, something we all know.
  5. Actually if you're used to ropes, you know why you use gloves.
  6. I know there is an old adversity with the France. But even I think shipping Westminster over there is a bit much. Poor French! :shake:
  7. Better make sure Jack has some for Bunker Bash! :-D Or can we make him hallucinate he's sane? Mind you we don't want him flying away! He has his apponitment with destiny.
  8. Clive you are a star!! An exploded drawing would be the thing. The motor works but the spindle does not engage in the drive colloar. There are two small pins on the spindle. One near the rear engages the manual handle but the lower one appears to be broken. I just want to find out if thats the one that engages in the slots in teh drive collar.
  9. I know of a deac one for sale if anyone is intrested.
  10. I know all Terry Pratchett's work dam near by heart! :shake:
  11. Is it a pressurised system Jules? Have you renewed all the hoses? Don't just visibly check. They may be collaping internally so change completley. Get a good rad flush and back flush the sytem, and a new thermostat. Check the themostat is A Correct way up and B does it need to be set with the into the head a certain way, some have an arrow on them. Good soft water, distilled or rain, and a decent antifreze. K Bar in the system can also help. And don't forget obvoius, is the drive belt in good condition and correct tension.
  12. Anyone know whwere I can get a manual on rebuilding one of these?
  13. Welcome Dom, the antipadeian branch is quite strong so enjoy yourself.
  14. Problem is getting one over there. The French are being funny about tracks. It would need to trailer. The whole shebang has just been dumped on me this aftternoon. There is a photo of theliberation of Tilly with a bren carrier on the cross roads. I'll try to get a copy of the photo and post it. e
  15. Will anyone have a bren carrier at Normandy this year? The authorities at Till Sur Selle just outside Bayeaux would love to have a carrier at the re-enactment of their liberation on the Monday .
  16. Welcome ll intrests coverd here. Bring biscuits (custard Creams and Jammy dodgers preffered) on the next trip.
  17. Just had to look up and check this. From the Police National DatabaseQuestion Q319 What are deactivated weapons? Answer A deactivated weapon is a firearm that has been rendered incapable of discharging any shot, bullet or other missile and has consequently ceased to be a firearm if:- the weapon bears a mark which has been approved by the Secretary of State for denoting the fact that it has been deactivated AND that company or person certifies in writing that work has been carried out on the firearm in a manner approved by the Secretary of State for rendering it incapable of discharging any shot, bullet or missile. The marks referred to above are, Crossed swords with DA and the year round them for the Birmingham, Proof House and DA over a sword and the year for the London Proof House (there are only these two proof houses. Every deactivated weapon must also have with it a certificate stating that deactivation work has been carried out on it. Deactivation differs from conversion in that a converted weapon may still fire but a deactivated one may not.
  18. That curry last night a bit powerful then? :cool2:
  19. The problem with the hazard perception is that it is completly stupid! The computer only scores at the point just before the incident happens. If as you have been, you've been driving, you spot the potential hazard to early for the computer to score it. As I said to my instructor after taking the PCV test. 'If I got into the position where I had to react , you'd rip my head off and mess with the hole for not reacting earlier'. There is a computer game disc that will help you. As an extra joy if 'you are driving commercialy, or the main part of your job is driving', then you have to take the Driver CPC. If however you're only driving private or the main driving is concerned with enginerring ,or you only drive as a small part of the job, then you don't need it. If you can work it out, please explain to the rest of us. The best answer would be to introduce a 'commentary drive' to the test. That's how the real proffesional do it!
  20. If you're whinging, your in good company. quite a lot of people here have the Driver CPC hanging over them. All because the EEC must recognise former Eastern block liceiences.
  21. I was hoping the musical ambitions of HMVF memebers would be confined to Kareoke night in the bomp proof sound proof bunker in the middle of the DUKW pond!. :noyay:
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