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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Two problems the Britisgh faced, one was non standerdisation. The Subsidy scheme bettween the wars allowed vehicle users to purchase a a unit with a subsidy provided it was made available for military use. This was a motor version of the original horse breeding scheme. There were a lot of manufacturers all producing vehicles that coomplied with the scheme. The result was the most mechanised army in the world, just a multiple supply chain. The US on the other hand only had about 21, 00 vehicles in it's entire armed forces. Following the faluire of the Liberty Truck in the Great War, a typical miltary Camel, a horse designed by comitte, the USQM Dept. issued requirments, one of which was that the vehicle had to conatin as many standard parts as possible. The result we all know, and many own, one type but made to a master blueprint, regardless of actual manufactuer. As the US relied much more hevily on long distance heravy trucks, than Uk, that used the rail network, US designers had more experience of designing reliable heavy vehicles. There was also a diffrent ethos of production. In Britian , an apprentice served five years or more and could build a vehicle from the metal ore to finished vehicle. In US the Ford model production line was a person trained to do one job, and did only that job. The end result was large production of standard vehicles with a lot of interchanagble parts, hennce short supply lines. Also US was not subject to the blitx etc so production was not disturbed. As for the Russiansds, they have never been backward at stealing others designs, also they has a lot of input from Ford in their early production, so used the Ford methods. The best Tanks during the war were probably Skoda, and of course used by the Germans after the factories were captured.
  2. When were these introduced to the British Army?
  3. Tony B

    Mystery Boxes

    Depends on what types of grass. :cool2: No and there not ashtrays either.
  4. :cool2:What are the two boxes on the front of this for? Even the owner didn't know. :cool2:
  5. See you there next year then? Easy to find from the Chunnel!
  6. Welcome Ernie, you'll fit right in.
  7. Just be carful what boots you wear! Three weeks round europe barefoot can be painful! Perhaps a campain of stupid requests?
  8. The anti tank defence, the locals and a plie of bricks. After the first night nothing would be mobile! :-D
  9. Welcome to the mad house. I like the idea of the a military dog sled. Please post pictures, and of the MVs as well.
  10. British and French tanks at the start of WW2 were amongst the most advanced in the world. Half the trouble was the tactics employed, the so called 'penny packet'.
  11. http://www.tm-ww2.com/ http://www.ebooksbay.org/Feed_eBook_Download_Free_eBooks/2009/06/15/Dodge_WC51
  12. You can make a pretty good replica from drain pipe. The addition of hairspray and tennis balls can give a range of about 50 yards. :cool2:
  13. The screw on plugs are a standard weather proof type. No problem getting them.
  14. Out of intrest, did anyone going to Normandy actually get asked for an export licence?
  15. You can always add a pair of discret brackets and attach a trail board to the back. Then remove for shows. What is the chasis number? Chrysler musuem can supply a copy of the build card, although some are missing, current cost about £25.
  16. Not all Germans were Nazi, a friemd of mine told me about his Grandfather. He escaped to Russia in the early thirtes. He and some other ethnic Germans crewed Rusian Tanks at the battle of Kursk. However, after seeing the results of the Russian invasion of Germany and the actions of the NKVD, they decided the best thing was to aquire some german uniforms and surrender to the Americans. It should also be noted that an american war aim, on record, was to bankrupt the European empires, especially to seperate India from Britian. A lot is made of the Holocast, and it was beyond a crime, but bear in mind anti semitism was the norm at the time, many higly placed people in what became the Allied nations had no problem with Hitler dealing with the 'Jewish Problem'. Not to mention the American attitude to couloured troops. Though the Tischalli airmen throughly disproved that one. On the other hand Von Staffenberg is looked on a s a hero. However he only developed his rabid anti Nazis feeling AFTER suffering injurys including a severe head injury AND at a time that his families possecions were threatned with occupation by the Russians. The conspiritors intentions were to surrender to the Americans and British BEFORE the Russians arrived. When ever you study a historical subject, be very carful of two things ! You are judging with the preudices of the time you live in, 2 YOU know what the result was!
  17. Nope, even the owner didn't really know what they were. :cool2:
  18. One of the reason for going to BOAR was about a mile down the road over the Dutch border was a B&Q type warehouse. Great tools and about a third of the price in UK. most of the stuff I got is still working.
  19. You know what curosity can lead to! Bad jokes, oil grimed hands, skinned knuckles, and thats only getting to the club house bar. Welcome to the nut house.
  20. Looks like there is Series 3 underneath.
  21. And some more. Identify the little boxes on the front of the dolly truck.
  22. Welcome to the mad house, vehicles , history, cake making, all covered here!
  23. Very thoughtful DR. You are right, anytime you read a book, no matter how good or respected the authour, you are always getting the authours opinion.
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