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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Dynamo NOT connected to anything. Flash from live side of battery to F terminal on dynamo. A forgotten black art.
  2. Keep it up lads, otherwise where would we have to moan? The freedom of opinion on this forum is second to none, matched by good moderators. Look at the spread of intrest and subjects on the Forum. Not only vehicles, but the whole spread of knowledge on diverse subjects. Not to mention an International cast of members. But who is hogging the dancing girls? :dancinggirls: As for Stables, well, King Augeas' stables come to mind.
  3. There was a rather grusome documentary on the whole thing some time back. The Helicopter pilots were basically on a sucide mission, you went in, but not long after you went out, in a series of very miserable ways. Incedentally, there are still farms in the UK, mainly Welsh hills which still have to have stock tested for fallout before they can be sold.
  4. Try Brookland Books , can't paste link, AGAIN, just shove in search engine.
  5. No, that's just the rest of us on night raids. Pass the balaclava!:cool2:
  6. Hi you are very welcome! Norway is quite well represented here. By the way can go and give Marty a belt round the ear? He's been showing off that unlike us poor English idiots you lot can deal with snow.You lot should never have got rid of your Dodges! Mind you that means I wouldn't have mine.
  7. I've just been through the Military Land Rover 101 1Tonne forward control , user manual and repair operation maual. I can tell you all the quantitys, the inside measurment of the cats back leg. BUT not what the oils acually are!! :argh:One thing though, if you change engine oil and filter you MUST prime the oil pump. To do this remove bottom plate and pack between the drive cogs with Vasaline. I kid you not!! ISBN number for user manual 1 85520 1437 For repair manual 1 85520 139 9 Any book shop should be able to order for you off those numbers. or I got mine from Brookland books. Can't paste link just shove in search engine
  8. If you want to recognise people from the Sher's, just count the fingers,... any more then ten.... :cool2:
  9. Oh Nuts! Thanks for looking. May be lucky and come across a manufacturers plate on it yet. The dor layout is virtually identical. This leads me to suggest, that the sides and roof would be removable.
  10. Oh dear, the fickleness of yoff! The only sensible vehicle is a Dodge WC51. The advantages for a student is you can get six drunks across the back and one in the front. (Providing that, the ones in the back can put up with the two on benches falling on the ones on the floor, who have thier feet sticking out the tailgate) See very practical, also contains all the goods for moonlight flits from digs.
  11. I'm intrested in the trailer itself. do you have any specs for it? Was it a generic tyupe, and who manufactured? I'm still trying to track more detail on our WS10 trailer. That may, be on display this year.
  12. Gourgeous! all I need is a lottery win!
  13. Welcome in, another person willing to crawl in the mud under our vehicles always welcome.
  14. The one in the US was where a number of X Ray machines went for scrap. The machines were scrapped by a local in Mexico still containing the radioactive core. It was only discovered by acident when a load of building beams that included the stuff got lost. The driver of the truck carrying them asked directions from a nuclear estblishment. As he turned the truck it went past radiaton detecters that were ussed to monotor plant vehicles. The detectors promptly went off high order.
  15. What is the gap between the arm and the coil? If as you say it stays in when pushed, I'd wonder if the gap has opened so that the magnetic effect wont pull it in again?. May just be dirt build up?
  16. Regardless of scource, there is some radioactivity in all steel manufactured from 1945 on.The biggest scource of non radioactive metal is the remains of the High Seas Fleet at Scapa. In about 50.999 years that lot at Chernobyl will be valuable antiques!
  17. Got to be Sabre! The Great White Bearded One. I don't think they know half the stuff they have!
  18. Probably have no trouble finding it. Just follow the glow on the horizion!
  19. Go for it. Just think, you can post it to a show! So when it rains you can be home and dry! :-D
  20. In defence of the Met Office, there forcasts are very good at 32,000 feet! As quoted to me by a Met Office big wig some years ago. Stick head out of window, open eyes , and guess.
  21. What happned? Did you use super setting on the steam washer? You now need to add 1/35 little you's to complete it.
  22. Could be the bearings have collapsed. So that when you add revs the the commutator is slipping.
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