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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. And he gets PAID to do things like this!!! :banghead:
  2. As you say Chris a real can of worms. As my FO says' For Christ sake, don't be stupid with any of them. I've enough paperwork!'
  3. Has a very South African Armscor look to it.
  4. something for our avation entusiasts! :-D http://www.thisisjersey.com/2010/09/09/jet-man-first-for-jersey/ http://www.thisisjersey.com/2010/09/10/jet-man-adds-to-amazing-display/
  5. De-acs are treated sepreatley to relastic IMATATION firearms.
  6. The Equine place. It's a long winding entrance road through woods.
  7. Good looks brawn and brains! what more could a man want. :-D though the choice of course? Good excuse to play with toys? :cool2:
  8. Be honest for the milage your doing, stick with the petrol engine. I have just put the Range Rover off the road for the winter, needs a sort out after five years of abuse, and got a Discovery 200tdi. Quite honestly regreting it already, after three days the engine is a lousy slow revving pice of S***. the turbo lag is measured on a calander! And with no anti roll bars the handling ^&*(££"$
  9. I know the 3 litre was a pile of poo. The 2.8 is a good solid lump. When I originaly got mine Chertsey were trying out the Perentie, so I asked the opinion of a couple of guys down there. They were gushing over the engine.
  10. No, normally some evil nasty sudden emergency. Most common is a twisted gut. Take your intestine , fill it with food then twist violently. I once had to take a horse with Grass sickness there (And before the Equestrian experts start! Yes I know you don't get Grass Sickness this end of country, just no one told the horse!) Managed to drive round from Orpington to the clinic with out stopping the vehicle once. Had to, if I had to stop and start the horse would have fallen over and probably never got up! They are *** good vet's up there. Which means they get all the real nastys!
  11. Isuzui 3.1 turbo disiel. Nice free reving, and a bomb proof timing gear.
  12. You know why he needs us? Ever seen an Officer with a map? :-D
  13. welcome Johna, Dodge owner's always welcome.
  14. What's hapening to your big baby then?
  15. Been up there quite often. Mostly about two in the morning. Never knew it was ex military.
  16. 815*** is an early number, 1941 early 42. Not suprising as Command car's were a short run. The Walter P Chrysler Musuem do have bulid cards, at least most of them. It is posssible that she was subject to renovation rebuild so had a diffrent body put on the chassis. Gordon M will no doubt be along to fill in details. From the phots she looks right, not bodged about. You are a lucky man!
  17. Damm right! :drive:That is NICE!!
  18. When are you going to decent British repros?
  19. Bloody hell took you long enough Geoff! You'll enjoy it here plenty of signal stuff. We must get a Y Service articale together for Pathfinder.
  20. Congratulations on seeing the light. And green envy for getting such a nice vehicle.
  21. Interesting, what about all the drill missiles displayed on various Rapier launchers then? Or are they RIF's?
  22. I learnt to shoot on the German SS marked version. It had ben aquired in 1945 by a local farmer.:cool2:
  23. Wasn'r thwere there was .22 slr training kit?. There was a .22 SMLE the No2, I have one. This was manufactured as .22 not a Paker Hale conversions. The SMLE I was thinking of was the No5 Jungle carbine. The SMLE 2 is on the No 1 woodwork and sights, including volley! They use the Long lee bolt. Manufactured around 1907 for cadet and training use.
  24. Having fired both. I'll take the SLR. The Mk IV left a bruise for a month!:nut: Trouble with any firarm is the flash. My old Broom handle Mauser, we used to turn the lights out for the pyro effect.
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