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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Maybe he'd been using it as a cement mixer? :???
  2. BBC Radio 7 are serialising Geiorge Mc Donald Frazer's memoirs of his service in Burma. Read by the Authour.
  3. Jammy S*D! :-D Amazon do have a link to various private sellers, who can obtain out of print and old books. Sometimes very cheap. I've got several books through the service.
  4. If the law is not in the hands of the 'people' it is another tool of repression. The law in a Democracy means 'Act or custom which the majority look upon as binding'. If the people can't discuss changing those laws, or attempt to understand them, where do we stand? At the moment 'Law' seems to be at the will of a minority. A lot of Ministry's are now Agencey's, including our bug bears of DVLA and VOSA. What that means is they do not get their budget from Taxation but from the 'customer'. Us poor saps. And unlike any other buissness we can't take our trade elsewhere. Two sections of a society laugh at the law, those that make it and those that breack it. a lot of Agencys, MP's etc claim Privilige. Ever looked up the derivation? Private Law! Jack, can't you copyright anything posted on HMVF, then sue them rotten?
  5. Now I'm REALLY worried! I doooon't think a cat and computer would blend to well.
  6. Obviosuly likes the new climate. He's not missing much P**seisternt rain and deep cloying mud the last few days. Taken him down to the shops for odd missing thing yet? :-D
  7. Welcome to the international club house
  8. Winchs are just extra useless weight. If you get a Dodge stuck and need a winch you were either trying or are very stupid! But it does mean you can help all those poor Jeep owners out. Lovley truck, any history?
  9. A true basket case would be a real trial, and inevitably expensive. It is still possible to get a running Seies 3 for under £1000. They are an ideal starter for the hobby. Where abouts are you based?
  10. Nasty thought. There probably breeding!
  11. Tony B

    MoD cuts

    Eat before looking! If we showed it to you we'd have to shoot you! :-D
  12. Definite maybe. If pickups copuld be arranged.
  13. A 101 ohhh you have it bad. Welcome.
  14. Part of the fun (Yeah right!) The more you look at the more you learn.
  15. I pity the groundsmen. They must have been heartbrocken.
  16. Even the ,probably, most famous war film of all time, Geoffrey Malin's Battle of the Somme, had scenes re-eancted for the camera. Also shots are used out of context. Everyone will have seen at some time the grainy shot of a huge explosion from the Great War without knowing where it came from. Cameras can't lie, but how people use them can change context and perception. As for books. When you read anything written down by another person- even the official acounts, you get their opinion.
  17. Yeah, 35mm you learnt to compose in the viewfinder very quickly. And thought about pictures with a maximum of about 36 at a time. Now its just press button take umpteen and dump the unwanted.I was taught keep all of them so you can learn from your mistakes.
  18. Not always the Authour, by the time things have been through proof reading editing, then the printers.... also a lot of other collabaroators, relying on stock shots of vehicles and other authors.
  19. There were the Dingo and the Greyhound. Knowing Greyhounds, gormless, have a tendency to lie on there backs with legs in the air and snoring at very high decibels eat anything, but are the most loyal, and coragous breed in the world! And the worlds second fastest land animal. Very similar to Sqauddies really.
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