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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Tony B

    Slow running

    Yes thanks Joris! I'm now trying to keep up with the thing.:tup::
  2. Depending on what you need, I can get you a radio table and back for the tub and a second hand tub. The radio table bits are not far away from you and free to a good home. PM me.
  3. Tony B

    Slow running

    So does that mean you let Jack draw the map for the thing? :computerrage:
  4. Tony B

    Slow running

    Crazy, Internet explorer seems my only way in!
  5. Crazy! Having gone over to internet explorer It appears I can now get in. AOL and Chrome still giving trouble.
  6. Tony B

    Slow running

    This is my fourth atempt to post this message. Still having problems getting on. Server cannot be found messages, then when trying to post Web site cannot be displayed.
  7. Still trying to get on mate! I'm getting a error mesage cannot find web site two out of three times. I've tried posting this mesage twice before but get a Webpage cannot be displayed message, so maybe third time lucky.
  8. Tony B

    Slow running

    Still abit hit and miss logging on. I'm still getting a server not found mesage two out of three attempts.
  9. Not a new idea even. Those of a certain age will remeber a well built sex symbol of the time hanging over the top of a Dingo outside the Sun's Wapping print plant.
  10. This time last year I got a real earful from something I think was female because I wouldn't let her bring a bay's pram on a crowded bus. The child in question was actually being carried. The pram was full of bottles and cans of booze! :-D
  11. Nothing like a bit of Bambi over Christmas. :cool2:
  12. Bloody hell! The foxes are fighting back! :shocked:
  13. Might be TA, the one time of the year when they would all be together. Any chance of a description of the cap badge? (Or is that to easy?)
  14. Tony B

    Slow running

    Weirdly working ok on AOL Desktop, a Bleeding nightmare on AOL 9.1
  15. Sorry, but with problems getting on to the forum and generally slow internet over the last few days I haven't been able to find the pictures at the moment. Or it may be in the Brooklands book. There was a major tyre and fuel shortage in the US. As part of the fuel rationing requirments car and truck owners had to have a monthly certificate of inspection on tyres before fuel was issued. The result was that vehicles not being shipped for immidiate service were placed on economy tyres and no spare. There is a photo of a Dodge 3/4 ton on these tyres, similar to the small tyres fitted to the 1/2 tonners, and just a rim on the spare bracket. Did find this though http://www.ameshistoricalsociety.org/exhibits/events/ww2ration.jpgA British veteran told me than when an American convoy went by, a soldier was sent out on a bike to follow. His mission was, should a truck breack down and be left to phone the camp. At which point they dispatched a truck to strip anything useful, including tyres, before the recovery came back. :-D The Yanks cottoned on very fast and started leaving armed escorts with the vehicles. It wasn't only an allied problem, every sort of tyre, down to biycycle tyres were taken by the Germans from the Channel Islands.
  16. Yes, but it'll take a bit of hunting. Just look at any pictures of Dodges being shipped.
  17. Vehicles from US were shipped on basic rubber bands with no spares. Most rubber came from the Far East, and the Japanese were not that keen on supplying.
  18. There were a couple of old sand barges on the Thames with out boards like that. A Seagull engine on steroids.
  19. Welcome along, there are SNATCH experts lurking round here somewhere.
  20. Deepest sympathy my friend.
  21. In 1901 that must have been a prototype. Most kit would have been horse drawn.
  22. Tony B

    Slow running

    Remember a Dodge Ambulance is not just for Christmas. Mind you, Rosie can always claim she IS going home in the back of an ambulance.:-D
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