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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The running gear id Ford. A mate had one for years, it was running aroumnd Sidcup. I'll try and get hold of him and ask.
  2. Thanks Degsey. Never to late. Hopefully I'll be back round the area at some stage of 2012.:-D
  3. Just checked site. Unicorn's AGAIN! :computerrage::banghead:
  4. Welcome along. ASC, Alley Slooper's Cavalary, as it was known by the rest is now the Royal Logistic Corp. My son is RLC TA.
  5. Trying to find a replica or airsoft Browning is like hunting Unicorns. Everyone had one yesterday. You can buy a cheap multi coulered £5 toy from a show. You can buy a generic 'automatic' air pistol cheap enough and as long as your over 16 and the trigger covered your legal. I have an airsoft .45 M1911 that fits and looks the part, but I'm a memeber of a re-eanctment group with 3rd part liability .
  6. I rember the one at Fort Halstead sounded every Sunday just before 12 am. Pub opening signal! The old Police Station in St Mary Cray had one on the roof for years, even after the station closed and my old Boss took it over for offices. It was only removed about 6 or 7 years ago.
  7. Husky actually made a civillian version, including breeches length, stop about half way down the calf, long johns. They were great on horse back for winter excersise, provided you wore the old fashioned cord breeches. The military surplus ones were about £2 a set at the time around a tenth of the price of civvy ones. ARhhh dem were the days! Bury your feet in the muck heap to keep warm on cold mornings!:-D
  8. Anyone remeber the old 'Chinese Fighting Suit'? Similar to the civillian Husky types jackets. Spent many hours on horse back swaddled in old suit.
  9. Amazing what a smile and red dress can do!
  10. I have just found out to my severe annoyance that Adrian Flux can be very lax with their paperwork, they dropped me right in it, and I don't even have insurance with them!! Never will after this. I haven't even got the apolgy and written clarification I asked for.
  11. Regardless I'd recommend any excuse to vist Walcheren! The K Guns were obsolete by the start of the Second World War , which is why the SAS were able to scrounge them.
  12. One of the first .22 rifles I used was a .22 barrel grafted to a Martini action with the arrow and crown dated 1897!.
  13. Problem is when Rosie submits the work , she'll probably get 'Content to practical, not enough theory'. :-D
  14. That beast has not been strictly military for many years. It was part of the DERA fleet at Fort Halstead. The vehile was used in trial projects.
  15. A man decided he needed a guard dog. He decided to vist a dog breeder and saw he dog he liked. 'What breed is that?' he asked 'A type of border Collie' replied the dealear 'Are they any use as guard dogs?' asked the man 'Na' replied the breeder 'Absolutley useless, it a British Border type collie'
  16. Welcome Allen, you in the right place for info anyway.
  17. I'm not suprised that Andy Robertshaw is the main instgator for 2014. I'll be doing my best to be there! Ruby and I have a lot of happy memories of 'Robertshaw Rambles'. :-D The 90th anniversary of the First Day of the Battle of the Somme.
  18. Why pay an agent? The age of the vehicle it is more of an antique than any practical military use. You could quite honestly describe is as Classic truck. What is it described as on the VL5. Remeber it is we of the Fraternioty call them military, the military would call them junk.
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