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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I was thinking of Degsey trying to get a silage or hay cut. Don't often feel sorry for him.
  2. Thanks for the warning. A god scrub with sugar soap is on the cards, if the weather ever dries out enough to get her outside to do it!
  3. Thanks Guys! I was eying up a bottle of that clour match type polish, but I don't think soft paint will like though. The roof definitley needs a coat but I've had the local Duluck's match up the colour, near perfect so a bit of rollering over that. What's mainly needed is a couple of decent dry days!
  4. Following five years sitting in a barn my WC54's paintwork is looking very tierd. Some parts have faded more than than others. I now have everything mechanically done and she is now on English plates so can go out on the road. In the past she was always polished with Duck Oil, can anyone suggest ideas to get the paint work up a bit? I'd like to get her out to at least one show this year but have neither time nor money at the moment to get her resparyed.
  5. You'll set Nigel off now. :nono: They were expensive bits of kit for the time. I wonder what actual production and new cost was. Anyone know who built the 'American' sterilisers?
  6. You will have learnt one important lesson. Next time take on something simple like a bionic man!
  7. All a horse drawn one would save is the transmissiom. The Foden's boiler would serve a dual purpose drive and disinfect. I presume a fixed unit would need a building and ancillirys attached. There must have ben a support vehicle for fuel water etc for the mobiles.
  8. Winter 0f 1918/19 saw a major flu pandemic. Very probably the units were used for sterilaisation.
  9. I think those bits are probably generic. After all brake fittings are a standard set of threads.
  10. There are a good few Dodges around the south, plenty to lok at.
  11. Why not take a while? Took me two years to find my WC51, well worth the wait! I've had so many good experiences with her.
  12. If it all fits properly you shouldn't need any sealant. You may have to get it undone one day. Invest in a pressure bleeder as well, that will save the rest of your lifetime.
  13. No Winch!! Complicated piece of extra weight. Brakes, check state of fluid. All brake parts are avilable but it can be awkward to replace some bits. There are 4 flexible pipes to check, front wheels, front axle to just under radiator and back axle. If you have vacum wipers they can be a pain so electric are preferable. Ambulances can have problems with metal moth around the windscreen frames. Otherwise very nice relaible vehilces and great fun to drive and own. Where abouts in counry are you?
  14. As everyone here knows, I'd argue with the winch, but hey another 54 is good news. Have you tried contacting Chrysler to get the build date yet?
  15. There are plenty of ' In a bottle' seal expanders available. But having tried them, if you can't cure the leack by checking and twitching the bolts that hold the seal in place, replace the seal.
  16. Eh, :red: Glad to know I'm not the only one though. Nipped a flexible pipe on Katy by not running it quite right. Frost's do a useful little brake pipe bending tool for about £20. Go for Cupro nickel brake pipe. No rust and easily worked.
  17. Use something like Photoscape to reduce the image size. Then it will load.
  18. Setyres have a place at Foots Cray Sidcup, about 1/2 mle from me. If they won't send them on, I could collect and post. My son knows the guys there as well.
  19. That makes sense. A man I know (Who is a proffesional welder) once did some work on a Ford Escort in a chaps garage. Unfortunatley there was an old pice of oil soacked carpet under the car. He did get his kit out safley though before phoning for fire brigade. :-D
  20. Baldrick would be proud of you! Now get dates sorted so I might have a fighting chance of booking the ****holidays!:-D
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