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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Yes completly true. Also the old wax records had maps and paperwork hidden inside them. There was a whole special works department based at the Natural History Museum devising various gadgets for SOE and MI9 the escape organisation. A lot of people from Pinewood and Shepperton studios wer eemployed, set makers and model makers. Also conjouers and stage magicians, escapologists etc were consulted. Pickpockets, card sharps, forgers, those convicted of frauds, all were considered highly valuable people .
  2. Re the Brake Servo- finally got the brakes on Phil's QL bled. If you arent aware, under the top plate that goes over the the push rod. There is an internal nut adjustment. Be careful as if it is adjusted to much it pushes the master and blocks the feed to the front cylinders. If it is loose, guess what? The &*(%^&** brakes won't bleed! Getting it right the brakes bleed up hard in about 20 minutes! Apparently the adjustment is not mentioned in the manual.
  3. But Rosie, could you imagine what the place would be like if you wern't around to keep us in order? :-D
  4. No not that one, I know the gadget you mean. This was a semi circular block with a hole in the middlle. The hole had brass brushes around the edge and the bottom. You held it onto the bench, or may have been clamped, the plug was pushed into the brushes and spun about by hand. It was a simple little tool but worked well. I'll see if I can find a picture on the web.
  5. I seem to remember a gadget with a circular brass brush. You shoved a plug into the middle and twited it about. Worked very well, do they still exist?
  6. Been snowing here most of the last two days! Just nothing settling! Bitingly cold though, and tomorrow bleeding brakes, outside!
  7. Native beares- Date about 1900, South African War?
  8. Welcome, please post pictures of your work, I admire those who can model, not one of my strongpoints.
  9. Oh come on, we have had some damm good rows on the forum! But they are intillegent discussions, everyone backs thier side with well thought out arguments and listens to the other side. The other thing is the amount of help given by people to others. The forum has saved me a lot of trouble , particullay Richard and Degsey, by giving sound advice. And it carries on into the real world, events like Bunker Bash are great fun, well managed and genuinley nice to attend.
  10. Possibly the last 18 months of weather hasn't helped. All the toys stuck in the garage with no where to go. Yes I think HMVF does still qualify as friendly, any outbracks of Cabin Fever are jumped on and apologies given.
  11. http://wpchryslermuseum.org/page.aspx?pid=388 E mail first to see if they have the build card. The cost is £25 but very useful for any arguments with DVLA and Insurance etc. With a bit of luck they will have her exact birthday.
  12. You did say a weird mind would be needed to connect to a prevous item! Just trying to oblige! :-D
  13. Very wise mate! DVLA managed to 'misplace' my licence for six weeks! Technically I couldn't work as i have to carry it when driving profesionally. Joys of the 'System' you must send it for renewal, but the other lot say youcan't drive unless you carry it!
  14. Strapped around an Elephants trunk? For what purpose the mind has stalled!
  15. Oh Good! Another person with taste and sophistication! Post pictures and the chassis number of the Dodge and we'll see roughly what age she is. Have you contaced the Walter P Chrysler musuem for her build card?
  16. Welcome in. What vehicles have you got?
  17. Welcome Geoff! Anyone with clean hands and fingernails is regarded with suspion around here.
  18. Also worth getting proof of postage (Free) or sending recorded delivery (That costs) then they can't claim it never arrived! The Royal Mail can be just as culpable of that as DVLA. At least you know WHO lost it with recorded delivery.
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