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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Then he'd be stuck up there all day! :angel:
  2. This QL was 30 corp originally though signals. The original Boar had very pronunced genitalia, this is the later more 'refined' Boar.
  3. There are two versions of the Boar, rampant, so to speack and the PC one. :-D
  4. The old ones work on the 'It breacks you before you breack it principal.
  5. Oh ***** I thought YOU had charged the battery! What about this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo2UAINfDfY
  6. That's what I'd be afraid of! You're supposed to have the same number of succesful landings as you have take offs! Though the old joke about any landing you can walk away from is a good one comes to mind. And if the aircraft is uasable afterwards that's a bonus.
  7. Welcome Martin. You should find a lot of disscussion here.
  8. Welcome in, PLEASE post pictures of the vehicles!
  9. Is that the screams when you have NDT's on anything other than a bone dry road? :cool2:
  10. Absolututley right!! that's what this place in for! :-D Local authorities might take a dim view of tracked vehiles rumbling about. Mind you one of the funniest things I've seen is a pink Abbot roaring down Whitehall with a plastic pig wearing a coppers helmet on each corner. The look on the face of a woman driving a Vauxhal Corsa when it screeched to a stop behind her was priceless!
  11. Seen that done in a Glider at about 50 feet! Now that was ***impressive!
  12. Well Jack has achived one thing! Degsey and I agree! :-D I did wonder why the clubhouse sound system was playing Those Magnicent Men in thier Flying Machine on a loop.
  13. Ah! Did you have the bit in the grease tub with the 'ole in it? :cool2: That plastic disc a lot of people pull out? If you put the gun over that hole and suck the grease comes up.
  14. Yep!! That's why legal draughtsmen get paid a bl**dy fortune to select every word. Then lawyers get paid to argue over them! :-D
  15. Hear we go! Thanks for restarting a long running argument. :-D The winch is an added lump of metal. With the off road performance of a Dodge if you get stuck your trying!
  16. Yes BUT the 'Group' must have 3rd party liability insurance. The Spoertsman's Assocation, which campains for shooters and all countryside pursuits rights gives you 3rd party as part of the membership and does specifically cover military or histroic re-eanctment.
  17. Welcome to a man with good taste! You won't regret the Dodge :-D WC51 is the version wthout winch, the winch version is the WC52.
  18. Don't worry about not understanding the English law, those of us that live here don't understand half of it! :-D
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