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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. My 51 has thirteen days to go. A good year and month for WC51's
  2. If you can find it read Braver Men Walk Away by Peter Gurney
  3. The old 2.2 series c engine is a tough brute. A friend of mine sent me a picture of one being used in Africa to power a water pump. The cooling consisted of pice of drain pipe placed into the outlet pipe of the water pump which ran back to the top of the block, then vented through the block into an open trough. Apparentley it had run this way for years!
  4. Before electric starting make sure rehostat is turned right down. Also there is berillium in the beasts rectifier, be carful when handling dust is very toxic. The other classic I've found with these is to remeber to relase the air bleed on the top of the fuelfiller cap! They don't run to well with it shut:red:
  5. Welcome in. To upload photos they need to be quite small, than use the 'Manage Attachments' button below the reply box.
  6. Trouble is if she on the bottom with a hole . How do you get a collison mat over it? Otherwise your tying to pump the river. I'd reckon this to be a lifting job not pumping.
  7. When I was a youth, I remember a boat being raised in a similar situation by pushing defalted Avon Redstarts into it then inflating. Now I'd use jacking bags I suppose.
  8. We get taught to drive a bus in a clasroom! :shocked: Bit of a Bu**er getting it up the stairs though. Oh bye the bye, finally got my updated licence back from DVLA, by a stroke of the pen I can now drive manual PCVs!! New layouts of holos on the card as well. BUT I can drive a bus or coach,commercially, but not a minibus for profit or reward, though I have the CPC and that covers me for trucks as well. I'm off for a pint of brandy and a vallium sandwich.
  9. Very true Rick. There is such a knowledge of scources and obscure links around here. Just re reading everything, rather apt considering the time now. I've spent the last few months researching all I can to try and work out WHY the war started in the first place! As a result I can now say I am a lot more ignorant! The picture turns out to be a jigsaw, unless every part is there it dosen't make sense. Bernard is one piece of that jigsaw that could have been so easily lost. As I said previously the ancinet Greeks belived a man never dies until his name is never mentioned.
  10. Came across this BBC documentrey from 1974, http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00jvcm0/tuesday-documentary-the-bomb-disposal-men
  11. http://www.parktool.com/blog/repair-help/coaster-hub-overhaul-pedal-brake-hub Here you go!
  12. Get somone else to do it! :-D
  13. I'm sure there is a Vampire breed of screwdrivers. Sooner or later they want your blood! :shocked:
  14. By torpedo brake do you mean the unit in the back hub, in UK they are called Coaster brakes? If so yes, they are very simple, strip it apart and you'll find a couple of brass shoes that expand when pushed back. Mine just needed cleaning the old grease out and refitting. thia is a useful place. http://bsamuseum.wordpress.com/1944-bsa-mk-v-military-roadster/
  15. There is a well known picture of a Type B converted to a pigieon loft, with a lower census number .Deatils of uniform, espically the wrist markings of the officer suggest early war. The first of the buses went to France on about 5th August 1914 at the behest of Churchill, not for Army use but to carry a Roayl Marine expditionary force to Antwerp, about to be surrounded. Some had boiler plate fitted so could claim to be the first self proppeled APC. The operation was a failure and many vehicles ended up in German hands.
  16. When the 'Official DVLA' website has a large disclamer along the lines of Information not nessacarily legaly correct, has to go to court to be proved, whats the $%^**$ Point?
  17. Welcome John, I hope you'll find a lot more to intrest you than just the lorry. There is a lot of obscure knowledge around here.
  18. Welcome in. Your 109 II B is the 'Original' Forward control Land Rover with a round front, often used as a base for a fire truck. Can you post som pictures of the vehicles?
  19. Get them to issue a covering letter. I had various stupid problems with DVLA earlier in the year, so the company demanded DVLA put thier decision in writing, which they did, result company and me now legal, despite DVLA admitting thier system was at fault.
  20. Use the toothed anti shake washers on all the contacts. That's the easiest way I've found of stopping stupid problems. I've had a 6 volt Dodge WC54 for a couple of years now, intial problems were mainly timoing set way off -22 degress!- I did install one of Frank Jolleys electronic ignitions as I'd had one on my 12 volt Weapons Carrier for years with never a problem. I also cleaned and fitted the aforesaid toothed anti shake washers as from past experience with various vehicles most niggling starting problems are bad connections. They may appear clean and tight to the eye but still can work just that fraction loose enough to cause problems. An extra earth starp from battery to chassis is an easy insurance, also current flows on the surface of a conductor, so get large surface area cable as 6 volt needs double the amapage to generate the same power as 12 volt the equation is Voltage X Ampage = Wattage
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