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Everything posted by G506

  1. Hello all, a quick update, both boys amd Mum doing really well, possibility that William and Ethan may come out of incubators today and into cots, likely to stay in hospital a while longer, but progressing very well. Daddy G506 :-D
  2. Rosie/Iain/Tony/Mark/TootallMike/rcubed/RMS et al, many thanks for the kind wishes, I've just got in from the hospital, knackered but unable to stop grinning! Mum and babies doing well, pictures to follow soon. Spanner recognition lessons to start Sunday. You need to start them young you know........... :-D :-D :-D
  3. Enigma, I'm fairly sure the Israelis used the Detroit 6V53 two stroke diesel in their half tracks
  4. Hi Kevan, welcome to the forum, any chance of some pics of your Landy?
  5. Hi Mike, good to have another Hampshire lad here! Welcome
  6. Preevyet Eduard, Cag dela? Welcome to the forum!
  7. Hi ODW, great to have another 41 Slat owner here! Thats quite some collection you have there
  8. Welcome to the forum Gem, nice to have another 2a 109 owner here!
  9. :cheesy: Congratulations Mike and Caroline!
  10. Happy Birthday Rich! Hope Rosie did'nt wear you out!
  11. G506


    :shocked: Wow, it must be bad there then..........
  12. G506


    :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  13. G506


    Hmmmm, I've lived in Southampton for 40 years, does that count as wilderness?
  14. Nicely put, Adrian. Rcubed, RMS, Chevy and another mate regularly help me out, I would be screwed without them
  15. G506


    I am planning to give up buying rusty projects. Lent does only last for 40 minutes, does'nt it? :whistle:
  16. Hi Brad, welcome to the friendly forum. Ive seen your posts on other forums, hope to share a few discussions here!
  17. Just a theory (and possibly a stupid one), is there any way the truck could have had a chassis replacement during it's early post war service life?
  18. About time too, its been anarchy here :shocked:
  19. Deadline, PM sent ref the early oil filter decal cheers G506
  20. I do like a challenge! What you doing this weekend? I may need a hand making progress on the Chev......... By the way, Tesco is fairly cheap for JD, don't want you spending more than you need to
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