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Everything posted by Ron

  1. This is one to try and get hold of. It used to be available on VHS from the IWM....but not any more for some reason? A friend did a couple of dozen copies of mine onto DVD but I think they are all gone now. It's about 3 hours worth in B&W and all narrated by Chumely-Warner!!!! Brilliant! Ron PS I just heard from my mate. He has five of these double DVD's left if anyone wants one at £15 inc post in UK. PM me for his email address.
  2. Yes Runflat! But now I know how to keep it instead of losing it. Thanks all. I'm not divulging any secrets here as the information is already on the internet. The guy happily gave me these pictures and told me that he bought £60.000 worth of vehicles at that auction and hired two 40' containers to ship them back to UK. (there are a couple of motorcycles also inside the vehicles). Would you believe that he also had to pay VAT on the full value plus on the shipping. So God knows what this lot owes him in the end. Ron
  3. Thanks Richard I'll search that site later. I met up with that Morris today for the first time. Unfortunately at the moment, it's just about as unloved as it always was. I really was hoping to see it sitting all proud like a Poodle with a new bow! It's under a sheet in a muddy field. Ron
  4. Within the last three years or so, someone posted an old bit of film from the 60's I think. It was a 1940 Morris PU8/4 being driven around a west country scrap yard. (near Exeter I think) I would dearly love to see that film again and keep it for posterity...... my computer skills have slightly improved since I first saw the film. Can anyone point me to it......PLEASE!!! Ron
  5. No response from Roy? Anyway here is a bit more of the build up of the 741 I am restoring for my mate Tony.
  6. Mine is painted OD (British code BS 298) The paint colour was to bring us in line with our allies for the invasion. I found an original NOS headlamp and it is the same colour as mine so I left it as is. But of course I don't know the date of the lamp, despite the markings? Ron
  7. Radek. email me if you want with your parts query. I know Les and maybe I can help. ronpier(at)talk21.com Ron
  8. Radek. Les is too old to learn to use a computer since his brother left the business. you can only, write/phone/fax him. Ron
  9. I am on my 4th military Indian restoration. I have found Jurgen here to be very helpful and has most stuff. http://www.indianteile.com/Frames/Frame2.htm Ron
  10. I agree Griff. I haven't worked them out on here though? Ron
  11. Well I didn't fall for it as per my reply. But they obviously made that thing for some reason? Sometimes the printed word doesn't quite show the tongue in cheek. I'm all for a bit of banter though. Ron
  12. Sorry but I don't believe a word of it. With all the horses and available space in the US why would they do that? And a horse from a fairground ride??? Looks like a carnival ride to me? Maybe to depict the Cavalry transition from horse to horse power. Ron
  13. Ah good to hear Tom. We were starting to think you were slacking. Ha Ha. Ron
  14. It seems the British testers thought it was useless! Courtesy O&M. Ron
  15. I didn't bother to bid as I only needed the extended nut with stud part and Les sent me one for a fiver. Along with some other parts I needed. Ron
  16. That's interesting. I'd never heard of it. Mine is from about halfway through the first contract S789 and the mistake must have been rectified by the time mine was built. Ron
  17. Well I'll be watching and bidding on that bolt. Mine is a bit home made and could be the wrong length. Like rivet, built in the days when I had less knowledge and with the piles of bits I had. Rivet please could you make a drawing of the extended nut with stud in case I have to get one made. Ron
  18. Thanks for those tips Rik. I'll be taking a long and close look at all this in the near future. Where/who did you get those shallow slotted spring screws from? They look a good idea when every fraction of an inch counts. Ron
  19. Guy, did you want to keep the 6 volt battery box? Or sell it to me? Or swap for a 12 volt box. Ron
  20. Steve/Stefano. Thanks for the advice. Have a look at my pictures Stefano. Is that the spring nut you speak of? Although my rubbing issue is to do more with the inner cover. Ron
  21. Here is my clutch. Is this an original type Rik? I have the new type friction plates also. There is very little end float on my main shaft. So I'm ok there. The outer clutch cover has a slight rub mark from the three screws with the square holes. But my inner cover is badly scored as can be seen by the wear to the back of the clutch hub. I haven't studied the situation fully yet as I need to gain better access by removing the side car body. I Need at least two strong men working under my instructions for that!! Removing the primary side whilst standing on my head was a right farce. But my initial thoughts are that the inner cover can't be moved much further in easily, and that in turn will bring the outer cover even closer!! and the clutch is on the main shaft where it belongs. Therefore I'm wondering if I can dish the inner cover a bit where the clutch runs. Ron
  22. Funnily enough I just pulled the clutch off my Norton Big 4 yesterday and found exactly the same problem. Mine is also rubbing on the inner chain case also. Some investigation required........As well as some pulling on my shaft!! Ron
  23. I wonder why yours has got two petrol tank strips on each side? Ron
  24. Barry have you asked Rory? Ron
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