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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. I've never been to one of these yards with piles of kit in. Not many near Southend!
  2. Of all the years to miss a Brighton Run. My bruv in law said the Daimler was a beaut and the pic proves it.
  3. Good stuff folks....nice to see you all had a good time. See some of you at Kelvedon, I hope. MB
  4. Fantastic.... Are you flying south for the summer? Are you bringing it down souffff?
  5. Looks like your pix failed to upload Chris. Please try again. Glad you all had a good time.
  6. Fantastic. BTW, am I supposed to bring anything with me?? brain dead. Too many hours in Chase Farm hospital finding money for the car park (£4 a visit).
  7. Mike, Sorry I missed you, the first Brighton i've missed since 1987 thanks to work. But it leaves me to free to be at Kelvedon in two weeks and to be in Flanders next weekend. My brother in law Roger says the WLF looked great. Glad to hear it. cheers, Mark
  8. Not much of a consolation!
  9. good news on the Stuart. Don't be sorry you're not the other Paul Marriott. I've met or know of several other Mark Barneses and I'm quite happy being this one!
  10. I saw a book on the old Commando comics recently. It cost an arm and a leg and consisted of a dozen or so repeats of old comics. When I was a kid I used to collect them and the old War or Battle Picture Library comics. There was also the ridiculous American comic Sergeant Fury and His Howlin' Commandos which was utter nonsense, but good for a laugh. I've still got one or two of them in my house. I'm sure I also remember a set of American picture cards about the war which are now quite sought after that covered all the lovely attrociities committed by the Japs.
  11. Same here. Have a good time you lot. After actionn reports required.
  12. The French air force must get through a lot of cognac.
  13. I've always thought groups like Rolling Thunder, who I really admire, would be enhanced by having the odd black face in the ranks. But I think the whole idea of re-enacting and the military thing is predominantly a, how do I say this nicely, indigenous thing when it comes to the UK. Can't speak for anywhere else. I don't remember ever seeing a black re-enactor or vehicle owner. The counter side to this is when a bureaucrat notices this fact and does the hobby a damage for lack of diversity. Maybe, and just maybe, this is why similar notions - however mischievious, make it in to AGM agendas. I don't think this is a subject that can go anywhere as a long term discussion. We are who we are and we like what we like. While I would never claim to be politically correct and a paid up member of the Brotherhood of Man, I would never discriminate against people who wanted to adance the MV/military history scene. Nor do I think would anyone else. The more the merrier. The black gay lesbian vegan skateboarders can still put their cottage cheese in the clubhouse fridge - if they nick my KitKats they will get the same response as anyone else. HMVF polo shirts come to fit body size not content.
  14. This sounds really interesting. Can you tell us a bit more as and when you've got through it. Looks like one to find. I agree about reprints. I use Tom Morgan books for WW1 stuff and he often has "welcomed reprints" where publishers have seen scope to make a few bob from dusty manuscripts. There are a good many classic accounts of military life published in the 1920s and 30s that can be found if anyone ever has the time and this obviously applies to WW2 etc. Funny enough I once picked up and put back a book called The Empire Made Me written by a bloke who went out to Shanghai after WW1 to be a copper in those mad days of triad gangs and stuff when Fairbairn and Sykes were plying their trade in police uniform in China. Wish I'd picked it up. But there are so many books to read.
  15. Bonkers. I love it. Definitely worth it. We must meet up at the event to get this ...airborne. (sorry) BTW you're not the sports snapper Paul Marriott are you?
  16. I hope thats not ALL you've got on. As you lot are hogging all the kit on sunny SPTA next weekend, don't forget I ordered a large polo shirt. My wife will love it.........................................not.
  17. I am far more concerned by the scary garden ornaments.
  18. Greetings Barry! Some idiot's eaten the contents of the condom machine (one of the mods), so bring your own Wrigleys until Jack has restocked. Meantime, it's your turn to bottle up. Snap
  19. More Canadians. You'll need your own clubhouse soon. Maple Leaf Up!
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