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rampant rivet

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Everything posted by rampant rivet

  1. Progress day today after things seemed to slow up it was nice to get the front cross member and engine mount back in the chassis. front springs back on Also got time to loosely fit the new oil filter from chris Morter and next on the list is the new exhaust pipe Plus got lots of bits n bobs sprayed as the weather is sooooooooooo nice:D
  2. Cope and drags sounds a bit dodgy to me what are cope and drags ? original spark plug holder looks to be made from monkey metal not ali maybe they could be cast in bronze ?
  3. Hi Dave it just worked that I was at home today and had some time to knock them out They are in the post and should be at John's soon, I'm Rippo's pet chippy / pattern maker if I can help out I will, I'm lucky that I have an original sat nr my puter and it was fairly easy to replicate :nut: thanks for sorting the clips look forward to fitting them Cheers J.
  4. Hi Louis Rippo and Dave are sorting having some new spark plug holders made I just made the patterns today so the can be cast. RR.
  5. Cheers Dave have made 5 patterns from my spark plug holder today and have posted them to John hopefully some new ones can be made.
  6. yes model is a lot more fiddly though this filter has been fiddly too :nut: before during Almost after just need to fit elbow and put top coat on.
  7. Welcome fellow MW owner :-D plenty of help on here fire away
  8. As I am getting on restoring the bulkhead on my MW it won't be long before I will start on the cab floor, can anyone tell me the finished sizes of the timbers that make up the floor bearers for the cab floor ?, my timbers were not original so I would like to put it back to original spec. Plus I will need to know the layout and centres of the bearers if pos. Thanks Jeremy.
  9. Quietly plodding on making odds n sods with Fred the cat doing some quality control :-D.
  10. Aha !! a jeep thing good oh ! Paul I'm glad the Mw lives on so to speak Looks a nice M 38 but must admit I know little about them apart from the fact I have an M38 engine block in my garage that I was going to build as a spare for my GPW does it need much TLC ? you'll have to post up lots more pics for us all, good luck with your new project. The Rivet.
  11. Not tested yet may connect to vacuum cleaner to test before fitting, more restoration needed to filter canister/ pipework first plus I must finish restoring/painting and fitting bulkhead first :nut:
  12. Hi Miff I got john Clements to make my CMP windscreen glass when they were going try forest glazing on the hollywood trading estate just off valley road they should be able to cut a piece of laminated for you. I'll need to have some cut for my MW sometime. J.
  13. Well I had to replace the internal wires hence the extra cost felt cost £11 plus P&P wire was £20 plus P&P plus webbing. simple jig I made to help with making the internal 1.5 mm piano wires the correct dia. pattern used to mark out the 48 pieces of felt I realised that cutting them out first was no good as it was a lot easier to follow the marks and the cut just outside the stiches. I used 2mm felt that when measured was more like 1.6mm After sewing the centres are cut out to enable them to be lined up when sewing the alternate pairs together. pairs had to be sewn together then the holes cut out then alternate pieces had to be sewn together to make the 24 bellows then the wires inserted and finally the three strips of canvas sewn to the outside. Test fit in tube
  14. Like the look of that element do you have a part No. and supplier please, the filter I am making is an experiment to see if it can be done and if it will work the cost of materials just to make one comes in around £45 which is ok its the hours and hours I've spent sewing the 48 pieces of felt together that takes sooooooooooooooo long will post some pics when its finished. Cheers J.
  15. Yesterday I started working on the bulkhead tin worm and there's plenty to put right. Top panel that carries aero screens etc particularly thin so will be completely replaced with new steel. Top panel removed to be used as template for new. small stiffner plate replaced. more rot. Old dexion shelf back comes in usefull as its the same thickness as original. Don't worry wood screws were used to temp hold panel in place :-D Bit of Gorilla welding and grinding later. More to do but I want retain the early MW /OY cutout in the panel. Temp brace tacked on to retain original shape of bulkhead. Checking new piece for fit. loosely tacked but had to stop due to loss of daylight. Today I have made a start on the replacement air filter element pics to follow, what a fiddly job :nut:
  16. Thanks but its the early type MW engine panels I'm looking for, I may have found some wings but was not sure if they were OY type.
  17. Can anyone tell me if MW wings are the same as OY ones please ? Thanks RR.
  18. Welcome you can never have enough sheds or shelves :-D
  19. Thanks for posting the pics John as it gives me some inspiration and an idea as to how it all should look try and post some more when you get time I'm sure there are a few of us on here that would find them very informative.
  20. Well its been a good weekend :-D after a chance encounter at Stoneleigh I have managed to get hold of an early type air filter. It'll need some restoration but its the one I've been looking for . Will need a new filter element as this ones a tad worn :shocked: Nice jack dated 1941 driver side splash guard. Plus flame retarder, couple of wheel rims, tax disc holder, mirrors and lots of small bits n pieces. A Big Big thank you to Paul for helping me with these parts it will help my restoration on no end.
  21. Yes looking very good there and the Rivet has lots of goodies from Devon to help him on his way
  22. Hi Dave AS John mentioned I also found original paint under the voltage regulator, inside the engine heat/sound panel and also under the steering box where it bolted to the chassis though this was the later brownish later colour also the inside of my dash had some original paint on it. Cheers J.
  23. Hello fellow Mw owner I am by no means an expert on these things but maybe check plugs and leads then compression to help identify problem cylinder, could be just a duff plug or lead if you are lucky, then head or gasket or pos valves not seating, just a thought. RR.
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