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gas 44

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Everything posted by gas 44

  1. Im not if sure if you wife drives but if so you could cut that down to 160 miles. Wife drives one Jeep and Jeep trailer. You drive Dodge and tow other jeep on trailer.....simple maybe ? It would be a shame not too display those vehicles together again. I remember one year doing hundred of miles and hours driving getting our vehicles to W&P, I gave up costing the fuel after the third visit to petrol station,hence why I tend to take a jeep on a trailer to run about.
  2. As a matter of interest how far from your homebase was the show ?
  3. Lets be totally honest here, 90% of the vehicle show is made up by 5% of the people that slip in some time earlier than the first Friday,rope off huge areas of grass in the prime location's. Im not sure how this happens with our overseas visitors....but it does. With this in mind if i end up in the back and beyond I will go home when I wish. After reading some of the other posts my conclusion is that a lot of people using the arena do so because perhaps they cant/wont/dont drive their vehicles on the road. W&P gives the opportunity to have a good thrash round burn a few gallons,and as a bonus amuses the public. Again blunt honesty here do you do it for them or your own fun.....I know which camp I am in. Of course if your transport/fuel cost is supplimented by the show,then of course you have a duty to go into the arena and entertain the paying public. I neither want or get any monies, I pay to attend the show (which i think is GREAT value) I spend a fair amount on fuel getting there,my vehicle is on show most of the time, so I feel no need to belt around and around in circles with people watching. Sorry if this is a bit blunt but I don't try to polish a tu*d.......roll them glitter yes but never polish,your hands get mucky......
  4. Our Gmc has a primer but to be honest half a dozen turns and it fires up. Never use choke.Luck of the draw I suppose. Our Dodge needs almost a check list to start, half choke,half hand throttle,6 pumps on pedal and whoooosh, miss one of those and its takes a few mins to start.
  5. In my veiw W&P offer the best value show for m/v owners/exhibitor's £25 for up to 10 nights camping....outstanding. I know we had a bit of a talk last year about this but, I was in Haigs field quite clearly marked "Vehicle display" I was shocked at how people in there brought nothing at all apart from a caravan......One person next to me who said they had a landrover really had no intention of bringing it and was chuffed to have bucked the system,as far as there is NO checking to see if/what military vehicle you have brought...........
  6. We went on the run also, I thought the numbers were up on last year. they changed the running order, as far that last year the bigger slower vehicles went off first, which does of course make sense.Last year we seemed to wait about for ages for a few of the vehicles.....maybe VIPS's :yawn: or at least thought they were...lol.
  7. I believe some of the "effort" HAS to be made by the organiser/ arena team. Example...friday night pattons parade. We had all been told/shouted at, on some occasions down right rudley that a one way system is in operation around the site all week, only to be told once in the arena to turn around we are going the other way !!!!!! Now Im sure there was a logical reason for this,my point is lack of........... INFORMATION simple
  8. I think you have summed it up perfectly....well said
  9. I think your right the arena at W&P is pretty poor for the public. Although owning a few vehicles and in the past having taken more down to beltring with its move 30 odd miles further I now only take a jeep on a trailer......and of course we all know there are too many jeeps on the road and the public only want to see the bigger stuff......well at least thats what I have been told.
  10. I bet he was put on a charge...........:blush:
  11. Thankyou Howard, I dont have to clear the blast area up as such just the job i'm blasting. I dont do it on a commercialjust our own bits and bobs. The last lot I did I think was the hotest day of the year.......not good as you will know. I've used kiln dried sand and one or two other mediums,have you tried crushed glass by any chance. Its been reccomended to me but I've not tried it. Gary
  12. Hi Howard,out of interest how/what do you use to seal/block holes pre blasting. When I blast it takes me hours post blasting to clear up. Gary
  13. gas 44


    Yes we use 12v in our other vehicles but the jeep is 6v and I would like to keep it that way. My local motorcycle shop assured me they would be no problem but on that score are about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
  14. I would have thought that if enough jeeps were hooked up they could have pulled it out........
  15. gas 44


    Thankyou all....with what seems NO chance of getting any orange bulbs (6v 21w) I have ordered some orange paint, I will report back..............
  16. gas 44


    Hello,could any advise as to where I might find some 6volt 21w orange bulbs please. I have searched the normal...well normal to me but with no luck. Thanks in advance.
  17. Great show as always, but its about time the organisors have something arranged for wet weather. Dumping some munched up straw does not hit the spot. I would have thought more "ali track is needed" I know there is a cost but for such an international show its poor. The main entrance/exit was nothing less than chaotic on Saturday morning,despite the superb efforts of the staff. Its hard to imagine that a show billed as "the greatest gathering of military vehicles on the planet" can such a poor arrival/departure area. A single track way across the course is not enough. Frustration set in and I saw a few heated exchanges. Saying all that I had a week there and had a great time. There seemed to be a few more "freindly" marshalls there this year and much less bad mouthing....I was impressed its being tidied up.....thankyou. Toilets and showers also seemed better.
  18. Nice one, game set and match I think......there is also a little of pot calling the kettle black here,or should it be stones and glass houses.
  19. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, can anyone tell me where I might be able to source some ORGINAL 1940'S petrol, as I am having to use the likes of Shell,BP and heaven forbid Tesco fuel and its playing havoc with me "twin choke" WEBER carb.
  20. "You can even get into Indicators and number plates on Jeeps, they were not original but most of us have them (I’m sure Don will confirm he is one of those who has not fitted them)" In one of Dons earlier post he mentioned where he was parked with his GMC on Omaha beach. Well I was parked bang next to him to the right and I can confirm he has both indicators and at least a front number plate fitted to his GMC. Now I dont see a problem with that other than the fact he is banging on about keeping vehicle original. I'm sure the GMC did not come out of the factory with either of those additions but nor would they have been fitted with "Allied Forces/ Worthing" canvas. As I said before we all have our little secrets.........even Don :cheesy:
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