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No Signals

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Everything posted by No Signals

  1. Here is the Dauntless type 45 Destroyer, I believe not yet 'HMS' but I suppose I could be wrong, arriving the other day up the Tyne for a few days stopover/legover(?) I've read something about it having a seriously advanced radar capable of detecting something the size of a cricket ball travelling at mach 3, somewhat slightly better than my reactions in the presence of a cricket ball ever were
  2. Nice pics More to be seen here - http://community.webshots.com/album/577385106VCvarp
  3. Thanks fellas for all those suggestions. I will check things out accordingly.
  4. (Bedford MW)Always had trouble with the old radiator boiling over and I put this down to the umpteen years of Radweld I assumed had been put in and was blocking the core. Took the plunge recently and had a new core fitted, but it still is boiling over. If anything even sooner than the old one!:embarrassed: New fan belt fitted, correct tension as per the book. Water pump appears to pump the stuff around, so any ideas as to what else could be the cause?:confused:
  5. Hi Thomas, dont worry if you dont understand - it was just a bit of fun, a joke, for April 1st. A tradition followed in the UK and some other countries.
  6. Ok, which model of Bedford is this? I saw it on tv the other day and managed to track down some stills of it. Although it does appear to have more than one variation, so my guess it has been field modified over a period. Is it an ‘O’ model or, as I favour, an MW? I think the latter due to the angle of the top of the bonnet being not so steep, but I’d be interested in others’ opinions. In the first pic the cab has similarities to the modified one that Radek posted a pic of elsewhere on the forum. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?10507-Bedford-MW-s-in-service-gallery/page10&highlight=bedfords+service Although obviously the one in Radek’s pic has a better grafted cab top line up. Any way though, it does not quite match any of the normal configurations. So over to you chaps for your interpretation. The trailer types are another question altogether. > > > > > > > > > >MW for comparison
  7. What do you reckon this coastal mounting was for? About a meter and a half across maybe. No sign of any other associated structure, bolt holes, studs or the like in the vicinity. Good observational strategic position. Not the usual run of things by any means.
  8. Hi Fabio, and welcome to the forum We have some very well informed members on here regarding RAF vehicles but here is my two pennuth. 1) I would have thought it unlikely that any RAF vehicles that found their way to N Africa were left blue, but if anyone has pics to the contrary lets have a look please! Desert Light stone in my book. 2) The roundel and the unit marking would be on the right mudguard/fender as viewed from the front, all to do with traffic control in foreign parts I believe. Drivers left side. 3) RAF vehicle registrations from that period began with 'RAF' 4) AMO's say one thing regarding their position but often the guys painting them on took a practical approach and put them where they were going to be seen easiest. You can see pics from the time with them on the bumper, the doors or even the bonnet sides if applicable. Bumpers do tend to find favour from my observations of RAF vehicles, but others may see it differently.
  9. No Signals


    Not sure if this qualifies as a bodge but it still illustrates the lengths people will go to. Some years back a pal of mine in the motor trade went to a breakers to get some bits. Some blokes were taking parts from an engine in a nearby vehicle, amongst those bits was the crank which apparently was in good nick. The yard owner came along when it was stripped and told them to bolt it back up together but gave them a suitable diameter/length of wood to have the pistons bolted back on to. Seems the engine was part of a batch on its way out to the Far East for use in barges etc and occasionally someone would come and check down a spark plug hole to see if the motor was complete. They were going to have a bit of a shock when they tried to get that one to do anything!
  10. I just took out insurance on the Bedford with 1answer(on line broker), insurer Hagerty international, and the cost of comprehensive cover INCLUDING European break down cover was £85.01!!!! (Says he smiling all the way to the bank)
  11. (Bedford 28hp) I've got a water leak from the thread of the main drain cock from the block. Too much for me to ignore. I'm conscious that this is a bit of old cast metal and I'm reluctant to lean too heavily on it with a spanner for fear of breaking it, as at first swing it feels very solid - despite the fact it is leaking! Which route - give it a damn good external mechanical and chemical clean and then apply something to bung it up, or further soak it in penetrating oil for another week and then have another swing? I did think of running it to get the whole lot hot and then cooling the tap with cold water soaked rags to help break the seal. Opinions /suggestions invited.
  12. Cheers mate that will do, Bart is a good enough source for me
  13. [MOD EDIT] :red:That comnes from looking at too many facts and figures and being in a rush :-) Yes, unladen weight is what I'm after.
  14. I've nothing in any of my limited supply of books that gives a specific factory gross unladen weight for the MW. A quick search of the web hasn't turned it up either. Anyone got the info please? Cheers.
  15. Not being a military man and up on modern stuff what were these that were being used at Tynemouth for a 'salute swap' with a naval vessel at the weekend? Got to say the navy made a lot more noise.
  16. Dont know of any in this part of the world but this http://www.lstmemorial.org/ got quite a bit of attention at the time it was taken back to the States. I always reckoned they might have found one closer to home, as in the James Bond film Live and Let Die there appears to be one in the background in the 'boatyard' at Slidell where part of it was filmed. Assuming this had not already gone to the scrapman.
  17. Yes, that is certainly looking more like it. I'm not up on Hudsons but did find a pic of a different model Hudson that had a lot of the features but no split screen. Forgot to copy the link so can't show it. Your find does seem to fit the bill. Well done if it is it.
  18. My first thoughts as to the identity of the car was that it maybe was an Austin16, but on reflection it seems 'too big' with the windows lower in height in comparison to the body. Nice big RAF type air identification roundel on top of the truck. Yes, blue and white star on both the jeep and the Dodge
  19. Here's a few more guns that Simon either didn't see or include. Parsons Lodge Battery Guns at Parsons Lodge The 100 ton gun at Napier of Magdala Battery For those who think we are a bit hard on terrorists 9.2 on Lord Aireys Battery View from the gun shutter 9.2 breech name plaque on the battery view towards (O Hara's Battery?) The Malta 100 ton gun for comparison The 9.2 removed from Gib and now at Duxford, so you dont need to go all that way to see one
  20. I Think it possible that the OXD might be at W&W Elvington this year as the owner lives that way, there was also another O model there last year going by this pic http://rides.webshots.com/photo/2298815540086232637BbuuOp maybe that might be in attendance again?
  21. What suggestions as to the body type on the one in the top two pics?
  22. Not much help I know, but better than none! I dont have any period colour photos of RAF jeeps but the ones I have seen in B&W suggest a single all over colour. Not to say photos dont exist of ones in two colour schemes. If there are any I'd be interested to see them, and what period they date from.
  23. I didn't realise the Western Desert area had terrain which was quite as 'lush' as this. If it wasnt for the one palm tree in amongst all the others I would have thought it not the case. Interestingly the MW on the left has full screens, solid doors and the smaller sidelights so, for me (still learning), this open up all sorts of questions as to when the details were changed.
  24. It would not be any kind of offence to scan it and send a single copy to someone. It would cause no end of probs for the site though if you posted it on here. Mind you, they are a bit busy with other things at the moment so it might sneak past unnoticed. :laugh: (joke)
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