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FV601 (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by FV601 (R.I.P.)

  1. Laughs as Lee hits the post button at the same time
  2. Is it John D or one of us Stuart? We did say we would give it a look over for him
  3. Ahem!!!!!!! If you REALLY want to be technical about this its actually the SALADIN Family as this was the first one that went into development. The SARACEN was the first of the line to go into production due to the Malayan crisis. Just a bit of trivia fact to chew on :twisted: Anyway if its got a big gun its got to be better and lets be sensible about this chaps the entire family with the exception of the SARACEN has the engine in the right place, BEHIND the driver Ask any driver of a SarryCan if he gets "hotfoot" a condition not found on any of the others in the range. :roll:
  4. What do you mean Officer? No way on earth could the Quad, Gun and Limber been clocked at 95, it was only in second gear!!!!
  5. Now Now Sean You did agree to come with no coersion on our part no matter how shifty we were :twisted: Was it something to do with the smooth talking that Lee kept giving you :roll: Will be good to see you in May might try and get some air targets for the Rapier if you are very very good :wink:
  6. Well looks like the show season has started with a bang We took part in the "Invasion of Woolwich" this weekend which entailed the first turnout of a battery of 4 25 pounders at the seasons opening of the Firepower museum at Woolwich Arsenal site SE London. All in all it was a great weekend with the vehicles all leaving in convoy from Tilbury Fort in Essex and then to the Woolwich Ferry where we were allowed to fully occupy the ferry with Military vehicles. We were lucky enough to have the event covered by ITV who showed it on the 5 0'clock news on Saturday. We have a bundle of photo's which are in the process of being uploaded and will soon be posted. Thanks for attendance go to Medway Military Vehicle Group, The Garrison living History Group, Battle for Europe Re-enactment Group as well as members from Essex Armour and Softskins and Members of the Coalhouse Fort Project. A great weekend well attended by the public and enjoyed by all those who took part. _________________
  7. Thanks to you both Will PM Bob and hope for the best ...need to get the old girl painted for Easter weekend so a matter of urgency if you get my drift
  8. Hi All Preparing the 101 for its paint job and as it served in Desert Storm/ Op Granby was thinking of putting it back to that scheme. Obviously main colour will be light stone but I am wondering what other markings or indicators I need to add apart from the red crosses. Would appreciate any help as I dont particularly want to paint it in its normal guise (green / black) and as my Saladin is already in Cyprus livery I can always use that scheme at a later date. Thanking all in advance
  9. Not a problem mate, you should see the state of some of the engines i've seen. Namely the one we took out of the Saladin. Previous owner had just blown silver paint over everything so had a wonderful mixture of both silver and blue. Worse yet he did exactly the same thing to the interior and had'nt bothered to clean anything off. Paint on grease and sand tends to spread itself to ones skin very very easily :roll:
  10. He wont be the only one Rob, strategic planning and ass kicking seems to be falling under my duristiction. :twisted: I am glad to say that there are also quite a few of the group that will be adding their weight in both the run up to the event as well as on the day. Without whom this would be a mind bending task being the first show we are putting on at this venue. As for the vehicle identifier thing, what with a tax disc, EMLRA sticker, First Aid kit carried sticker, etc, etc, Its getting harder to see out the windscreen already :roll: Good idea though
  11. Just happen to have a can if you need some Neil :twisted:
  12. Fully agree Tony Nice to see the old girl out of the Barn. Hope to see it at the Bunker in May as well
  13. Lets hope they make it soon Neil, we can still book you in for the Bunker at the moment but its getting tight :twisted: Seriously mate, glad it turned out to be all that was promised
  14. Just cos it limps round corners And it does go backwards its called MJ gear better than reverse as it doesnt need the engine running :twisted:
  15. Nor those with permanent 6 wheel drive Chris :twisted:
  16. You never know with the power of prayer Jack :roll: Personally I am an advocator of the power of the 9mm :twisted: (only joking) :wink:
  17. Stuart Got your windscreen for you need to know if you want me to keep hold of the radio for you as well. Let me know mate.
  18. Best of luck with tomorrow Neil Remember to haggle hard and buy low :twisted:
  19. Thanks Stuart - had a great time there and thoroughly enjoyed myself. just what I needed after the last few weeks at work!!! Now I'm really looking forwards to the next one over at Kelvedon Hatch. Hey Neil You doing that Camping thing?? or are you just coming for the day/s ?? Stuart We've already marked out your pitch so no worries when the car breaks down on the way to Cornwall ~L~ Seriously though mate hope you and yours have a great break down there.
  20. Alles is gut, aber ich kurne nicht ubersetzen deise forum, mein deutche ist nicht so gut. veilen danke (please forgive grammatical errors, its been a while since I have used my language skills)
  21. Hey Stuart Got a form for you :twisted:
  22. Rob, I think they are using our show as a test run :wink: See you at Standon in April?? Ray, that's two shows you have to put in your diary now, Rob's show is a good one, it must be I'm going.. Of course we are going to be there Lee :roll: Who else will be making all the BANGS there ~L~ Looking forward to seeing you at Standon Rob And Ray Great job on the Landy mate, mine had half a field under the bonnet in comparison to yours. It would be good if you could make it to either of the two venues previously mentioned by my esteemed colleagues :evil: as they are both proving to be well attended according to the bookings we have received so far. Look forward to seeing you in the near future
  23. Thats right Lee I did :oops: Seems the soldiers liked to take pot shots at our boys on a regular basis, check out the mudwings on the in service picture folks :twisted:
  24. Forgot to post an image of my pride and joy First picture is of the old girl when she was first in service in the Crater district in Aden. The second one was taken at Beltring last year, watch out for the boy as he is a crack shot with that .30 Cal :twisted:
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