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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. eddy8men


    might buy the landy and take it to A&E :-D
  2. The fodens a good old bus ,crewed one in the gulf with 26 fd ra and ended up dragging a fully crewed and bombed up m109 from one fire mission to the next through the desert and the old girl did well ,got a bit stuck now and then but made it to every fire mission on time (just). eddy
  3. eddy8men


    couldn't have put it better myself
  4. eddy8men


    hi mike good points there with regard to the showing of military vehicles, don't get me wrong i'm no expert on these things but i think you have to differentiate between somebody showing their vehicle, as in" here's my vehicle do you like it" and those that might like to compete for a prize and take these things more seriously.there's room for all kinds if we start to judge others so harshly for something they personally feel proud of then we will only stifle this hobby and the rivet counters will win (no offence rivet counters). each to their own i say eddy
  5. eddy8men


    here's an idea ,why don't you just let the vehicle owners enjoy their own vehicle anyway they see fit without being judged by anyone else !!! maybe some people just want to have a bit of fun and don't care about restoration or accuracy and i say good for them. eddy
  6. from adrians post "we had to walk two miles through the moonscape in pouring rain to get the battery off my truck, then carry it two miles back again to jump start the Militant" LIVING THE DREAM !!! :-D
  7. tell us more adrian,sounds interesting !!!
  8. adrian, i think the real work started once you got that sherman of yours back to your yard,that multi bank engine rebuild still amazes me. eddy
  9. i can think of no better way to spend a weekend. eddy
  10. hi tony you mentioned that bovington deal with wreck recovery on the plain could you confirm this for me please,it would be nice to pick up a tank or two while down on the plain weekend :cool2: eddy
  11. thanks for the info guys ,still fancy a trip down there,i used to train on pirbright when i was in the junior army hell of an assault course ,it used to be the guards training depot has this closed down now. eddy
  12. ignore my cable off the t/box i'm thinking speedo not taco (in the pub last night brain not recovered yet) sorry for the confusion eddy
  13. the inevitable question from yours truly ,is there anything still left on pirbright and a location would be nice. might take a drive down there for a scout around if the areas accessable. cheers edy
  14. fairly certain it's a cable off the transfer box but it's been a while since i played with one eddy
  15. great pics have you got any more for us,i'm glad i'm not the only one that loves looking at range targets, there's something about the possible availability that flicks my switch.if you go to a show or a museum it's nice but it belongs to someone else but if you go to the range and see something you like then there's a chance of owning it ,the hard part is getting the range warden to part with it and if the area is classed as sssi then it will get really tricky but it's still a possibility and that's what i like. one day i'll get one eddy
  16. hi fella's not one of my pics just something i found on the web,but makes for interesting viewing click on the pic to see the large image,i can see 432, chiefy and i think m47 or are they conquerors ?the google earth image is especially useful as you can pinpoint the location. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/8276773.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.panoramio.com/photo/8276773&h=1920&w=2560&sz=729&tbnid=EbVmXyC0N3lhNM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dphoto%2Bof%2Blarkhill%2Bartillery%2Brange&hl=en&usg=__z693MO8TIYbAdzSLOpYsYas6rY4=&ei=PCCQS82uL9vNjAfB__HFDw&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=2&ct=image&ved=0CAgQ9QEwAQ eddy
  17. i know it's not a tank but while in bosnia 94'.when i used to get the call to go to the ops tent for a task the lads would get the saxon ready to move i would then whistle them when i was ready and run up the front and in thru the commanders hatch while it was still moving,then then put the gimpy on it's mount and load it all in about 20 secs.(slick).easy when you're 24. eddy
  18. come on adrian don't keep us all in suspenders ,who's got it. :cool2:
  19. what to do if you step on a mine ,jump 200ft in the air and spread yourself over a large area.
  20. sad to see it went to the scrapper,todays scrap is tomorrow's treasure. eddy
  21. great thread, makes me want to go to the desert with a metal detector and a big shovel. cheers eddy
  22. you'll never go wrong with a land rover welcome eddy
  23. thanks mate i must be getting my king tigers mixed up ,it's easily done as there's so many about :-D eddy
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