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Everything posted by griff66

  1. buy a lambretta 125 cc paint it cammo describe it as ex italian special forces and camp for 25 quid!!
  2. griff66


    wonder where i could store a tanker?
  3. griff66


    plus vat on top of that
  4. griff66


    139.9 for diesel aroung lgw now!!:cry:
  5. weather wise this years got a lot to live up to!
  6. try a lwb isuzu trooper 3.1td
  7. thats the same layout as my v5 as stated u make a informed decision can i possibly infer that driving a well maintained for example ferret all docs carried with you u would have to have a very bored/anal road traffic copper to give u a hard time over numberplates
  8. good bodge on a par with wrapping a blown household fuse with silver paper from fag packet!
  9. just get reg number painted on by signwriter ,what you reckon antarmike?:-D
  10. well i have registered one mv, ferret, at begining of 2010 and on v5c states first registered 1964 ie d.i.s/manufactured date so pre 73 style plates are legal
  11. lot of the ,locals, dont pay any thing to get in!!
  12. this relates to a 64 ferret from v5c front page note 3 declared manufactured 1964, note 4 ,b, date of first registration 1.1.1964,note 4 b,1 date of first registration in uk 1.2 2010 i would use the fact that v5 states date of first registration 1964, as stated in earlier post make a informed decision on numberplate sites it states vehicles manufactured before 1 jan 73 can have blk/siver plates ,MANUFACTURED not date of first registration , ferret manufactured 64 so blk/silver plates apply
  13. get d.i.s year see what your options are and make an informed decision most road traffic officers i see when out in the ferret just want a nose round it looking at numer plates just does not come in to it at all:)
  14. well found a 100 amp hour batt at 59 quid just need to measure batt tray
  15. any one good cheap source of batteries for a ferret
  16. must when i first got my ferret i thought other drivers would keep out of its way pull over gove priority etc how wrong i was a percentage of drivers see a gap and they go for it ! still to claim my first wing mirror though!
  17. if u dont know what your doing get a manual
  18. kevlar with a bren gun?????
  19. zips in great condition but very stiff any tips on freeing em off?
  20. Bren cartridge catcher bag, I've just bought.
  21. Suppose theres a few options fuel additive cheers richard, cowling over air filter and ducting maybe down to gearbox area gets nice and hot there, somehow running airfilter feed into engine bay, or foam filter over carb intake and eliminating air filter unit.Or not driving it in rubbish weather!:laugh:
  22. ferret ,takes air from fighting compartment no summer/winter device
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