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Everything posted by sharky

  1. seriously there is a fv432 mk1 petrol in stoney cove .
  2. it was the "this page " bit that had me quessing for a little while but then new password and sorted . 565 days by the way so not sure of my place in the pecking order
  3. nice to see you back hope your well " hmvf so good you never leave " see royston vasey.
  4. beware there is a giant pike in the stoney cove but most scary especially to some people there is a FV432 in there as well and i believe it might be over width but i will have to check my pad diving handbook
  5. sharky


    " pull up a soap box" We can all sit and type and moan but to be honest it wont get us any where .As a country we just moan then get on with whatever is loaded on top of us . I personally am gonna give up driving when fuel gets to £2 a litre that'll show em but in the mean time i'll sign a facebook etc etc petition and boycott shell esso etc on the days that i dont need to fill up my tank cos i filled at tesco on sunday morning Anarchy i live it sharky:box::drive::box:
  6. sharky


    of which at least 50 pence is tax
  7. hows yours coming on ,any more progress ?
  8. adrian , many thanks next mission to find some . If your ever passing call in have a look over our 105 iain
  9. Can anyone tell me or point me in the right direction what ammunitiion did the m4(105) sherman use ? Stupid question time, is it the same as the M2 105mm howitzer ? I have read thru the tm-9-1900 manual of ordinance but cant find any reference any thanks in advance Iain
  10. we have been in touch with EMR's head office there is no way of obtaining either vehicles or spares from said vehicles unfortunatly not even in quanity unless you want to buy an unprocessed 100 tonnes of scrap and hope the odd fv432 bit appears in it un touched i would love to see some pics of them scrapping 432's out of interest. Iain
  11. We had a quiet afternoon last weekend so the boss decided we should remove the turret so heres some pics , first we removed gun and mantlet suprisingly with a bit of heat and a home made tool the slot head (giant) bolts came undone quite easily . it came this far then got stuck removed recoil guard and that gave us the half inch we needed next off came the turret thanks for looking will post some pics of interior and turret basket later this week Sharky
  12. try http://militarymodelling.com some really helpful people on their forum sharky
  13. hi welcome to hmvf Iain aka sharky
  14. sharky

    My Hat!

    no dont replace the hat i just got my afghan issue russian hat waterproofed after 3 yrs of wearing to work not sure if its sentimental or practical but the reason i keep it is" its my hat "
  15. Cheers pete she's no beast she a beuty ,amazonian but a beautiful big girl i am lookin forward to this project :-D
  16. (Thanks Andy,hope you got homr ok!). DOH sorry coud'nt resist:angel:
  17. seems to be a big thing in nz restoring planes, i went to the omaka air museum brilliant place http://www.omaka.org.nz/
  18. travelled 150 miles today down to kent, fixed an engine problem on an M8 for a very nice guy(Ben) and was given more than enough tea and biscuits whilst spannering followed by swarfeega, hot water and a local sausage roll and a lovely cold beer , now thats civilised .
  19. get the engine fired up on itand drive :-| just dont go off road.just allow plenty of time as 9 miles an hour is top speed i think
  20. great video it certainly made the dozer grunt when they tried to put it back on its tracks. its really good to see these recoveries love the guy giving the helping hand to remove bow machine gun , and stacking the live machine gun mags,i hope they wrote out a full risk assement, method statement and had proper insurance and gave all present a weeks induction cxourse handed out the appropriate coshh form etc etc Iain
  21. we had ours towed with a fastrac jcb and the driver wasnt to impressed by the way it towed(thats the polite version of what was said)
  22. Good evening hanno , yes it does appear that way as we have at least 3 ex dutch vehicles now . That now now makes sence the sam winer connection . i havent found any plates yet but not had much chance to look over her properly yet is there any other numbers elsewhere other than the data plate to look out for and best place to look for data plate. Iain
  23. oops :red: few red faces there. Thats always my fear when loading or unloading
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