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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. sirhc

    CES Kit

    Even military radios have a CES.
  2. Sort of.... after turning the power on you need to switch the ignition on using the rotary switch in the middle of the light switch. The starter button is a small black button on the dash and nothing at all like a Ferret horn.
  3. Mark, I've never heard of a Mk 1 being rebuilt as a Mk 2, I suppose it is possible but I can't see why they would bother. What is the army reg no. - that may help id it? As it has the K60 in it I wouldn't bother with any Mk 1 info. Almost all the electrical and engine components are different for the K60. You should be able to get all the literature you require from http://www.vintagemvmanuals.co.uk Chris
  4. Jon, If you look above the track level of the CVRT the bottom of the armour will have a shiny patch worn away by the track pads as they rub whilst flapping about. I think instead of rubbing the armour this track was wearing itself away. Chris
  5. Jon, My guess is the jerry cans were ballast. The sprockets and idlers are made from nylon, and the wheels are all spaced apart to allow the track, which has larger rubber horns, to run between them. I believe this came from Qinetic who were trialing the track, and that it wasn't very sucessful. On a CVRT the track tends to bash against the lip of the hull, and I was told with this track it was causing too much damage. Chris
  6. Rick, If I were you I'd hold out for one which was more complete. If you were to buy that one you'd end up spending much more than it's worth just replacing bits. You'd end up making wings, bins etc. The engine will want replacing, the interior is probably empty too, more bits to make as they're getting harder to find. Of course if you have a hull you can work on the rest, but I don't actually think it's worth it. That Ferret is cheap enough as a set of spare wheel stations and a gearbox, but that's about it. Chris
  7. The most ironic thing is that we're all sitting here slagging off Roadsure, while the banner advertising them is displayed a few lines above!
  8. After speaking to Andy I started thinking maybe I should take my Ferret too.... :roll: however it's buried under most of a Sabre, needs a battery and the oil has drained out. I think I'll stick to 2 vehicles, can't drive them all at once anyway! ;-)
  9. There are obviously 2 kinds of people. Those who resent Beltring for whatever reason, and those who love being there. I'm going to enjoy my 10th Beltring, I'm sure you'll have a great time doing whatever it is you're going to do.
  10. I don't really care if Rex or anyone else makes a few quid out of us going there for the week. I look forward to it all year, it's a great experience, we get to play with our vehicles and see all the other vehicles, spend money in stalls, talk to friends, have a few beers, meet new people etc etc. The only real expense is the travelling, and Rex helps out by giving us great rates on his low loader, so I really can't complain!
  11. Neil, The Spartan is the easiest one to get in and out of. The way to do it is to take your weight on your arms when lowering yourself down or lifting yourself out. There is up/down and forward/backwards movement in the seat but it doesn't help an awful lot. If you want to try the impossible challenge try a Scorpion or Sabre! There's about half the ammount of space to get in one of those. All the variants are very tight though, when driving you have to rely on knowing where everything is, because you can't see it! Have a climb inside a 432, I'm fairly sure you'll be able to get in one of those quite easily. Chris
  12. John, This is the sort of thing we're looking at getting: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=020&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=300124011903&rd=1&rd=1 Problem at the moment is none of us can drive it! Chris
  13. John, I don't mind him driving it around, but I'm not sure how much fuel is left in the jerry can and I've got to empty all the kit out the back to change it. :roll: I think everyone should own at least one CVRT........ I may have a good Sultan project for sale soon! Andy will be coming down with us, so he won't be brining anything else. If we had our own transport we'd try and bring all our vehicles down, but trying to drive them all the 200 odd miles is asking for trouble! Chris
  14. Tim, I can find 48 AT 86, and 48 AT 88 but not yours! I will keep looking. Chris
  15. John, Excellent, thanks for sorting us out again! I hope Lee had fun driving the CVRTs, how long did he spend driving them around the field before parking up? We were going to bring down the Fox aswell as the Lightweight, but we've not had any time to replace the fan belt yet. We'll have a couple of Land Rovers, a Champ and the K2 Canteen. Chris
  16. Mick, We did once have a Ferret camp back in 2002, but it doesn't seem to happen anymore. We should be able to fit you in our space if you can't find anywhere else. We'll be in the Americans field just over the road from the Essex camp! Chris
  17. Paul, How long ago did you send off the form? We've had our stuff for at least a month! 2 CVRTs are 90% of the way there now after loading this morning. Chris
  18. sirhc


    Jack, You've never been to an MV show unless you've been to Beltring. 1 day isn't enough, you won't even make it round the stalls in 1 day! Chris
  19. sirhc


    Car trailer? You really don't need a low loader to move it. You can rent a car trailer for a week for very little, then you just need a tow bar.
  20. Neil, The only differences are between 12 and 24V engines, and even then the blocks are the same, you can just swap the bits. Chris
  21. Yep they put you on to a national breakdown company, Roadsure don't actually do anything. We ended up with a truck from Northampton when we broke down at Warwick. Chris
  22. Jack, Where did they pick the vehicle up from, and how were they towing it? If I were you I would have followed it all the way home, just incase something like this happens! Chris
  23. Mark, If you decide to go for the Cent then you'll probably find the Ward very useful - the bits will be very heavy! I think the clutches are fairly heavy on them, so you'll need a strong leg and the engines don't like sitting for long periods without being run. I know someone who used to own a Cent ARV, I'll see if I can get his email address for you. Personally I would have the Chieftain ARRV over the Cent ARV, but both are nice bits of kit! Chris
  24. We used Roadsure to recover the Fox after the fan belt broke and it boiled over. They came within 60-90mins, recovered us home with no trouble at all. Definitley the best £54 we've ever spent. Chris
  25. Matt, The nice clean Spartan is mine... it used to look like that, but it doesn't quite look that good anymore! The Sabre in the bottom photo was one I was outbid on at Withams. It was a mess, but I had photos of it in service in Kosovo with my Spartan so I wanted it. I ended up with a better one for less money, so it's not all bad! Chris
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