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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Try Bob Flemming of Flemming associates (I am NOT connected to this dealer)
  2. use metal polish, & take it off when dry with a soft natural bristle brush. (Avoids scratching) It will get into EVERY nook & cranny, & remove the polish. If you dont want the brass to go dull, Clear LAQUER them afterwards. Taking care NOT to have touched the polished surfaces & have left a fingerprint. Excellent way of doing Brass shellcases on the shelf, & avoids contstant weekly polishing!.........
  3. Self Explainatory really!...........Except I no longer own a Ferret now! Ha,Ha! Though still called upon to give advice & hands on repairs occasionaly. Fixed/Repaired Quite a 'Few' when I was in Service though! :angel: Changed my Trade a few years later, & liked to work on Totaly different Equipments!.............
  4. Neil, I couldnt have put it better myself! We have to be Finacialy strong ourselves, BEFORE we can extend the hand of Help. If this state of affairs continues. we will be broken in the years to come! If you DEMAND to be an Independant nation, away from the umbrella of help. If you were a Former 'Colony'. Then Im sorry, but YOUR problems are YOUR Problems. NOT ours, if you wish to remain 'Independant'!.........
  5. Yep, the Hawkinge Museum is still going strong! Also the Battle of Britain Memorial at Caple Le Ferne just up the road is Excellent. FREE & a lovely venue on a Sunny Day! (Small Tea Room & books to buy) There is also a small, but FREE Womens Land Army Museum just outside the Precincts of Dover. (On a Farm with Nice Tea Room. But eats are a 'Little' expensive due to being 'Home Baked'!.............A few Animals for the Kiddies to pat & look at, also FREE! Dover Castle is nice if you like a big venue & medieval time periods. Also a lovely view point just up the road for a panoramic view over Dover Harbour. It is Natonal trust with a large Tea & souvenier room.
  6. Remove the handguards. At the rear of the rotating gas regulator WILL be a horseshoe shaped spring clip retaining it. Remove this clip, one side at a time & slide it back along the gas cylinder. Push the regulator back away down the cylinder as well. If it is Tight, as you say it is. Tap it back LIGHTLY with a small hammer & a BRASS drift. (This will prevent damaging the Reg) Clean all around the shiney area that the regulator rotates upon. ( WORN, OLD Emery cloth strip will do this well. Do NOT use fresh/Sharp Emery cloth!) Oil lightly, & Reverse the procedure as mentioned above. This SHOULD rectify your problem. If it does not, then the regulator MAY be flattened a little. To retify that problem you would have to remove the gas cylinder. This is held in place with a SMALL cross pin underneath the gas block. When the pin is removed, the cylinder should unscrew & you can remove tha gas reg from it. Replacement as stated, is the reverse procedure. When you put the retaining pin back in.# it is a GOOD idea to LIGHTLY peen the edge of the pins holes over on each side. This will preevnt the pin from working out & the cylinder roatating slightly. & then causing the rifle to fail to recock.
  7. The hole is 1/2" Dia, or 12.7mm for our Metric lovers! I dont have a fifty to hand to tell you the width of the reciever though. There are a LOT of members here who own Browning Fifty-Cal MGs. Im sure they would assist with that info?
  8. They are BOTH Hessian. It is in those particular positions on the vehicle. To hide the perfectly round shape of the wheels (Camoflauge) it can have either: Cammo net sections cut to size & applied on top. Or, Cam patterns painted upon the hessian. Also used to roll down over glass windscreens to hide any reflection.
  9. You CAN fire .45" ACP through a .455" barrel in a colt auto 1911. I know I have done it LOADS of times when I owned one when I was in Service. This particular establishment had a LOT of non in service calibre ammo for the VAST collection of Smallarms held on Strength. It was mentioned in a user handbook for the colt .455" that in an 'Emergency', this could be done...... Mine was an Emergency. I had an URGENT need to shoot it!............. The TINY amount of expansion from firing a round of this size in a .455" barrel had practicaly no noticeable effect when shooting it! doing this with ANOTHER calibre like attempting to fire 9mm in a 9mm Short for example is a TOTAL NO, NO!!! I must STRESS that you must know EXACTLY what you are doing & be VERY knowledgable in Firearms terms to do ANYTHING which is not in 'The Book' so to speak! THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS FOR INTEREST READING ONLY. AND MUST NEVER BE ATTEMPTED BY ANYONE ELSE!
  10. Nice to see it's still got 'the Block' in situ Rob! Normally removed, as you know from most ordanance!.........
  11. The most well known, & if I may use the term 'Iconic'. Was the Webley MK VI .455" Revolver. ENSURE it is dated with a WWI Manufacture date!
  12. Robin, Time dull's the memory!..................:angel:
  13. Tony, I would swear by the Power of greyskull. ALL storemen do a course on how to say a thousand different methods. On the fact that they cannot issue, or do not have a ceratin item of equipment you need. When you can see the Damm thing sitting on the shelf behind his counter!.....:mad: Honestly, It's enough to make you want to eat your Young!...........:undecided:
  14. This one is a SABRE in the 'Land Warfare Centre' (What USED to be called, The Scool of Infantry) in Warminster, Wilsthire. It is a converted Scorpion as most of you will know. The Reg, No. is 04 FD 42. I used to Own Scorpion 04 FD 43!!!! Soory it's rubbish Photo, it was taken last year on my Mobile Phone in a hurry! It has lost definition in automatically being expanded when posting here!
  15. Pedantic correction Robin! They were kept in unit Armouries by ARMS STOREMEN! ARMOURER'S Fix them, STOREMEN store/keep them in Armouries!...... Sorry, but something i feel passionate about! You need to be qualified to be an Armourer. (hard won!) but you dont need any qualification to be an Arms Storeman............... :-D (That being said, I used to keep my own Personaly Held Pistol in unit Armouries all over the world!) Mike.
  16. Armoury Butt Numbers, were NEVER an Official thing. They were done by Arms storemen to make life easier on a quick Weapons Check. Remember: Firearms are a VERY Accountable thing! Can you imagine a serial number check on a COMPLETE Rifle compains Smallarms Holdings? What a Nighmare! It would take Hours, to that end Serial number checks were done periodicaly. Today though, Serial Number checks are done once a week. This is because there HAVE been incidences. Of some 'Enterprising' Person. Signing out an SA80 Rifle over a weekend Training excercise. & Replacing it with a Replica Airsoft Weapon! They are VERY realisitic to look at! Even the N.A.T.O Stock number is moulded on the Handguards! Now, when a serial/But number check is done. EVERY SA80 Rifle & LSW L85A2 is actually LIFTED up a couple of inches from it's position in the storage wallrack. This is done with supervison of a SNCO (Usually a Sergeant) The weight of a replica is slightly less than the real thing! Could you imagine what sort of scenario might unfold if a weapon was removed from an Armoury for some sort of use in a week. & then replaced again back in the Armoury & the Replica removed?...........It REALLY does NOT want to Happen - DOES IT!........:shocked:
  17. Yes, approx 2" Up from the Buttplate.
  18. Hello, & Wellcome to the Forum. From an English Ex R.E.M.E Member!...........:laugh: I did three tours at BATUS In Alberta & worked with some of your Infantry Guys who were attached to one of the units I was with there. Amazed at the Quality of your Issue rations compared to our compo! Though your guys loved it! Obviously, there was a LOT of Food Exchanging going on!................. Enjoy it on here, you will make a lot of friends!
  19. Yep, but I have also seen yellow & also Red (Yuck!)............. White is what I would recomend, it was the 'Usual' encounterd colour.
  20. No standard method. the USUAL (& neat) method was by stencil. 1" High x 1/8th wide. Or Hand painted, the same size. (NOT as neat!)..........:shocked:
  21. TYPICAL H&K Hook ends. Probably for one of thier Rifle or SMG series. The N.A.T.O Stock number is also wrong for a UK item. The artic sling would not have steel fittings. They would rust all too quickly in a cold/snowy enviroment. I have only ever seen (& Owned it) one artic sling & that was for the SLR L1A1 British Service Rifle. They were nylon with Blackened Brass fittings.
  22. Sorry to hear this Lee. Some People are just Hatefull scum, arent they? :-(
  23. The Only Location that was of interest to Most Squaddies was. 1, The Cook House. 2, The N.A.A.F.I.....................:-D
  24. From your original enquirey post. I can confirm the helmets introduction to service as 1981. I was attached to 3 Para for two years, right upto thier deployment to the Falklands Campaign. We got these Helmets issued, but there was no Cammo cover available at that time. You still had the 'String Net' cover as issued with the original steel varaint. A lot of us acquired an extra DPM Cammo Detachable hood, as issued for the 'Smocks, Combat'. These were modified to fit the helmet & the net fitted over the top to secure it all. Some fitted Rubber bands for easier attachment of foliage in the field. Yes, they were indeed used in the Falklands by 3 Para. I hope this assists you?
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