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Everything posted by rbrtcrowther

  1. Well i have had a good scrape and poke at the headlamp bowls and i will be able to bodge them up. All the rust holes are at the bottom of the bezels and bowl. However the actual lamp units fell to bits when i removed them from the bowl....and what looked like a slightly dull reflecter was a rusted through reflector:cry: Then i had a brain wave:idea:.....7" lamp.....i'll use a sealed beam unit from a land rover they fit exactly:-D Bummer can't find a 24 volt one anywhere:confused: Another brainwave:idea: I am now going to purchase a pair of 7" halogen conversion units for a landy and fit 24 volt halogen bulbs:cool2: Me thinks they may be the brightest standard looking headlights on a scammell?:cool:
  2. I drive a grove AT528B All terrain crane. its only little but wieghs in at 22tons. The steering is hydraulic With a mechanical linkage between steering box and wheels. Pressure comes from a pump mounted on the engine and also an emergency steering pump belt driven of the propshaft. I have had the engine cut out running down a large hill after cooking up climbing to the top(cos the tourque converter lock up unit is in the blink). steering was just fine till i ground to a compleat stop. Even had to deal with an S bend.
  3. Is it true that when you open the drivers door on a Foden Recovery truck someone has to stand on the passenger side wheel to stop the truck falling over on you? I know they are a bit top heavy but really....? 27 degrees max side tilt?
  4. Straight through egg n sauce on a Meadows diesel? Pah....I'm sure someone has already done that:cool2: If you route it up the back of the cab you can give yourself a nice ringing ear when you open the rear window. Please take lots of piccys when you change the rear hub seals cos mine a gushing oil out too.:-(
  5. Thanks chaps..I'll try to post a piccy of the bulb holders soon:idea:
  6. Hi can someone give me some info on headlamp bulb part numbers and supplyers:idea:. Think mine were half inched at some point in it's past life. Oh i also have a pair of butler side lights i need bulbs for. all 24 volt. I think i can get the bulbs from my auto and general store but need to know what to ask for:???
  7. Heres a rubbish picture of Billys Foden recovery truck. Sorry it was dark and he was in the station car park when i was picking up my new bird:cool2:
  8. Made and fitted new rear mud guard. Fitted and plumbed in new diesel filters. Batterys are goosed so have made starting handel and will be giving it a go as soon as i can find someone to work the decompresser leaver. Bit heavy to turn over but will give it a go. May end up in A and E but still willing to have a try:cool2:
  9. I was chatting to a friend of the man who had the accident with the matador wheel. His leg was not blown off but broken and the blunt edge of the wheel rim cut about half way through the muscle. He said the bolts were badly wasted between the halves of the rim. All i can suggest is when he was undoing the last of the wheel nuts he failed to notice the rims opening up, mabey he thought the whole wheel was tilting over as he slackened the second from last nut and when he removed the last nut it went tits up.
  10. Whats stuck? Can you move the pedal? Can you "feel" the load of the pressure plate when you press the pedal down? I take it you've tried starting it up in gear and going for an exciting unstoppable drive:sweat: Sometimes just letting it run at a fast tickover for about half an hour can pop the plate free as the engine and flywheel warm up and vibrate. If you can drive it you need to be in the highest gear you can and floor it with your foot on the clutch better still drive it round a field/main road:cool2: and work your way into top gear and do some more flooring. I have freed loads of stuck clutches off this way but did have half a mile of open beach to do it on. also a good excuse to do loads of flooring if in doubt floor it:-D
  11. yep thats the one.......so it's blue then......it was dark....where does it live?:-D
  12. Spotted last sunday night.....A lovely white Showmans AEC matador with a large living van going through colwen bay at about 9.30 pm
  13. Well i freed off the sticky brake servo today fitted a wiper motor. Also fitted two shiney new diesel filters cos it was never fitted with any when the diesel engine was fitted. All the stupid extended breather pipes have been removed so now the air system has stopped filling with water:)(Makes a bit more hissing and whooshing noise when braking and steering but never mind) Next job is to make a small instrument panel and fit some gauges and an ignition key.
  14. £65 eh... hmmm where do i get myself some of those then. (other than loads of shows which don't sell them round here):-(
  15. Jut been looking at my headlights as i feel it's time to refit them but it seems they are a bit past restoratoin( bloody rotten more like:-() Are they easy to get hold of ?? I'm not sure if they are the original ones but are definatly military and 8" accross the bezel. I could bodge them up with filler ect but can't really be arsed with that sort of thing. (got a bit of a phobia about filler and would rather see a dent:shake:)
  16. On stop at the mo due to lack of funds:cry: will phone the man with the big Foden and see if he's got a spare oil pump when funds pick up. Still got lots to be getting on with like wiper motors and brake adjustment fit some lights and tyres.
  17. My mates got one of those. his was one of the surviving military demonstrators and has got all the kit includeing some stuff the military decided against. Will get some pictures next time i go to see him.
  18. From all the crap and sluge around the place it would seen your stollly may have gone in the water a bit deeper than it should:eek:
  19. Think i know where i can get a pump for mine but i have also thought rigging up an electric one . mabey an electrc power steering pump off a peugot or something.:idea: dosent need to produce much pressure just pump oil to he worm and rear bearing. would have to drop the voltage to 12 volts at the pump. any other electric pumps you can think of?
  20. Top marks to snowtrackdave!!:clap: Don't think for a second i'm going to paint the bloody thing white though!!. Scammell sex change? When it's going well she's lovely but when it's playing up he's a right bas**rd:-D
  21. God i sound like a right bobbin on that vidio. You have to shout as loud as you can over the din a tractor in a tin box makes:shake:
  22. Yes please tell me why the pump failed cos mines in a thousand bits too:( I think the main symptoms are nasty crunching noises and chuncks of shrapnal after it's all turned to s**t. I thought i would check mine so removed the pipes to the oil cooler raised the rear wheels and sat there with it all whirring away in top gear...no oil at all:cry:
  23. HI:wave: Well at last i have painted the whole chassis and axle black....no more black paint.....for a few years anyway. I have also managed to overhaul the dynamo and refit and the batterys now charge for the first time in 3 years!!:yay: Have just done the headgasket on the compressor (again) cos i think i was a bit shy with the torque wrench last time:(. I think i have setteled on a new name for it too...... From this day forth it shall be known as.......Binky. (top marks for anyone who can tell me who or what it's named after:readbook:) In other news.....I think i might have met a sexy new lady :cool2: but it's still early days so we'll see how it goes. we shall be up at the shewsbury steam rally thingy on sunday for the day if anyone going. Next job one the scammell.....odds and sods.....but there are loads of them:shake:
  24. Fixed...? whats up with it?
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