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Everything posted by rbrtcrowther

  1. So what you need to do is buy some fairground rides and become a traveling showman and bobs your uncle:D
  2. How do these showmen types get away with dragging huge vans round the place? It dosen't look stupidly wide and looks quite respectable so i doubt you would draw attention and get pulled. But then if you did have an accident.......:blush:
  3. Thanks for that Mike. I kind of expected you would know the answer to that one:-) not much you don't know really:D i think you've been playing with old lorrys for too long. The main reason for asking is i have some rims for sale that have two holes gas cut at 180 i assume for a similar reason. And yes the hub design on an explorer is utter pants. Any progress on the "downsizing" to a little Diamond T"
  4. The scammell is fitted with ten stud split rims....So why are there 14 holes? there are ten stud holes and 4 larger holes every 90 degrees. what are the 4 extra holes for?:blush:
  5. Crumbs Mike Seems like you have enough spares to open a shop:shocked: The next thing up for sale will be the shed you were keeping all your toys in:-)
  6. Put it on ebay...You'll be staggerd at what some muppets will buy on there....and for silly money:cool2:
  7. I've bodged mine up for now and plan to fit landrover halogen conversions in as they are 7"....handy that:D
  8. Wow you learn something every day...I didn't know you had a pig just thought that was a pic of you stood in front of one at a show:D anyway i'm off to put my head back up me bum for anothe 100 years:nut:
  9. any news to report over here? seems to quiet for ages then huge progress. how you getting on?:-)
  10. Happy ending???:nut: The blooming thing was towed home and the engine is scattered round the workshop:blush: I'd hate to see a sad ending:embarrassed:.....
  11. Ahhhh.....a constructor....well i'll pop them up for sale soon or her in doors is going to put plants in them:blush:
  12. Bloomin compressor decided to pack up today so spent most of the day wedged under the bench farting about with the unloader valve on that. then the air line split:angryso had to boge that, and to top it off the bloomin air wrench clogged up with perished rubber from said air line so i had to strip that down.:argh: Bloomin workshop air system turned against me:shake: So after all that i only managed to get the old tyres off the rims (well i say off the rims but there is a lot of the bead still left on the rim) the two i just removed were really stuck> i had to go roung once to break the bead and twice to jack the rim out of the tyre. Even worse news is i've run out of beer and have had to move on to the wine:-X Forcast rain tomorrow so will be in shed scaling and painting the rims ready for the replacement tyres.(which are still on the other rims.....God it's never ending:embarrassed:) I will have removed 10 tyres and fitted 5 when i'm done. I will have 5 rims for sale soon, not sure what they fit but are very deep dished in fact deep enough to run them back to back as duel wheels and were fitted with 1400 r 20 tyres. They are not bolt together type but have a removable flange that is good for launching tyre leavers accross the yard. I will pop them on the for sale section soon but i think one needs a repair to the stud holes from clumsy gas cutting of wheel nuts.
  13. Damn nature getting in the way:embarrassed: I refitted the two rear wheels on one side then had to turn the truck round to get the other ones off the other side. The little chicks seemed to enjoy their little shunt round the yard and now have a better view of the hillside:D The parents seem to have adjusted to the new location and work on the truck can carry on. Two more tyres off tomorrow and whip the hubs off, change the seals,drink beer:cool2:
  14. Have "Borrowed" the hydraulic pump from work and had a go at removing the tyres off the rims i don't need ready to fit on the scammell rims. The bead breaker is bonkers. popped the bead off in about 10 mins on the first one. it took longer to leaver the one piece rim off. then i tried the scammell tyre that beat the crane, a rock hard thing of more than 18 plys, 2 mins and the shallow center popped out:shocked: i think 20 mins will have the other side off. If i had an air over hydraulic pump i could have a stubbern tyre off in about 1 min. just takes ages to pump by hand:-X
  15. Well done! Baby seat in the scammell soon as:D
  16. nice one Nick great pictures nice to see all the bits exposed like that hope thats it on the running repairs for a while:D
  17. all gone a bit quiet here again:yawn: Must be bloomin work getting in the way of pleasure:D
  18. My mate has one of those modern clarke presses with a large bottle jack on top and the thing is pure danger as it is made of steel and stores the energy like a spring and tends to send things flying:nut: My local smithy has a 1940's Denbigh hydraulic 150ton press that is so over built the thing weighs about 20 tons with a piston about 30" accross. things dont even make a cracking noise when they let go> he says the only problem with it is it won't take no for an answer and tends to flatten or distort things:shocked: Just goes to show old things are better than new stuff:-)
  19. got one of these on it's way:D hope it's up to the job.
  20. I was pottering about on the truck tonight fitting an air horn and discoverd a family of blue tits nesting in the end of the jib:flowers:
  21. Fair bloke Nick, how big was the press you used? was it one of those modern red ones with a hand pump? or something propper and cast iron? No pictures:embarrassed: was looking forward to pics of this operation what a disapiontment:embarrassed: I feel all let down now:blush: good luck. If you dont get it sorted in time just chain the beam up and run it 5 wheels:-D
  22. they were about this big and made the steering awfull heavy:DSomething went wrong...
  23. No more trips to the supermarket for a while:-( best put it back on ebay:cool2:
  24. Oh dear whats up with it? nothing too serious i hope:embarrassed:
  25. Well the hubs are both back on and sorted:D I now have a problem with the bloomin tyres. The crane outrigger is ok for removing the knackerd tyres but not so good on the tyres i need refit to my Scammell wheels. It squashes the side walls too much and i don't want to damage them. Before i go down the tyre fitters to get them removed (they are the type with the removable ring) Any one suggest a cheap bead breaker ect.
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